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Everything posted by BillsMafia13

  1. This. Idc how just build the baddest O line possible. Itll make the entire offense better
  2. I cant wrap my mind around why Buffalo is dragging its feet on OL and WR. Its blatantly obvious our WRs are the worst in the league by a mile, our OL is swiss cheese. If they cared so much about their qb investment why are they letting him get blitzkrieg'd and let down by garbage wrs. Am i missing something?
  3. Are either of the Broncos WRs worth trading for? DT signed until 2019, cap 17.5. Sanders through 2019, 13 mil cap. Specs might be off, but they both too pricey
  4. Get over it, you look lost. Darnold is a rookie, hes not gonna shoot lights out every night but ill bet my paycheck hed rather have McCown there than be all lone. It can only be beneficial to have experience in your corner, sans Peterman. Mahomes really looks lost after sitting a year and learning from Alex Smith
  5. I dont think you can really quantify a vets qbs value, especially not after 2 games. And those things are not tied together so thats moot. An extra pair of eyes, tips on how defenses play, any little bit of information would be huge for a qb as raw as allen. He didnt have the Manning camps like Rosen and Darnold did and its pretty evident out offensive coaching staff is blind deaf and dumb.
  6. Nobody is saying its a necessity, or the rookies have to imitate the vet, why cant people get over that. But having a veterans knowledge on the sidelines and the film room would be huge. Anyone who thinks no vet presence is better than none, please let me know
  7. There* We get it man, you're gonna cling to this crusade because you cant admit you were wrong. Just because you copied the way I wrote a word doesnt make you right, just immature. Those qbs didnt fail because of the vet qb, to say so is moronic. They were already destined to fail. Your logic is swiss cheese so let it go. Would you throw a kid behind the wheel at 16 with no training? No, an adult figure showing a kid the ropes is absolutely more beneficial. Stop arguing for the sake of argument.
  8. Nobody is saying thats the only thing to handicap him, but if you deny a veteran presence wouldnt be beneficial you're blind and stubborn. Especially for some one as raw as Allen is who probably never had a legit coach/mentor until now. Oh wait he still doesnt. And if you think Gentry would be more valuable to Allens development than a knowledgeable vet you're deluuuuuusional
  9. He looks like he could swashbuckle an entire cruise ship if he wanted to. Did you see him "shake hands" with his lineman but rubbing beards? I never thought he was that talented but you gotta love fitz as a player/person.
  10. Ok you're right, I would hate it but I could accept it I suppose. I never expected whats going down now though, player, coaches, drama, bad moves. Fans are the only consistent positive about this team.
  11. This ^^ Im so fine with taking out medicine because I/we have all known next year is when the pieces are supposed to come together. But damn we turning in to a joke, a dumpster inferno hotter than any browns team (imo) through the first two weeks. Id be cool with 0-16 but if the point diff is 60 points every week how long are we supposed to remain loyal.
  12. I havent paid much attention to the interviews after a signing. Have mcderms really been putting that much weight in to faith when hes signing/evaluating talent?
  13. This is so incorrect. If a player gets cut its because they werent good enough to play in the nfl, they are "fighting" for their place on the roster not the other way around. Worst case fake an injury and retire the next day, this was a big middle finger to all the guys around him and coward move. Besides, when have you ever heard of a player getting cut at half time?
  14. Whats worse? Marrones stupid mug and attitude, or Mcderms stupid motivation clapping while were down 40 points.
  15. I care less than Jay Cutler cares about coral bleaching in New Zealand
  16. Big time. Criticism is justified and expected, but gd anyone complaining must have expected him to walk in as an all pro and play lights out on the worst team in the league day 1
  17. Nope sorry, I think his story is finished. Time to trade him for a 6th and the panthers 5th string DT. Stick a fork in him
  18. Is he wrong though? How much talent have we lost/bypassed because they might not be the highest character players. Im not saying sign Greg Hardy but at you cant deny mcderms blinders have cost us potential talent for what?
  19. Do you know if we play zone or man on D? I dont know if i've ever seen so many open receivers less than 10 yards out, which still took 3 players to finish a tackle. Ugly ugly game
  20. Saw a ton of bad calls both ways that sucked. Even drunk me from the couch could call those
  21. 1) its the Browns. 2) Mayfield was number 1 because Cleveland made him #1, which says it all. 3) They might have 2 players drafted in the top 3 rounds still on their team from the last decade. 4) 1-31. 5) Browns failing is slightly more consistent than the sun rising. Although I agree, this year they might make some noise.
  22. I would do unspeakable things for a QB to rise to the top this college season and we get a haul like the browns did for RG3
  23. Lets not be so dramatic guy, no ones trying to throw you in guantanamo bay, its just a post about a game.
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