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Everything posted by Process

  1. Scary thing is if biden wins, it's only a matter of time before she is the president of the United States.
  2. She's awful. Pence just destroyed her on the issue of packing the court.
  3. Where at the buffalo harbour? A few years ago I would go to Buffalo Harbour state park, fish off the rocks. But haven't had any luck recently and only went once this summer.
  4. Schefter just said on ESPN one of the players who tested positive today was Corey Davis. I don't see any way the game happens this week but if somehow it does the titans would potentially be down their top 3 WRs. Also it's probably safe to assume he was at the workout last week, and there is spread throughout that group. Morons.
  5. I am all for suspensions, fines, loss of draft picks etc. But I don't see how any bills fan could possibly root for a forfeit. So stupid. Punish the hell out of the them but find a time to play the game.
  6. If they start making teams forfeit this whole season becomes a joke. The SB winner will already have an asterisk, start forfeiting games and you can throw on a few more *****
  7. I haven't watched them at all this year but it seems like this can't be a good move. They might have the worst group of skill position players in the league.
  8. You realize it won't be a hurricane by the time it reaches nashville right? Strong winds and rain favor the worse offense/passing game, so it benefits TN which is unfortunate, but they are not moving the game lol.
  9. They are not losing to the broncos, with or without cam. That will be the only other game he misses.
  10. How do the chiefs not go for two to go up 17?
  11. Possibly, we'll find out next week. Wilson>Mahomes for sure though.
  12. This can not be real life lmao. What a ****ing embarassment, coming from a republican who is as anti lib as they get.
  13. Wilson lit this defense up for 5 TDs. Mahomes gets all the love but Wilson is the best QB in the NFL right now, and it's probably not close.
  14. I don't know if Dodson is the answer, but I am very much in favor of moving Edmunds outside. Fact is he has been horrendous at MLB and isn't getting better. This is likely a move for the off-season though.
  15. Need two to tango. You don't really see teams trading starting linebackers in the middle of a season .
  16. This is obviously not good. Even if we were to lose him for an extended period, the bills are unbelievably fortunate when it comes to injuries compared to the rest of the league. So can't really complain. But he's our best linebacker that we don't have an adequate replacement for. There is a very noticeable difference when he isn't on the field. Fire up opposing TEs in fantasy.
  17. I have no idea. He's played one game. But I love the attitude and passion he brings.
  18. Who are your Superbowl contenders? The seahawks defense is worse than ours. Ravens just got destroyed by the chiefs and have a RB playing QB who has proven he can't win a big game. Is there one Superbowl contender this year?
  19. The chiefs are in a league of their own, we know that. The Ravens have a good defense and got destroyed by them. So you're basically saying there is one Superbowl contenders in the league this year? Who are your Superbowl contenders? Seahawks and packers? I would definitely take our defense over theirs.
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