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Everything posted by Process

  1. Cowboys down two scores. 500 yard game from dak and a loss incoming.
  2. A lot of people in the media after last year were saying Mahomes is the best QB in nfl history, after 3 years in the league. Absolutely mind boggling.
  3. So the chiefs... Went to overtime vs the chargers and rookie QB who found out he was starting 30 seconds before the game started Struggled to beat a patriots team without cam newton and likely only won because of atrocious qb play by the pats Losing in the 4Q vs the raiders People need to quit the MaHoMeS iS tHe BeSt Qb In HiStOrY talk lol. He's a top 3 qb for sure right now but I am not taking him over wilson or rodgers . Chiefs are beatable.
  4. Lmao no media at bills practice again. We'll never get an answer on Tre.
  5. So pats broncos next week isn't official? Then have bills and broncos play on Tuesday or Wednesday and go from there. Yes it would suck that that's not the team they've been preparing for but both teams would be in the same boat. What a cluster****
  6. Lol you dont shut down the entire league because two teams have outbreaks. The NFL needs to add weeks to the regular season to accommodate games that need to be rescheduled. It's not hard and they can figure out out as games are being played. But they are idiots.
  7. Players and coaches got together multiple times after the outbreak started, so no they haven't been isolated. If the virus spread at the off site workouts they could potentially go another week with more people testing positive. NFL needs to move or cancel the game and punish the hell out of them, just get it over with already.
  8. It's becoming more and more likely it's not an injury at all. Hopefully we get some answers from McD tomorrow. If tre is that concerned about COVID he should have just sat out the season instead of playing these games. He's not the only one in the league with young children. Even if he's not going to play, guy is just a no show at practice all week? Every other injured player was at least with the team. And we have 0 reason to believe he's hurt so bad that he can't even stand around during practice. If it is what it smells like it's a bunch of bs to be honest.
  9. How have we gone all week without mcdermott being asked about what's going on with Tre?
  10. I feel like I'm missing something. Why the hell do so many bills fans think the titans win this game lol?.. Bills 31 Titans 27
  11. In 5 week span bills play the raiders, titans, chiefs, jets and patriots. That's a schedule from covid hell. Hopefully we make it though without any major outbreaks.
  12. Lynn should have been fired the second he punted vs the chiefs in overtime. That team is loaded with talent, I'm actually not impressed with lynn at all.
  13. Bears defense is legit. Bears, colts and steelers may be the only good defenses in the NFL this year.
  14. Prep time doesn't matter. What matters is prep time compared to KC. Before it was the same for both teams, now kc gets two more days than the bills.
  15. Because he doesn't know. The league clearly has no idea what to do if the game can't be played this week. That would need to be figured out.
  16. Right now we have no reason to believe there won't be more positives. Still a very good chance the game doesn't happen and we play the chiefs next Thursday with an extra bye week before hand.
  17. I mean this was easy to predict but still so stupid. Tennessee should not only lose draft picks but they should have to give picks to the bills/steelers.
  18. If the titans game somehow happens this week, white and brown need to sit. We can beat the titans without them, especially considering they will be without at least 2 of their top 3 WRs. Need them healthy for KC.
  19. I don't see how Monday/Tuesday would work. The titans would need no positives tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday to open up on Sunday. So after being off for two weeks they are going to have one day of practice and then play Monday?
  20. It's such a big issue that should be getting more attention.
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