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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. she has some garden-variety TDS judging by her Twitter posts, but who doesn’t nowadays. I agree she is likely pretty nice.
  2. I played around on 270towin.com this afternoon and got a pretty realistic narrow win for Trump (270-268): https://www.270towin.com/maps/moKYY Problem is, Trump has little room for error. My money’s still on Biden winning a close one. But, plenty of time to go and plenty of gaffes to be had.
  3. I’ve heard tell that riots are simply the voice of the unheard.
  4. PA is safe for Biden. Pittsburgh, Philly, and Scranton. The other three states will be interesting.
  5. we need Chris Brown to get us the juicy scoop on their reasons for stepping down.
  6. I know MY opinion has been heavily swayed by all the fine, well-thought-out posts on here!
  7. Polls mean nuttin’. Still a lot of time until election day.
  8. Pandemic is OVAH!!!!! https://www.wivb.com/news/march-on-washington-preparations/?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_medium=referral Mayor Bowser’s comments... cringe.
  9. I’ll throw in a bid. Wait, nevermind, just saw it’s already up to $24000.
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/buffalonews.com/news/local/state-and-regional/impact-of-local-covid-19-cases-on-bills-fans-and-issues-with-airports-and-gyms/article_a50fdfd6-e7b1-11ea-9e14-c3a220fb18bf.amp.html Despite continued discussion and work on a "return-to-the-stadium plan," and hopes that the stadium will be opened to fans in October, Poloncarz said no plan can move forward while the region's confirmed case numbers remain consistently above the state average. "If the numbers don't go down and we're still the highest part of New York State, I'm doubtful that we're going to see games in October be allowed," he said. "It's in everyone's hands. If you like going to a Bills game, be smart out there. Wear a mask. Try to safely socially distance when you can."
  11. I’d totally do it if I could score tickets. Minus the adult diaper / leg urinal thing... plenty of room in the bathrooms and not everyone goes all at once. Could block off every other urinal and stall. Besides, what did they do at the protests when nature called? ?
  12. that’s a good point. Would raising the ticket prices temporarily be a non-starter? I bet they could find 10,000 people willing to shell out double the usual cost of a seat (or more) to be able to go watch in person (even with the watered-down experience of not having a full house).
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