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Everything posted by RiotAct

  1. that’s a good point. Would raising the ticket prices temporarily be a non-starter? I bet they could find 10,000 people willing to shell out double the usual cost of a seat (or more) to be able to go watch in person (even with the watered-down experience of not having a full house).
  2. yep schools are reopening... a few districts are doing remote-only but quite a few are offering a “hybrid” model where kids go in-person a couple days a week.
  3. Do you live in Western NY? Compliance is pretty much 100% here in businesses that require masks, which is every single one... I’m out in stores quite a bit (at least 4x a week). I’ve seen maybe two guys in the last month not wearing a mask. Nevermind, saw you’re in Missouri. Are ICUs really still at capacity in the state? Dang.
  4. there’s zero percent chance of him physically attending the game (unless he is invited by the organization or sneaks in disguised as an employee... ?)... so I would think the record would stand guilt-free.
  5. Man, if only there were other outdoor activities recently where large quantities of people gathered together (in very close proximity) that could be used as a guideline... hmmmmm...
  6. I think it boils down to, it’s easier to just throw your hands up and say “no fans allowed!” than to come up with a workable plan for letting people in at a reduced capacity with the proper guidelines. There’s no way on earth it absolutely can’t be done, especially with the technology and manpower at the organization’s disposal. This is assuming that there’s no underlying political pretext here with the learned officials who were part of the “much discussion and collaboration”...
  7. Now that they announced this measure, we certainly will be safe and healthy!
  8. I give it a 1% chance that they’ll change their tune for games 3&4 (and beyond). The narrative will either be “cases are SKYROCKETING since kids are back in school!!!!!” or “let’s continue to be as safe as possible so we don’t end up like those southern states”.
  9. I mean, yeah, laws exist for a reason.
  10. I mean, to be fair, the chances of someone catching something and dying at a game are a lot greater if you actually allow people to attend said game. That said, you have to pull the trigger at some point. The whole “no mass gatherings because they’re too dangerous” song and dance can’t go on forever.
  11. yep. I’m firmly in the “let people in at a reduced capacity with the proper precautions” camp, but it’s a not-insignificant competitive advantage if a team who is allowed live fans plays a team who isn’t. (Well, except for the Dolphins and Chargers since usually the road team has more fans there anyways... har har)
  12. who’s “his flock”? Please provide specifics.
  13. so he’s do “whatever it takes” to save lives in the COVID -19 crisis.That’s sounds commendable, but... what does it entail? Shutting down everything deemed “non-essential” for a couple more years, devastating millions more economically? Mask mandates until we get a vaccine with an effectiveness over a certain percentage or until the last case nationwide is cleared? What, exactly?
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