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Everything posted by Chicharito

  1. The right side of the line started opening holes and he was holding his blocks pretty well . Hard to get a good feel though seemd like Miami kind of laid down defensively after the skirmish.
  2. Who pissed in your corn flakes? Nice job @OldTimeAFLGuy that’s pretty funny!
  3. Ughhhh... and the bandits lost there home opener .
  4. I doesn’t matter who the running back is if you don’t have guys upfront that can block.
  5. Falling into a situation where you have an established HOF qb will really jump start your coaching career.
  6. I’m pretty sure he will end up in New England next year.
  7. Anyone that attended today’s game witnessed an over load of lions fans! Thank you lions fans from what I witnessed today as a brought my son to his first regular season game (he’s 7) today for his birthday you guys were classy all the way around . High fiveing and one guy actually bought my son a box of skittles. I usually dread every game knowing that the guy who owns the 10 seats next to mine seems to only sell to opposing team fans. Section 121. So my hat goes off to all you lions fans that we encountered today in the stadium and in the parking lot. Good luck the rest of the way.
  8. There is no denying the awful play of our offensive line. But one player I’ve been watching is Dion Dawkins aka the noshoman. He seems to be getting a pass by all this year. His man always seems to be in the backfield . I like this kid and hope it’s just the sophomore slump.
  9. In all seriousness I’m putting this on who ever is making the decisions involving this revolving door of punters. You need consistency in taking snaps and placing the ball for a kicker. You can’t bring a guy in on Thursday and throw him in. A kicker has to have a ball placed a certain way. If they knew they were going to make a switch why not have Barkley take snaps and hold the ball.
  10. I don’t understand why Logan Thomas wasn’t activated or croom was so under used!
  11. Maybe he’s just trying to get Benjamin to that tight end weight booger was talking about.
  12. When was the last time a Florida or Texas team has won anything? Tampa in early 2000’s and Nevada doesn’t have a team at this moment. California has extremely high taxes and look everyone wants to play for the rams. It’s all about the quarterback. If you have one they will come!
  13. We have a pretty good kid that just turned 20 that doesn’t get dominated!
  14. Anyone else see Walt Coleman getting Annoyed at tre when trying to call a penalty ?
  15. Sorel boots are great boots ! Very warm and waterproof. They are real snow boots not like those Ugg’s the millennials rock these days.
  16. I bet it was from the high school kids at the section 6 playoffs. Someone probably dared to do it .
  17. We have a season high 250 yards on the ground. 34-17 bills!!!!!!
  18. Better go back and fact check it was like 80. You know just another typical Sunday in September. You must be from out of town and thinking my city is always cold. ???
  19. I was at this game. My old lady was pregnant and left the game because it was too hot and she started to get sick! I stayed like a true fan!!!!!!!!!!
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