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Everything posted by Chicharito

  1. Possibly but we will never know because AB is going to explode and tear down that locker room because Edelman got more looks than him. Then call him and Brady crackers then this whole thing blows up. ?
  2. What if we had a bullet train as a logo to overstep the politically charged thoughts? Not that I would ever want to change anything about our teams identity now!
  3. I was at this game. I was 7 years old and all I remember is seeing guys with the field goal posts over their shoulders trotting thru the parking lot. I remember asking my mom if we could go on the field and she wouldn’t let me and I was mad. Those were the days when us kids were only brought because they didn’t pay us down and we could sneak in the beer.??????
  4. I think AB realized he actually wanted to be in Buffalo and he’s pulling the crazy act to get here?
  5. Hulu live is the way to cheat the system. It let’s you change your broadcast region. It’s great especially after we play at 1 we don’t have to watch the cowgirls and listen do that bore joe buck.
  6. The bengals said weeks 4 and 8 color rush, I hope we have 2 games in our color rush uniforms. I know I’m probably in the minority on this but I like those uniforms.
  7. I always thought the same about punters and kickers.
  8. So at the end of the preseason when most rosters become set you want in? Good luck!
  9. J-E-T-S suck suck suck is what I’m rolling with this year
  10. We will beat the patriots once this year and I don’t know why everyone is marking up Cleveland and Pittsburgh as a lose? Cleveland will underachieve too many egos. Pittsburgh although will be a very tough game we will grind out the win with our O-line getting containment as we run it all game, this is where McDermott and co surprise us with a clock control game.
  11. I would say Bodine . He wasn’t very good last night!
  12. And their has to be a rookie contract due to players not living up to the contracts the owners were handing out as they were busts. Zeke is one more arrests from getting the boot from goodell anyway. I wouldn’t pay him either.
  13. Bills vs. L.A Rams Monday night October 16 1989. I was 7. My mom was and still is the coolest!?
  14. For the most part they do. Players get guaranteed money up front. That is what they want. Front loaded contracts. Then when the money is lower in the backend they a) hold out because now it’s not enough b) don’t live up to the contract and are released. What am I missing here?
  15. Somewhere Rex Ryan is drooling over that woman’s foot in the left side of this picture ?
  16. So who do you guys think cracks first. Gordon or Zeke? I don’t get leaving millions of dollars Just laying out to dry. That’s me though! You signed the contract honor what you signed.
  17. I was on a flight home today from Tampa and he was on our flight. I just wished him good luck on the season. He seemed very humble and surprised that anyone even knew him. But bills mafia knows their roster!
  18. First off I have now been to 5 nfl stadiums with “downtown” settings. Cleveland, Denver, Pittsburgh, Charlotte, and now Jacksonville. I went to The Rolling Stones concert in Jacksonville last night. If the nfl wants to pressure the bills to build a new stadium Jacksonville has to build a new one. That stadium is small. I can’t even believe The playing surface is big enough for an nfl game. I literally felt like I was on top of the person next to me. Kind of like being at Fenway Park. With th the obvious traffic problem that will persist if and when a new stadium is built downtown will be atrocious. All DT stadiums have these problems so please Mr. and MRS. Pegula don’t do it.
  19. With the skyway contest actually being a real thing. The stadium is going downtown. Something new will be replacing the skyway.
  20. I got home today a seen a red package and said oh what did the wife order now? Nope it was my season tickets. I can’t wait!
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