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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. I was just about to tell you technically the other thread was 2 months old and about something different... but then you locked it...?
  2. Ummm... did you fill the Kegerator with koolaid!? Love me some Bills, bit 2 seems a weeeee but high no? Unless.... you werent one of Marcell's 2 friends were you???
  3. Shame this wasnt being discussed in another thread. Maybe its just me, but 2 threads about Kay?? THAT would make the bye week imo!!
  4. Cool story bro? I guess im lost or fail to see... you are a bills fan who went to the bar to cheer for your team?
  5. Unless its the sister from a league of their own! Drums sets are also referred to as kits by the cool cats
  6. Right?! Im not sure how this argument even exists. Its ALL based on speculation. We are on the outside looking in and no one has access to him or his chart. What are we even doing here??
  7. I personally hate all this over reaction. Dont get me wrong, i knew it was coming. The kids a kid. I had come to terms the NE game was nothing more than a measuring stick. BB has made PLENTY of young QBS look downright silly. Look no futher than last years SB for a good example. Dudes just get plain stifled and flummoxed. It sucks, but my opinion of Allen wasn't going to dip a ton even if it was a poop show - which is was, but he had a redeeming drive before the injury as well. THAT is the D he will eventually have to wrangle. Less than a full season under his belt, and he clearly wasnt up to the task - but thats ok! Not many QBs are. Its just a good measure of where we are at when **** gets real. He will continue to progress and hopefully next time that comes around he will have improved and put up more of a fight. Just bc he had a reprieve last year doesn't really make it a thing. He wont magically be better each time he gets a rest. This is his team, and these are the bumps everyone talks about. Some reactions and this start Barkley crap make me embarassed for some of you. Rather hypocritical if you ask me. Want the kid to handle adversity but the fans cant handle it themselves. When he can, get him in there and dont look back!!! Im sorry that we didnt get to knock NE off their proverbial perch in a game the D played well enough where it could have been accomplished. Itll happen. Until it does, some people need to grow up and stop acting like 2 year olds that didnt get their way. The tide is turning. Be patient. Yeesh
  8. I thought the same thing but then caught myself bc Allen has been pretty fumble prone this year as well. With all this concussed talk, im surprised no one brought up the time (against the Steelers maybe?) That Kelly had sustained a concussion and as he was calling his own plays proceeded to to call the same play 3x in a row. The players thought it a bit odd, but it was a different time. He probably shouldnt have been in the game at that point. Kelly has actually had a few good stories of being knocked silly over the years. He told them in a way that was funny, but now that its such a sensitive issue its prob poor taste.
  9. Then once again, youve shown you dont know football. This is common sense, and if you cant tell an apple from an orange and recognize and respect the difference i have to ask for the umteenth time- what are you really even doing here?
  10. Ya, but NP was a flier, JA is a #7 over all pick. Thats the king and short of it and nothing more needs to be said regarding it. I dont disagree, but its apples and oranges
  11. As Wood just stated, he will no doubt arrive to a fedex envelope in his locker wed. Book it
  12. I think the cracks in your posts are starting to show... imo;)
  13. Tomatoes Tomahtoes If you want to take a finite frame and decide that its his fault and that makes you sleep better bc you are a Pats fan, fine. In the overall context when watched at full speed, its dirty and a penalty was called accordingly. That said, hopefully this turns into a rivalry rather than being an automatic 2 losses. Ive posted on opponents message boards dont get me wrong... but i wonder why you felt it was important enough to come and compliment and then try to clear the air by placing blame on the qb... feeling guilty??;) Lastly, credit where its do, you werent ignorant in stating your opinion. Scott Zolak however... how does he still have a job? Most media personalities dont swear at people on twitter, kind of a bad look. How does dude still have a job?
  14. Close to considering Barkley...okay... now that youve considered him, what can you do about it? Right.. nothing. How about you consider not being a troll? Something you can actually control!
  15. Stop acting like you didnt say it when even you admit you did!! I replied to your comment, but my initial comments weren't even directed at you but you seemed to take exception. The Bills ACTUAL quarterback play has no effect my feelings towards a player on another team. You are a Bills fan afterall, right? Besides isnt it a little petty to respond to me saying 'On to the Titans' w/'Im done with you?' Fwiw, thats a polite way of saying this is silly, lets move on.... "No, I broke up with you!! You didnt dump me!!!'
  16. No, your team just lost but turned in a good effort and your take away is we could have had Mahomes?! I just dont get that line of thinking. Hindsight is always 20/20. It is what it is - such is life. Deal with the hand you are delt, why fixate on what isnt and will never be? If thats how you wanna deal with a loss then more power to you. Id rather focus on reality and this team going forward. Now, moving on to the Titans!!
  17. Strawman? Ok, you keep saying the Bills coulda had mahomes. 10 years from now ill check back in to hear you still saying we could have had mahomes. Sounds like a fun way to spend 10 years. Grow up and root for reality - not what could have been.
  18. Coulda had Brady too! I mean, how long are we really going to do this for? Its pointless. Same as rationalizing games by ' well if this happened then we'd have won'. It sucks they lost. It was there for the taking. As C.T. said, the tide is turning. This team is coming of age. Sure the O needs to catch up but thats a REALLY good D. They took their lumps and stayed in the game and made it interesting. They put up a respectable fight and should have fans encouraged for the rest of the season. This time to find a new qb crap is just dumb. Grow up and be a man football fan. Some of these comments make me ashamed for Bills fans. Couple butt hurt idiots making themselves look like fools. Sad. Dont hang your head - be encouraged. They hung with the Pats proving they can hang w/anyone. Not something we've been able to say w/out and flukiness in 18 years. Cheers!!
  19. Smh... Furthermore, you only won by that much?? We should play!!!;)
  20. Come talk to me when you're off probation;) Smdh?‍♂️
  21. Its gotta be pretty hard to get one of these in now days. From where im standing, theres only 1 way that comes to mind - and for that, the carrier deserves to get to throw it wherever he or she wants...
  22. Not as bad as watching the NE game w the Bills getting crushed and the tool next to you says he doesnt mind bc he has Brady as his FQB1. Honest to god, i dont play myself for that reason. I might be missing out, but at least ill never be THAT idiot
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