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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Some folks, the only way to get them to be positive is to trick them!!
  2. That was the point! And why she rolled her eyes and laughed... I was hoping that by my walking arnd w it all day would be good juju and the football gods wld sway McBeane. It didnt help, but thats all right by me!!
  3. Well chronicled in Believeland, and in line w 4 falls of Buffalo!
  4. I get what @big curt is saying, we arent out of the clear yet by any means - but this league is SSSSOOOO week to week. After the 1st Bears game people were ready to sting Mitchy up and stone him. 1 bad game does a lot more harm than it used to. BUT like they were saying on the radio yesterday, this is how Bills fans cope. To be invested in Allen is the same as being invested in the 4-0 2011 Buffalo Bills. It stings when it doesnt work for sure so you dont go all in with the heart. No doubt if the Bills fall this week theyll be plenty of anti josh threads as the crap from past weeks game day threads will leak on to the rest of the board in actual topics. 1 good game later he will be back in everyones good graces. Is allens fate sealed either way? No. But dont discount the good and fun for fear of the bad. Thatll naturally happen. Its possible Mahomes falls off a cliff at some point. Likley? No, but bonafide star qbs take a few years to take shape. They can fall just as fast, just look st Cam. Enjoy the ride man! And not for nothing, i think there is a way to enjoy w out being heart broken...but its not as simple as putting homer glasses on and off
  5. No joke, I carried a post it around in my pocket all day. After the pick i yelled and screamed and scared the crap out of my dogs. I remembered the postit in my pocket, crumbled it up and tossed it on the ground. My wife thought i was being a little ridiculous as she correctly went with the school of thought 'they know more/better than us and Allens now our guy', even though she was a tyrod fan. After i left the room she burst out laughing and said 'Really'?!? She had picked up and read the postit. It said 'Rosen no matter what'.
  6. Which explains why the 1st one has other videos w 2.2k views and only 16 comments. Some people are singers and can rip the hell out of a song. Others sang in church and fancy themselves singers... which is the vibe i get w 1 - which is a shame bc shes very pretty... and then comes the rest of the video...
  7. Uh oh... edmunds and ford haters will hate on this lol
  8. Knox has done some good things. IMO, he had 2 momentum killing drops though. I feel like the 3rd qtr against the Giants wldnt have been such a bummer if he catches that. And it went right...through... his hands. Sweeney should have a NFL TD on his stat sheet. Why he was waiting for that ball to come to him and fall into his chest is beyond me. Knox could have afforded to do that on his TD. If Tommy high points that ball rather than letting if get batted away at the last second by a defender who wasnt even looking bc he was waiting (not to mention an NFL TE should know you catch with your hands, not your chest as it can bounce off) Id feel better about him. Not to say both cant be good TEs, but both are still coming into their own and therefore imo cant be counted on as weapons to make plays...yet.
  9. Worthless to you, theres obviously value there that you choose not to see. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but we saw his value the 1st 2 weeks where his presence enabled allen to change the plays or diagnose the D due to his presence. Furthermore, Sal has stated a few times the team considers him a RB rather than a FB.
  10. And Beane has essentially admitted as much. It was interesting that was the only ? Where he actually pointed out it was an excellent question and proceeded to imply it was a concern
  11. I knew it was something... certainly not a player who goes on to sign w said team. Thatd be pretty silly
  12. I find it interesting how multiple page debates occured last march about how RF was destined to be this years number one and the thought of slowing the roll was mad. That didnt progress the way they thought. And by no means was i rooting for it- id love a star in the making. It was just a question of is he that good, or a product of being devoid at the position. The scales are starting to tip...
  13. Rayray is bitter he got cut, now hes trying to sabotage us down in CAR. We see what you are trying to do!!! HA!!
  14. Dude is a tool for sure, but us criticizing him for his cheap shot and then taking a cheap shot back at him makes us no better. This isnt hockey, and thats not how it works. Maybe the correct response would have been to address it as it happened and its a shame it wasnt BUT you dont see the issue in dogging someone for a cheap shot and then calling for a cheap shot back? If you root for him to be taken out fine, but the cheap shot should just be accepted. Otherwise its terribly hypocritical and nonsense. If we **(** about the cheap shot, it should be handled like a man - not stooping to his level imo
  15. His last legs came in season 2 in dallas. He was arguably in his prime coming to buffalo. The league was changing, and they couldnt keep a sb winning qb on the bench. There wasnt a huge qb market, so you take the 1st rd pick where you can get it - ESPECIALLY if you are the Pats
  16. Does this really need to be brought up in EVERY thread discussing JAs game? As they did on sunday - these things even out as the season rolls along. You could say 'what if' for litterally any play. If you are here posting then odds are you watched the game and know whats up...
  17. Sssooooo.... we dog a dude for a nasty cheap shot and its really our own fault.... and the solution is us getting a goon to take a cheap shot?! Should this really have to be pointed out? Then we are as bad as them and thats just for starters. Ill just leave it at that as i shouldnt even need to explain the rest..
  18. All of a sudden you care if allen is injured? You were practically rooting for it yesterday... Piece of work man, pick a side!!
  19. This seems like itd be right up Shaw66s alley imo
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