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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. Back when you'd just get tossed lol. Curious, did they get his info and threaten to ban him or anything? Or was it just a walk to the gate and see ya later?
  2. Id never thought to compare these two teams before. Interesting
  3. This fooled the poor guy who called Sal's show wanting to talk about the coach who was fired lol. Poor guy!!
  4. Good idea, if you plan on making fun of somone else's auto correct - you should prob fix your own as well... unless you got a full ride to art COLLEGE based on your collages.... Seems to have brought us full circle to your original post. Back on topic, go Bills/Bulls!!!!!
  5. I think you have me confused with someone else so maybe set the keyboard aside before you hurt yourself. I didnt say anything about college football for starters... and your retort to me telling you to knock the childish nonsense off is telling me you 'do not care what kind of silly nonsense' i post?! Lol, at least TRY man. You called someone a duche when everyone is celebrating a win. Grow up, chill out, and enjoy the W. Save the silly bickering for when we are losing so you fit in better!!
  6. Not to mention if that was Fitz making that pass it would have looked like a traditional dowfield bomb. Not his fault he has a rocket that makes it look easy;)
  7. Thats pretty bad, even for you... Bills won and won well. Enjoy it! No need for silly nonsense
  8. Happy post rando thoughts day to you too!! Fwiw, there wasnt a 'DUH' rep point/button/emoji
  9. Something we havent seen much this year are roll outs on broken plays w/a wr wide open downfield to be hit so he can be off to the races. I feel like that happened relatively often w/tyrod. Just busted or abandoned coverages w the wr just following the qb downfield.
  10. The 1st thing i thought of after hearing this was how JS chooses which one of his 30 accounts hes going to sign in and post as here;)
  11. The correct title would be... Brady vs Jimmy G in the SB? But then its another silly question title Maybe - Brady and Jimmy G could face off in super bowl! Or maybe for some mystique... Master vs Apprentice in SB!! And im not even trying!!!! Otherwise this just looks like a post thats aged terribly in the last hour (and could revert in the next lol) Wait.. what are we talking about again?!
  12. I mean... (and for once i dont mean to be a snark) says who? Respectfully, as you dont make those decisions IF he does it is what it is. Like it or love it, McD is here for a bit. This current iteration of the team is 110% him. If for no other reason than stability barring the apocalypse this coach was probably getting more time than the last few ninnies to come through here. At this point a small contingent of the fan base are the only ones who seem to have an issue. Things may not be great, but they are the best they have been since the 90s. Just bc fans think a plan takes 3 yrs doesnt mean ownership would break it off early before its come to fruition. This was supposed to be the 1st yr on the upswing, and, bumps and all it has been. Like i said in another thread - last offseason was getting the ingredients and building depth. Next offseason will be more the icing on the cake to fortify. If in 2 years we are still here then maybe theres an issue but thats a ways off.
  13. Gore has done what he needed to do - and arguably more. He will have a few more solid runs in him this year, but hopefully in a reserve roll for the odd change of pace. DS needs a tape job? Enter Gore. Clock chewing? Gore can be trusted. Gotta get big and use a battering ram? Agree or disagree, Gore. Id said all year for good or bad, better or worse, Gore is always good for 2 yrds. 2nd and 10? 2 yrds. 3rd and 1? 2 yrds. That goaline stuffing served with the Skins game killed that BUT he still serves a purpose and really, he shouldnt be a feature back at this point anyway. One thing I do know for ABSOLUTE sure?? I trust Gore 100000000000x more than Yedlon. Obviously they do as well.
  14. I dont know, but ive learned when people ask questions in their title if you click on the topic they arent really ASKING... but theyll answer their own question!! It seems the answer is no;)
  15. Maybe part of the issue is they are winning. When you are losing, all you have is getting jazzed about big plays and seeing potential/future. They came out winning safe and dont want to screw it up. Funny how we cant have it both ways, but that doesnt stop 30% of this board from trying. People just want Allen to be the inept combo of Manuel/JP sssooooo bad its ruining what should be a fun season (not to mention most convos on this board) for them bc he isnt Mahomes. Nevermind how terrible most of the qb play is, he isnt top 5 now and thats apparently just not acceptable. BB facebook groups became unreadable.... its leaked over to here now. People used to blame BB.com shutting the boards, which wasnt fair bc most imports were excellent posters. Sadly, a few cool cats ruined it and gave em a bad name. Weve long since passed it but the hysterics never got toned back down lol
  16. Youve seen him play both in years past and this year? Is this sarcasim?
  17. This fantasyland must be the biggest bummer ever. Here i thought they were supposed to be fun and care free!
  18. And THAT is the issue. IF this is dead even, wtf are we even doing here?! We are dead even w a team that was trying to tank?? Im not sure if this is an under or over reaction - and im not even taking direct issue with WHAT you said... but if we are even w/a 2 win team then we have problems. This is 'AGS' aside, we SHOULD win this game. My frustrstion is that whether the are playing the cream of the crop or the lowest of the low, the philosophy seems to be to have 1 more point than the other team at the final whistle. That means a win, so that aspect is fine BUT the play calling and conservative nature of the over all picture is what drives me nuts. Either getting out to a 17 point lead and milking the clock to win 17-16 or scoring just enough to stay in it so that last second score puts them ahead. Meanwhile most good teams go for the JUGULAR and get a 20pt win. A win is a win dont get me wrong, but when you play that style it eventually catches up with you like yesterday. Had they been going for TDs rather than FGs it could have been a comfortable victory. If the team is a bad team and thats their only means of a win - fine. I dont believe the Bills NEED to play that style to win. I dont think this was ever going to be THE year as its more gelling, securing depth and the base, and learning how to play with each other until they can 'level up' again like last offseason except next yr will be the icing on the cake type signings and pick rather than the ingredients like last. Still, i think those 'ingredients ' are good enough to hold their own rather than cling to a small lead. THAT is my issue w the 2019 Buffalo Bills
  19. Things bounced our way a few times this year and we were the benefactors of it with a win. When you play to score 1 more point than the other team, there isnt much room for error. It didnt shake out our way today and thats the long and short of it. It stings, but it is what it is.
  20. I think its pretty apparent there are those on this board who just dislike Allen and thus, for each loss, make him the scapegoat. It gets pretty old because there is no objectivness to their posts. Some are actually good posters in other areas, but their disdain for the qb clouds their overall outlook. And look, im not saying the kid is blameless, he isnt. However for the aforementioned posters - anything short of him floating down to the 50 in a superman getup and single handedly putting up 50pts with one throw means its time to get a new qb. I like this grade bc it takes into account the terrible positions he was put in by his OC. When asked to execute, aside from the deep balls - he pretty much did. Hes the QB so i understand WHY he gets the blame for the D letdown, the missed kicks, and the loss as a whole but this agenda stuff to make the 2nd yr qb the scapegoat is getting REALLY old. Ill never understand if these people are actually fans or just like to half pay attention so they have something to complain about.
  21. Stopped reading after your 1st absured comment. Sadly, id imagine it only goes downhill from there..
  22. Thats honestly your takeaway?! If so, your football acumen seems pretty suspect. Like the idiot who called the postgame show saying he wants to see a VET come and try and make these throws - WHAT?! YES, the deep balls need to come.... the sooner the better, but itll happen. It would have helped today, esp on the McKenzie throw BUT thats like 14th on the list of whats going on. When you play to outsocre the other team by a point, then the margin for error is much smaller and when everything doesn't go your way you end up with a game like today. Plain STUPID things like being lucky they fell for the 1st Allen TD. Is our OC really that naive to think they are dumb enough to fall for it AGAIN?! Thats crap you try in Little Loop - NOT the NFL. Its just a pure WASTE of a redzone play!! Same with essentially the entire construct of the 3 plays prior to H missing his 1st FG attempt. The only shot at the endzone is essentially a throwaway?! GO FOR THE JUGULAR!! 3rd and short and we go for a bomb that was essentially another throwaway?! Some will complain it was a poor pass by Allen, but he knew he was throwing into double coverage and put it over everyones head to be safe. Piss poor playcall right inline w 3 Gore runs up the middle last week and 3rd and 4 on the last play before the last attempt. A FADE route?! Low % play to begin with and just a safe dump by Allen bc it wasnt there. I guess props to Allen for knowing to be safe with it, but good god its poor playcalling. Its like he says to himself 'ok, i know this stuff works but this stuff doesnt so lets see if we can try and get it going' RATHER THAN DOING WHATS BEEN WORKING. At the start of the year it seemed as though plays were being stacked and each had a purpose to set stuff up for later in the game. Now its like he has a conservative play dart board and hes just chucking darts. Allen makes some GREAT throws and hopefully he is who we hope. Sure the fumbles and deep ball need to be fixed. Yes, Motor could have been involved more. Of course, if the D makes a stop they win. Obviously 2 FG change the score. Having a guy to make a play for the qb rather than watching poor drops. THESE are ALL legitimate gripes. Sadly, they are all down the list because first and foremost the crappy conservative playcalling needs to be fixed becuase id imagine youd win more games trying to win 40 to 16 rather than 17-16. Time and place Daboll, time and place...
  23. That was just as much a throwaway as it was a deep shot. TERRIBLE play call that never had a shot.
  24. You always mention how long youve been a fan, are you not used to this by now?! Plus, why would you want the type of hype a team like the Browns have gotten?! They wont get the perennially dominant team hype/respect and the other kind is flash in the pan. Take care of business and do what you do. Who cares if anyone notices?! Sometimes this small city grudge is kinda silly/annoying. Besides, if someone talks about the Bills being 6-2 the 1st thing they say is 'ya but look who theyve played' which, isnt their fault as u play who u play... but is that fun for you to listen to?!
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