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Everything posted by gobills1212

  1. They chose to go with the white. Teams have 1 TB and the Bills went with the white after phasing out the blue around the time of AFL 100
  2. I mean... is there really anyone who wouldnt choose Miller?! Lol
  3. The entire point of my post was stating a trade has NOTHING to do with why hes sitting.... so im confused why you labeled it confused if you agree with me... Maybe... youd hope bc he seemed like a good guy and teammate but during Beane's interview when questioned if Lesean being cut had anything to do with a lighter load and not being 'the guy' Beane nervously chuckled, complemented the question, and then said they never approached him to ask but it was indeed a consideration so... who knows. To me he always seemed like a good teammate but liked his attention and it kinda made you wonder what would happen if he was denoted to second fiddle. Of course this is all speculation but they made the move and it is what it is.
  4. @MJS "Being down" = sitting, as is this is the 2nd week Yeldon hasnt dressed. Hopefully that clears up your confusion;) Agreed, but i also dont think it was as simple as simply saying it. If dude was going to pout about a lesser role then what can you do? He certianly wouldnt have been happy not dressing...
  5. Right?! I was just thinking how itll be refreshing to at least not have the qb harped on after a loss. We have some idiots harping on him after a win! If you have to stretch that far to blame todays game on Allen you just dont like the dude.
  6. Lol right? Not to mention its week 2 of him being down...
  7. Game changing play on a terrible call by an idiot OC
  8. They upset the packers a few yrs back in allllllll blue!!
  9. I like the all blue personally. After the 70s and 80s where they had the blue pants but always went oppo colors its cool to see them switch it up. I always thought, you have the pants anyway so why not give it a go. The Bills had blue pants for many years and then in 87 when they got rid of the blue facemasks and changed from Sand Knit jerseys to Champion, the blue pants turned into their practice pants. People do forget however that there was a period of the above style jersey (just sand knit rather than champion) where they did still have white helmets. So, save for the red helmet (which is the cherry on top for most) you could actually do a throwback of that style bc no one ever gets the number fonts correct anyway. Itd be close, just sans red helmet and still be accurate to the late 70s early 80s OJ/Fergy era. This entire thing was weird. I own Kellys blue and white throwback jerseys from that year. The blue is off on the blues and the white is sharp...but neither match an actual style worn by the team so in that sense the helmets make sense. The entire thing was more a reimagining
  10. Is this the same Allen guy i keep reading about in every other thread too?
  11. 1st rep point is deserved. Nice to see a rational take from a newbie for a change!
  12. Do you not watch the NFL outside of Bills games? I mean no offence, but around the league there is an epidemic of substandard QBing. Combined with how week to week this league has become (anointing someone a future HOFer one week, calling them trash the next) the coveted Franchise Quarterback is few and far between. Long gone are the days where a qb was given YEARS to settle in before a decision can be made about their future but it doesn't change the fact that these guys still need to learn. Im concerned the growing contingent of fans who compare their young QB to the Mahomes type may never be able to enjoy a nfl game again because if thats the expectation- they will no doubt be let down. Your 'favorite' team is 5-1. They are winning WHILE their young QB is developing. At somepoint in the future a decision will need to be made, but there are so many factors at play here these cats calling for a new QB because they have already made up their minds about this one has me embarrassed for them. Im sorry you feel dissapointed Miami wasnt thrashed yesterday.... but this crap about doubting your qb at this juncture in his tenure as the Bills qb is insane. Meanwhile, if next week he lights it up the flip flop will begin and the bandwagon fills back up. I guess i give you credit for having the balls to put this out there given how silly it truly is, but at the same time im worried you dont understand what a over reaction it is and it may just be pure ignorance. The sky is not falling yet. Keep this to the nonsense with the game threads. Your team is 5-1. Id hate to see you when faced with a REAL problem.
  13. Nah. I mean maybe there are people out there who feel that way but ive actly been impressed w the answers. If someone is upset about a chick announcing in this day and age where each and every network employs chicks then its a much deeper issue than not liking her bc shes a woman
  14. 4 words. Nails on a chalk board. Its nice if she wants to be a play by play announcer, and more power too her. Fouts and his Maddenisims are one thing, but that just has me rolling my eyes. Beth on the other hand is just hard to listen to. Like literally difficult. You may not agree, and thats fine. Everyone has their opinions. The above is mine and im equally entitled. And fwiw just incase this illicits some female/male job debate - we passed labeling MAN and WOMAN jobs a lone time ago. Be what ya wanna be. As far as she goes, i wish she was narrating braille in braille.
  15. You are both wrong, that Beth M chick that sounds like a dude is the wost!!
  16. Fixed. Someone needs to brush up on their 'The Coasters' music history/lyrics..;)
  17. Color Rush Week!!! I uni fans favorite week!! Normal people, prob not so much lol
  18. Why do people do this to themselves? Its like picking off the scab just so you can put salt on the wound. Points might not be bad, but why?!
  19. Ahhh bye week material. Sadly, only Sept - Dec is considered 'normal' so maybe thats actually the outlier and THIS is the normal... uh oh...
  20. Great example, we may not win last week without a gadget play to jumpstart the drive! I forget who i got into it with last offseason, but they were adamant that Foster would solidify himself as a true #1 this year and the sky was the limit. I HOPED he would, and i suppose anything is still possible... but it was an instance where i actually hoped I was wrong. I (i guess how some people refuse to put faith in allen being 'the guy' to be fair) just didnt see a game breaking true #1 WR as that poster did. We argued for a few pages before he eventually said something to the effect of 'i guess there's a chance he doesn't become that' but man... i wish i cld remember who that was so I could follow up. I guess thats what screen shots are for;) I thought the same thing digging through the various forums earlier today... like, i guess whatever ya gotta say to make yourself feel better - but holy hell, thats one out of touch take
  21. I guess, Norwood gets a bad wrap, but he was a hell of a kicker for his time. Pro Bowl in 88 (89) and the Bills dont make it to the 2nd SB w/out his clutch kick. Fans back then gabe him his due, now days people just assume wide right was it.
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