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Everything posted by buffblue

  1. Obviously looking wayyyy too far ahead, but if the Bills made it to the Big Dance I almost feel like they will have already faced their toughest competition. The Packers are the only NFC team that scares me. With the Bucs injuries on offense and our improved play, I feel we could handle them in a rematch. The Rams are just meh to me
  2. I'll be honest, as lopsided as this game is the Rams don't really impress me. Stafford is still Stafford and you can move the ball on them. The big thing is controlling their pass rush
  3. Arizona is pathetic man. Murray is not in the same universe as the elite qb's
  4. I got that part, just didn't know what bumping this thread has to do with Diggs or Covid. I thought at first that Dion tested positive again lol
  5. Yep unfortunately playing the Chiefs brings an almost certain Collinsworth Ballwash Bowl II into play
  6. Tom Brady and company was the one instance and that became a struggle (although we adjusted well in the 2nd half). The Bills will need to be prepared to score 30 at minimum, but I think we have the horses to do it.
  7. My concern is facing these guys without Tre. Offense will need to be ready for a shootout
  8. I would include Mayfield in the Tua and Hurts group but not Jackson. Lamar, while having limitations of his own, is the only difference maker of the bunch
  9. So let me get this straight... You would rather avoid the Bengals at home in the next round because they are somehow superior to the Chiefs, but are enthused about the possibility of hosting them in the AFC championship game? How is that better?
  10. I don't think you really believe what you're saying but I give you credit for facing the music. Sports championships and high level success are supposed to be a given for a New Englander
  11. Very good points, but the disappointing flip side was replacing them with guys like Quinton Jefferson and Vernon Butler. Let's hope with the emergence of Oliver and Phillips plus our young edge rushers that the Dline is solidified.
  12. Tom Curran is just the prototypical arrogant Masshole. Right up there with dbag Shaugnessy from the Globe. God I can't stand Boston sports
  13. Hughes has always given non stop effort, and for that he has been one of my favorite players. It will seem weird if he's not on the roster going into next year. I fondly remember the annual reports of Jerry tearing it up in training camp.
  14. Amazingly you can still access press conferences from Jauron on buffalobills.com (don't ask me why I know this lol). After we lost to the Saints in 09, a reporter asked Jauron why he punted on 4th and short from midfield when already down 2 scores with 10 minutes remaining. His response was that he didn't want to get down 3 scores quickly. Good guy, but man Jauron was such a loser
  15. I really wouldn't give him too much credit for developing Watson. He was a pro ready qb from the moment he left Clemson. The only reason O'Brien won multiple division titles is the AFC South was straight trash during his tenure. He was never impressive at all, even as a HC. Game management, play calling, leadership...all mediocre
  16. Cowart was an absolute beast. When he went down it was a gut punch. I remember that TB game clearly and how it sent the Bills into a tailspin. Turning point of the season no doubt
  17. Right. WR is one of the least needy areas on this team and we have an up and coming guy already in place. Given Allen's contract, the presence of Diggs, the relative lack of cap space, and Ridley's uncertain situation, this has exactly 0% chance of occurring. We're not paying two #1's
  18. This is where I'm at. Both McKenzie and Stevenson scare the living daylights out of me. I believe we're a good enough team that having an explosive but gaffe prone returner is a gamble we don't need to take.
  19. C'mon, the conditions were not that bad. Light snow and 8-10 mph winds is not awful at all for Buffalo this time of year.
  20. I am in stunned disbelief right now at how this game is going so far, though I shouldn't be as a Bills fan. Not feeling confident at all
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