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Everything posted by jkeerie

  1. Couldn't agree more with the original poster. I think it was in the movie "The Replacements" where the cocky QB told Shane Falco, the replacement QB, "the worst that they can do for guys like you is give you hope." I think that's the worst pretender teams can give to their fans is hope. As to trading Darby, after Gilmore left, he said "that will be me in a couple of years"...like he was also going to be seeking a big contract and the Bills likely wouldn't sign him. So, I think the Bills got something for him now rather than watch another player walk. We're lamenting that these players are all becoming "stars" on their new teams. We're negating that the reason these players are now "stars" is that they are playing on teams that are loaded with stars and talent. They have joined better teams and are now playing better because others around them are elevating their play. I do hope that McDermott doesn't limit his decisions as to who "fits" to just the players. He has a couple of coaches that aren't good fits (offense in particular) that need to be replaced. We'll have to wait and see on that one.
  2. This team is who we thought they'd be at the beginning of the season. We never expected to win more than 5 games before the season started. You could say that we got rid of good talent either by trade or by not resigning them...but in truth, we exchanged our talent for other equally talented players. The exception being Dareus. We got nothing but a draft pick...but we will have cap relief in the future. So, the Bills are proving the initial prognosticators correct. I know we are playoff starved, but does anyone seriously want these Bills to barely make the playoffs? All we'd do is reduce our draft position. The switch to Peterman was as McD said, a calculated risk. Well...the risk cost us a game...although with this defense, there's no guarantee we would have won anyway. If anything, we are seeing how truly far away we are from being contenders and not pretenders. We've drafted middle of the pack for too long and the teams that are now doing well, that were perennial losers, had the advantages of a lot of high draft picks and lots of cap space to build their teams. We drafted poorly...trading away picks...and then signed high-priced contracts that got us into cap jail. Finish the season. If we only win one or two more games. Fine. Go into the off season, knowing better what the team needs. Use the draft picks we've accumulated and start the rebuilding process. Learn from the mistakes made this season. Please get rid of Dennison. Our issues are more than QB and o-line related on offense.
  3. I was just about to post this. With Tyrod, he wants a quick 3 step ball out. So...he puts in Peterman to run it. Where is that offense??? He needs to go!
  4. Outstanding! BTW...I love Tyrod too...even have his jersey...but this move makes sense for this season and the next.
  5. Really appreciate this! Thanks for your very well written description.
  6. This was a very good analysis. Thanks to the OP for posting this. I think it all came down to Tyrod versus Dennison. Dennison is either stubborn or incapable of designing an offense that would be more suitable to Tyrod's talents. I like Tyrod, but in Dennison's scheme he was clearly a square peg in a round hole. Peterman is a much better fit. To Tyrod's credit, he is being a team player. Also...knowing Lynn's knowledge of Tyrod's ability...and how to defend it, I think this was actually a more advantageous time to make the switch than later in the season. The way this offense was playing, this team, even though in the lead for a wildcard position at present, really wasn't looking like they were headed in that direction. If the offense is going to work, it's going to work with Peterman. The Bills will likely be in a better position next year, one way or the other as well. If Peterman is successful, the Bills don't need to package a boat load of picks to move up for a QB and can let the draft fall to them. If he is not successful, they will have a clearer picture of what they need.
  7. They just lost Sherman. They need a body badly. He knows there system. It's a logical move.
  8. Best post in this thread. I agree with you one hundred percent. We had "beginner's luck" at the start of the season and all got hyped that this was the year we end the playoff drought. Now we're seeing reality. As to Tolbert...there's such a thing as "being loyal to a fault." I asked my brother at the beginning of the season, if with all the trades, etc, he would rather see the Bills end up with a losing record and a top ten pick so they can get the QB of the future without having to trade way up in the draft, or if he'd rather they make the playoffs. He opted for the latter...with the presumption of if the Bills make the playoffs, they won't have to draft high for a QB. Well...we now are at the point where we may end up with a middling record, and a poor ranking in the draft. This is the worst position to be in if you need a QB. I truly hope they let the draft come to them and don't package all those picks to get a QB. We clearly have a lot more holes on this team than can be filled in free agency. For now...please, start some of the younger guys and see if there may be one or two less holes that need to be filled in the draft.
  9. After the Bills got blown out by the Jets, we all wanted to see how the team responded. I was particularly interested in how the coaching staff would respond. Today, we saw. Very disappointing to say the least. The Saints are an excellent team. In truth, I was hoping for a Bills win, but not expecting one. What I didn't expect though was this thorough of a beating. It seems the coaching staff learned nothing from the Jets game. They refuse to make any adjustments in personnel or scheme. It gets worse with every play and after halftime. What talent you do have must fit the scheme you are trying to run. If it doesn't, and no adjustments are made, you get the result we saw today. So...if the coaches are going to stubbornly stand by their schemes, then I'd like to see them start the guys they drafted to see if they fit. If they do, they could enjoy success this season. If they don't, then you've just added more draft needs to your list.
  10. If we're going to keep Dennison as our O Coordinator, we should start Peterman. As much as I like Tyrod, he's not a good fit for what Dennison wants to do. He wants the ball out quick, and Tyrod doesn't do that.
  11. Well...I wasn't one to call the Jets garbage because of their record. I've always thought the weakest part of their defense has been their secondary...until this year, that is, when they drafted back to back safeties. Their front seven has been awesome...particularly due to the way the draft has fallen to them the last few years. They were able to jettison Richardson to Seattle and haven't missed a beat.
  12. It also seems we play more conservatively on the road. Folks want to blame Tyrod, but I think it's more Dennison that plays scared on the road.
  13. Plus few teams have a front seven a good as the Jets front seven.
  14. I think we missed the "good" Dareus, but I do agree with the OP that Milano should be on the field.
  15. I agree with your take on this. I think we missed Milano on the field tonight. I'd actually like to see Preston, Milano and Humber at LB and perhaps add Lorenzo to the pass rush rotation.
  16. The Bills oversimplified the game plan due to the short week. The Jets were getting beaten up by their press and needed to prove something. The Bills got outcoached as well as outplayed.
  17. The Jets always give the Bills fits...especially with blitz happy Bowles at the helm. Prime Time always makes it worse. The Bills were very much Off this game. We'll see how the players...but more so the coaching staff responds.
  18. This is the sanest, most rational post I've read in this thread (not saying that anyone that has posted have made invalid posts...not at all.) You are dead on 2003Contenders in your assessment of the players jettisoned or benched. I think that Beane and McDermott are being equally rational in their decision making. I think that of course they are going to try to win this year. But as others have posted, they are building and are trying to figure out what type of team they have to build on. It's like McD said in his presser...its in November and December that your you really see your "set" roster. Unfortunately, likely because McD is a good coach, this team and these players have over-achieved. They've done better than any of us could have imagined. We as fans are emotionally invested in this team...and after 17 years of misery we see the "promised land playoffs" on the horizon. With our starters, it may have been in reach...but you have to get there with players that are not starters when injuries occur. The lack of depth hurt us in Cincinnati and because of past decisions it will take time for this team to build and create depth. As much as we want to criticize McD for his hand-clapping and positive take on a miserable performance, he's being what he should be... a coach. There is a process in place, and a goal they are working towards. If he bails on that and sharply criticizes his players publicly, how does he get them to buy in and keep working and trying? So what you interpret as ego, I see as a first year coach who's trying to figure it out one game at a time. Let's see what they do with the week off. Would I like to see some roster moves? Yes...but not out of desperation. If they make any roster moves, they need to be rational moves like they've done to this point. Ideally, trading Dareus or Glenn for some help. This isn't Madden, though, and it takes a trading partner who would see them as assets that could help their team. Coaching moves I'd like to see? I wish Dennison would go back to what success this offensive roster had in the past and back off his revised blocking schemes, Taylor as a pocket passer, etc. Again...let's wait and see what they do.
  19. I agree. The injury bug hurts you in more than just losing your starting players. The players that replace them don't always play as smart and cost you with dumb penalties. Mabin's pass interference penalty was huge...as was Logan's offensive holding that negated a 44 yard run by McCoy.
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