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Everything posted by sleeby

  1. What did they tell you when they elected to start Peterman as #1 QB back before game 1? I don't think the bills have been deceitful or tricky in any way. This is the process - not tanking but playing for development and future; not 2018 rings.
  2. Oh, boy. Like, I hate to be the one to tell you this but the post Ryan idiot brothers fumigation of OBD is going to likely be at a year longer than you expect. Next year will be a very, very young offense of many new players. Next year we will he the browns of this season. As for what McBeane taking pressure for it they already are - bills fans here this week are angry. Heh. Is what it is and will always be. If they build a team around the emo needs of this fan base they will create an interesting mess. Heh
  3. A lot of talk about culture in the locker room and trading shady would teach the team that winning doesn't matter. I see the point. . .sort of - but: The 2019 bills offense will be almost all new players. I think everyone in that locker room knows that. Very few offensive side players are safe from replacment when the masses of draft picks and FA and trades get signed. So what is the difference? They know they are playing an uphill battle for their jobs this year and not for AFC rings. That's got to be the culture there now. Defense should see that they are not playing for rings this season as well and appreciate that mgmt is doing all they can for the near future. How could the defense be happy with the offense right now? I like shady and my son loves him and has his jersey. But I'm still bought into McD and the "process". Do it.
  4. In the tele broadcast they showed JA on the bench watching as mariota hurdled a defender. I'm pretty sure Josh's inner monologue said "if this goin to be that kind of game then I'm gonna stick my stuff in tha mashed potatas!" Fortunately, the potatoes went unviolated and the bills still got the win. Good game.
  5. I think you forgot the mark this as sarcasm but with some of the other crazy replies in this thread it's hard to tell. Trade him. Sad for sure. Fun player and our best receiver and a captain but he's not part of 2020- and this is not our year. Do ot soon befor possible injury makes him worthless this year. Sorry shady. . .process first. No one likes dieting but we all like the female attention at the other end. Do it. . . Do it !
  6. Negativity and bringing everyone down at this early stage is surely not going to make good though. I think it matters when a ton of vocal critics and local sports writers attack a young QB. There are those who claim he should be impervious to it and somehow not human but that's crap - he's a young guy with half of new York state holding the past 20 years on his shoulder - and he has no talent around him other than RBs and maybe Dawkins. Many great QBs had rough rookie NFL years and were not run out of town for it - so to speak. Next year will likely see a very new and very young bills offense; complete with its own, new problems. What will JA be in 2021? Nobody can even intelligently guess at this point. He is good though at the very least. How about that defense? ?
  7. He's just a boy! Cripes. Let the be for two years. Let's talk about what we do know - the rest of the offense and who might we keep. Going to be a very young and fresh offense next season I suspect.
  8. Just why? Why attack this kid? Crab in a barrel. Who is our offense right now? Who are the studs? The #1 and 2 RBs. Who else? What is this kid working with? The only people who catch reliably are also the RBs. If those many catchable balls had been caught then the stats would be very different. So damned toxic.
  9. Why are they not exclusive? They are two different players. Those two opinions are not conjoined in any way. I've seen JA make passes in tight spaces this summer and fall which I don't think I ever saw from tyrod - and he's just out of the gate. Not hating tyrod mind you. . .I never bashed him but did admit he would require a top 1 or 2 defense to ever win it all.
  10. Man, you are just toxic. I was thinking this would be a week where your type were mostly silent. Thanks for peeing in the danged cornflakes.
  11. I love WNY but when it comes to QBs we seem to be just crabs in a barrel - pulling the new QB down into the barrel anytime he gets near the top. We have a history of this and so a history of a long string of failed, young QBs to match. JA looks like the best chance we've had in awhile. Let's let him become himself without all the hate. Meh, never happen though. . .too much bitterness around.
  12. The Process - the multi year fumigation of OBD post Ryan Idiot Boys.
  13. He threw a fantastic deep pass last night which was inexplicably dropped by his receiver. Gave me a deja vu so intense I had the pee shakes.
  14. When dumpster diving one needs to accept what is at hand, not what one wishes might have been found. Confuscious say or something. . .
  15. Are you in denial regarding this season? Why would we trade draft picks (our near future) for 2018 players? And the dez talkers - why throw away so much money on 2018 like that?? Development for JA perhaps but that's a lot of money for a short term play friend for him.
  16. As for removing players with personalities that don't fit are we sure it's badasses that are undesired? I think it's more prima donnas, lazy guys, those afraid to tackle and such that get removed. Who was a bad ass which was cut or traded by McD? Richie was not shunned by McD. As for this guy, he might be an exception as the cost is so very low. Not much risk to try. Rebuild - let them do whatever they can with the defense now - it will only mean that much more love for offense come draft.
  17. Three years ago, rex year 1 I think, my son was 8 years old and was watching the game next to me. He had really gotten into football that fall and was watching way more games than I cared to. I turned and saw he was crying. He saw me and bawled "do I have to be a Bills fan?" Ha. I let him root for an NFC team (seahawks to date) but told him simply "yes, son. It's what we do." Lol. True stuff. OP said he was age 13. That makes perfect sense to me. Those who make it to middle school, when grades have real letters and not just stock qoute sweet nothings from a teacher, without caring about the Bills will soon be indoctrinated via brainwashing. I was into baseball and not much for football in elementary. Then the grades were real. "Please, please let the bills win this weekend! Report cards are being mailed in a few days." It's a fact. I doubt I'm alone here. Meh, builds character - something cowboys fans know nothing about! So, we got that at least.
  18. You sound like the typical bills fan who just complains instantly and is the reason why we never get nice things. Had Peyton manning started here in his first season against the four teams we just played and with this offense you would tarred and feathered him out of town. Try decafe or may an herbal tea tomorrow.
  19. My hound dog gets a treat everytime the bills score. Yeaterday I felt bad and so hooked him up after the game ended.
  20. Chillax. Was jokes. Napolean dynamite. Gosh. I love Canada and especially it's women!
  21. Damned Canadians. Stick with the flutie jersey. Gosh. Idiot!
  22. The theme of the day for Biils passing game was our WRs cannot catch and josh was quickly under attack most every play.
  23. Well, he can't - he made his username based on it. Everytime JA completes a pass he looks like a dork.
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