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Everything posted by sleeby

  1. What a dumb thing to say. Why do the browns have talent all over? Are you really unable to connect the dots? And yet you are clearly upset that this rebuild bills year is going to see 2-4 wins most likely? Just please - become a browns fan. . .and when they suck again, someday, please look to Dallas. Be gone. Dang. There really should be a test or stick to beat before able to make new threads - and I'm a newbie. Edit - buffalo is stereotyped as having football savvy fans. C'mon! Are you a bills fan or just a troll?
  2. They should have a very young club - maybe ditch the cancer before it taints other apples.
  3. Good for him releasing this. The NFL sure wasn't. I'll bet they're not thrilled with him about now.
  4. You're just starting rumors out of one, unknown incident. Stop that. Stop that!
  5. Speak for yourself. I want a solid team with a good foundation. 7 wins this year would be feckless; irresponsible even. Ha
  6. I wasn't here many years ago to comment on if this board has gotten better or worse but I can say that I'm likely still a rookie and add a ton of value! ;o) Anyhow, this month has shocked me some with all of the crying and complaining. Today it's even worse with the chatty Cathy rumour starting about a locker room turning on the coach. Dude quit. He had a tantrum, took his ball amd went home. One guy and he has his reason. The rest of the team played hard. Third quarter, JA started running his way to a score. A few good plays and then the o line penalty. Remember this? Bills lineman was shouting "c'mon! Let's go!!" If any swuad on this team would be ready to give up it might be them and yet there they were - that was not a lost locker room on the field in the second half. No way. How did bills fans get so danged spoiled? So little patience? I'll one more thing - McD was hired to be the needed adult . decades now we have heard leaks from OBD about a losing culture and screwing off. Rex Ryan then came in amd turned the dips*itery to 11. McD cut and traded the team and pulled out the video ganes and crap. Now fans here are carping about their worries if the players are cozy enough?! Do you think NE is cozy and fun? The guys are locking bill belechick in the porta potty and having a blast? If you are worried that McD was hard on the guys and one ran away then ask yourself what it is that you really want? Happy days and 7-9 or a winning team? Lawdy.
  7. Still no updates anywhere I or Google.have found. This article's language translation was amusing though: http://www.todaychan.com/buffalo-bills-player-taiwan-jones-left-bloodied-after-gruesome-tackle/ Here's the first Two paragraphs: Buffalo Payments working again Taiwan Jones suffered a grotesque head harm through the workforce’s 31-20 loss to the Los Angeles Chargers on Sunday. Jones, 30, recovered a fumble in his workforce’s personal finish zone and, whereas he was making an attempt to scramble away from Chargers gamers, misplaced his helmet and was blasted head-on by Uchenna Nwosa.
  8. So after 2019, from this you dont plan on being good in 2020 either? 2021 is the time to strike, 4 years from now, when Josh Allens rookie contract is up? 2020 would be fantastic but likely unrealistic; how is that bills fans lack patience? Odd. 2019 will be a huge influx of young blood and 2020 could be a good target for our first playoff win in decades. 2021-2026 seem like the years we are hopeful for to me. Kelly started as a bill in 1986 and 4-12. I remember the build up years of 88 and 89 very fondly and then, of course, the 90-93 SB years.
  9. So many here now want the brown's garbage. Amazing. Two games in a rebuilding year and it's come to this? Sounds like he has an injury and is expected to fail his next drug test. Why bother with the circus? Is he a part of season 2021? No? Then don't waste the time. McD has been very clearly removing these types.from the locker room as I see it.
  10. Well, the puppy saved your post. I think the titans in week 5 will be interesting. See how we play when the opponent also is at about our level - can we play them well? 3-4 wins is my guess.
  11. Trade down! So many needs. Also, rest shady and then trade him to a team with need of his skills. If it's not to be a part of 2021 then it's clutter.
  12. Sammy got us JA. You want your cake and eat it too here. I much prefee JA!
  13. Too late - that was the Ryan two years. #4 defense ruined in an instant. That fat bastard parachuting in was the shark jump - amd it happened before he even took the sideline. Ha. Then, bringing his idiot brother in for year 2 was a fail for which there is no meme - shark jump redux if you will. Of course the pegulas are in the know. "The Process" is a professionally worded way of saying "fumigating 1 bills drive post ryan."
  14. Not true. Our curse has been a roughly 8-8 team perennially. Not sucking nor being great. Mediocrity has been our cancer.
  15. Done. I think. Thanks. Did not know I could do that.
  16. I had to rewind to confirm his bandana was all white before the hit so as to know that was all blood when they showed him walking out the tunnel.
  17. You're replying to the auto reply I think. If so, thank you - I'm not one to start threads generally. Just seemed like more than something I wanted to hear about but also maybe a deeper subject in there. Sure, he's special teams but he's also a member of the NFL and they should respect him as their employee. Thank you DC.
  18. Yes. You are. No comment on the sabres - not my thing. Seven years? Shoot. I was abucted into bill's fandom back in the mid 80s. Back to back 2-14 seasons and our top drafted QB said no Effin way and escaped to the usfl. Jim Kelly. Those were my awkward middle school years where suddenly grades had letters and not sweet nothings from one el ed teacher. Add angry, alcoholic, old school afl bills fan father and it was classic brainwashing. Ha. "Please god! Report cards are due any day now. Just please let the bills win this Sunday! I'll never ask for anything ever again." The 2018 bills are the process. Josh is the man if he can stay healthy and positive minded. I can see it. Now we build and what better way to covet our QB which 2017 brought us than to get good draft picks. We blew our load - fecklessly - in 2017 with want of a playoff loss. Not my want but water under the bridge. Likely, you wanted that - simply playing the odds on that prediction. Anyhow, here we are, 2017 was never the year and 2018 is even more so not the year. For those of us who remember well 1986, a 4-12 season which saw Kelly as QB after those back to back 2-14 seasons, we smelled change; and we were right. The meat on the table was usually cooked even when the bills lost. The rest is history. I am a cynic. When this town has gotten excited going 4-0 in the past 20 years I have not. I see no reason to fault McD and the process right now; other than maybe trying for the playoffs and making it last year as it cost us dradt stock to get our QB. . .though it likely also taught some.of the young guys not to accept losing and so I may be wrong. Go 2020 bills! This appears to be a good base to build from. Not too shabby just a year plus removed from the Ryan cancer.
  19. Anyone know how he's doing? Sorry to start a new thread but dood looks to have taken a hard hit of helmet to skull and was bleeding more than a little from his scalp or forehead. I found it curious how the broadcast never mentioned all the blood nor the helmet to head - they only replayed the same view where the ref was blocking the hit. I did not even hear an update on him in the second half. Seems they wanted it to not be a thing. Hope he's ok.
  20. Screw you. Root for NE next time; better yet, Dallas.
  21. Chemical - I've provided reasons as to why this year is what it is as well as reasons why be happy and look forward. Why the process is still on track. Several posts to you here. So I call BS - you really just want to whine is all. I quoted chemical from a raoulduke post. I'm replying to chemical though. So no offense to you rauol. Newbie error.
  22. The last time they were a good team was the season before rex Ryan. That team had a great defense. All we needed was a serviceable offense and we xould have made a splash. Enter rex and his convuluted defensive scheme and that team was gone instantly. The rest brings us to now - the first time we have a reason to hope again - hope for the drafts and cap space to really get us going with the young talent we have on hand today.
  23. Good show. I agree. People here are questioning why they traded watkins and darius, etc - they likely felt the need to fumigate the place after the Ryan idiot brothers left. I trust these guys a whole lot more tha ln I do the ryans! It's year two of a rebuild which started with removing the video games and recliners - and year 1 saw the playoff game and the trade down fpr QB most of you all insisted upon. It's way too early to be bitching so. One Bill's Drive has seen years of player dipshittery. We know this from players sometimes publically complaining about it. If we are to ever succeed we need the locker room to be seriously dedicated to winning. McD is and is demanding that of the team. Yes, we dumped some good talent which would he good to have on the field right now BUT if it was a cancer in the locker room then we would have paid heavily for it in three year's when we - hopefully - have a talented team which is not infected with dipshittery. Last note - the eagles dis exactly this and had a yard sale with tons of talent when the new mgmt arrived. Three years ago was it? And they won the SB seven months ago. they can smell the locker room cancer a lot better than we can. They were hired to do a job that needed doing. Let them do it. Young cancer or old cancer - cut it out.
  24. No matter. We trade up our top pick and get several 1, 2 or 3 round picks, etc. We got our QB (hopefully - but certainly for the next two years) and should not worry about a top four draft pick spot as much as the many holes we have to fill.
  25. Why so sad about being worst team in the league during an obvious rebuilding year? I would be more pissed if we were the 5th worst. Watch josh and edmunds and white develop - and watch for others yet unknown to step up amd announce their names this year. Fantasize about the draft and 2019. I mean, how did you not know what this season was? Many attacked me a month ago for calling this a rebuild year. If I know more about the bills than anyone here then yer doing it all wrong! Ha. I come here to learn not teach this stuff. Lead with logic and not emotion - save the emotions for when we're a winning team in a couple.or three years.
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