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Everything posted by sleeby

  1. As individuals, no, we're (mostly) not schitzo but the subject is the fan base as a whole - and that is two very vocal, distinct and opposite personalities week to week. This fan base is schizophrenic. No comment on other cities as I don't read their fan forums. I think OBD just needs to put some antidepressants in the beer lines is all and so clip any extreme emotions right at the root.
  2. I did write that likely the haters are quiet today is all. Gosh.
  3. Most schizophrenic anyhow. Each week this season so far has seen a 180 reversal in attitude. Likely just the haters are quiet today. I'm declaring this season a success at week three. We know we have the QB and the coaches; and the process! Just stay healthy and keep learning is all that matters this fall. The guy above who already alluded to being ready to complain if they don't repeat that level of performance each week now is clearly negative. kid's had 2.5 games in his career and his WRs can't catch. Lol
  4. Great season! When we lose it means better draft position amd when we win it means JA is likely coming along great and probably others as well; such as our D today - really everyone today save the top WR and TEs. We really cannot lose in 2018 - so no more drama as we saw here last week. Just stay healthy - grow or die and grow is not tied to the win column. ?
  5. The patriots are not the problem though. 7-9, 8-8 and almost always 9-7 is the problem. We couldn't get the 10 or 11 wins needed to get into the playoffs. What the pats were up to was not what was holding us out for the most part.
  6. 0-32 is way better than 17 years of 8-8. 8-8 is the path of good intentions that leads to such a long drought
  7. I just voted which is cheap as it's late but just found this thread. Buffalo last. We knew we we're a good chance for 0-4 due to the schedule. Seattle and arizona play each other in week 3 or 4 so one of them is crossed off for certain before we get a shot in week 5 with the titans. Ce la vie. I just voted which is cheap as it's late but just found this thread. Buffalo last. We knew we we're a good chance for 0-4 due to the schedule. Seattle and arizona play each other in week 3 or 4 so one of them is crossed off for certain before we get a shot in week 5 with the titans. Ce la vie.
  8. Yea? Well, if we're gonna act like idiots then you're less than nothing - you're a sticky dingle on Rob Ryan's, sasquatch haired hinders the morning after three racks of ribs and a 12 of genny creamers. Feckless, *VERY* Low IQ jerkface. Now go back to reading your big market media while waiting for your high profile management meetings. Gosh. IDIOT!
  9. Do you know why we can't have nice things in buffalo? Because of us - the fans. I feel bad for McD and Josh. Had Peyton manning started year one as a bill his career would have begun and ended much like N8 Peterman's I suspect.
  10. Agreed. Good on JA but that game saw much of those yards come on one huge pass to zay jones. Zay gets hit while bobbling it then things look a lot different. Anyone remember chuck knobloch MLB gold glove 2nd baseman? Ended great career as a yankee in a very odd way - could not throw from second to first for mental hitch reasons. It was bizarre and lasted far too long with therapists and such. On zay's bobble there it occurred to me that the kid seems to have a hitch - maybe a bad thought of "what if I drop this". Not starting rumors but something I'm watching for. Want him to be good but that bobble was weird and yet also almost seemed expected.
  11. Wait! A football team needs more than a great QB? Whatchutalkinbout? Ha. Dominating the lines is huge. Great defense can also win with a game manager QB - I could see tyrod winning if he had a number 1 or 2 defense on his bench.
  12. So much drama. Toughen up people. I mean, carping is to be expected but the drama and the rumor starting and conspiracy theories is a bit much. It's kinda pathetic. Logic would imply that if wood's friends were miserable he would keep quiet for their sake. Since he spoke publicly that tells me he is sharing truth and all is as well as can be for a last place rebuild year. He was a captain and a leader.
  13. Better shape than the chargers? Where did you read that? I said we suck so badly that the other team was making a highlight real and it was fun to watch once emotionally detached.
  14. {{{Eric Wood}}} still leading. So, all you chatty cathies who want to start rumors of a lost locker room care to call him a fibber face Jenkins? No? Then sit back down, zip the lips and get back with the process! The process, as I see it, is like an emergency enema after the Ryan boys partied around in there - it's not going to be totally fun but it is cleansing and we should feel a whole lot lighter and maybe even ready to climb a mountain afterwards. Prove me wrong. . .
  15. Because at least half of us knew it well before the season. Maybe pegula's a moron AND McD lied to him but I'm going with neither of those and so, pegula knew what was obvious to at least half of the fans here. What did you think the process was? Eat chicken wings, drive a stupid bills wrapped truck, add more video game consoles in the locker room, parachute in and talk nonsense anytime a microphone is within sight? C'mon. So many chatty cathies with their rumor mongering. Danged mean girls. Lol
  16. What do you base that on? Esp? Premonitions? Vivid dreams of being on the pegula's yacht? Do you have a friend who heard from a friend who heard it from another that this was so? Half of the people here knew. How could the owners not? I was taking smack talk this summer from people here that this was not a rebuild year, etc. I don't even purport to be an expert at NFL. It was not only right there on the roster but McD told you of the process - how much more clear could they have been? They fumigated OBD - and it's a good thing. That locker room has been too comfortable with .500 for too many years and peaked with the Ryan idiot brothers.
  17. I was expecting to start 0-4 before the season began. All good. Watch josh develop and hopefully edmunds too. See what in the oline is serviceable by end of year. I just hope we can look competent by week 5 and hopefully beat the titans - that's a more valid test as they suck as well plus we will have had some time to work out the jitters and such - like starters retiring at halftime. Heh.
  18. Ya know, I was telling my son this on Sunday, it's better than watching the 10th worst team in the league every week. I mean, at the very least the chargers first half was like an offensive highlight reel. Everyone on that squad looked great displaying their skills. Ha. And we have a light at then end of the tunnel. . .with some luck needed as always.
  19. I hope.we trade our #1 or #2 pick and parlay it into a couple of later first rounds and maybe a third round or whatever the chart shows. Spread it around.
  20. We did have a .500 QB who had a ceiling near about .500 who we dumped. We also lost our best two oline men - and we did not fix our our receivers. In a nutshell, we broke our dumb playoff streak and have a slight hangover now - this was a rebuilding year either way though. Meh. Watch the youth develop. Hopefully this is 1986 all over again.
  21. This is jokes - the worst two teams should play each other Friday night of wild card weekend. To make it not a tank game the winner gets round 1 and loser round 2. Like rodeo clowns to warm up the start of the playoffs. Ha. If nothing else, you can be sure those two cities will be tuned in that night.
  22. I was pretty clear, I think. I too was on hand for the back to back 2-14 seasons of the mid 80s; and Ferguson and cribbs before that. Two contrband whammy weinnies from bells in house from my travels then. Do i pass your age sniff test? Perhaps yer senile. I apologize - it's horrible. The browns are stacked with young talent because they did not go roughly .500 every damned year. We have our QB now and need a ton more. Winning 7 games this year is about the worst thing we could do with regards to our 2021 season . Play hard, grow and then parlay those draft picks plus good draft slot. Or go be a browns fan. Whatever works I guess. Jeez.
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