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Everything posted by HomeskillitMoorman

  1. I've seen people clamor for him this upcoming offseason...possibly an overreaction since I admittedly don't watch the Chargers much...but he reminded me too much of KB. I know he had a highlight reel catch, but also had some bad drops, doesn't really fight for the ball, fumbled it...we need a way better player than this guy.
  2. This is probably closest to the truth. There's no question that the trash O-line and lack of legit weapons have hurt him and probably has gotten into his head a little bit in terms of him bailing out of the pocket early at times, and I do agree that while his abilities as a runner is an overall positive, he needs to be smarter about it and limit the abuse he takes. I actually think he's done a better job of that in the last couple of games. But I don't think it can be assumed that the issues will automatically be resolved with a better o-line and upgraded weapons either, I don't think we've seen enough to determine that. I'm optimistic about him too though. This is a playmaker's league and the dude is a playmaker. He's a way different QB than Luck so I'm not comparing their skill sets...but he reminds me of the way Luck at the beginning of his career was constantly looking to push the ball downfield, which I think he's getting more freedom to do again with Reich in now. I loved it, and I love that Allen has that mentality so far.
  3. Found it! Joe Logan! https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/01/05/report-cowher-meeting-with-bills-again-today/ This moron actually found a way to get Schefter and some other big name NFL reporters to acknowledge him for this. Good times.
  4. I believe it was Joe something, but I remember the absolute frenzy it caused. I'm not even sure he was a writer, but I think he had a website and claimed he had a source that said Cowher was coming here. I think he even ended up doing an interview with Sal C. I don't know why I was thinking about this, but it's bothering me that I can't remember the guy's name.
  5. Cousins is way overrated. To me he's always been a paper tiger. I've rarely ever seen him play well when it matters or in pivotal parts of games.
  6. Feels like there's something up with Zimmer. Norv quit because they didn't see eye to eye, and then there were rumblings this year that it was going on with DeFilippo.
  7. I think you're more confident that he knows where those shortcomings are more than I am. I'm not sure he thinks he is overly conservative or thinks there is something wrong with his ability to manage the game or the clock. While I think he's a better coach than Jauron in other ways...I do think he has some extremely similar traits when it comes to those things. Situational awareness is also an issue. I remember a game between the Bills/Pats during the Jauron era the year Brady was out for the season, it was either the last or one of the last games of the season and it was a super windy game in Buffalo. Both QB's were having a ton of trouble throwing and the Pats led 3-0 for most of the game with neither offense really being able to do anything all day. There was a play in the 4th quarter where it was 4th down and long for the Patriots from inside their own 20, only up 3-0, where the Bills brought in the punt team only to see the Pats keep their offense on the field and line up. Jauron, thinking they might actually snap it, panicked and called a timeout. Belichick was literally smirking on the sideline, almost like he himself was incredulous that he actually got him to use a timeout there. I honestly think the same exact thing would happen to McDermott if that situation arose today. I think he's a prepared coach in terms of teaching, but I don't think he knows how to deal with game situations as they arise. And when they do, it feels like he's always going to take the conservative approach.
  8. To me this is a cop-out because Allen the last 2 games has been good enough to beat those teams, and McD still coached the same way. And there's no excuse for bad clock management no matter how bad the team is. Those situations with critical thinking are not going to change if we do add quality talent to the offense and become a good team. If anything, they're going to intensify.
  9. That wasn't even the biggest part of that near-debacle. After the game he said something like, "I'd rather tie than lose"...meaning the Head Coach, the LEADER of this football team didn't know that the team needed the W over the tie to stay in playoff contention. Scary stuff.
  10. McDermott's the head coach, he knows what's being called. The coordinator is an extension of him. I'm always amazed at how people think the head coach should be blameless for so many things. Offensive play-calling, special teams, etc. There's a reason why he's the Head Coach. Do you also only blame Bevell for the Seahawks gaffe in the SB vs the Pats?
  11. I think one this is one of the fundamental differences in how we approach this. It was fun in the moment...but 9-7 and one and done in the playoffs really doesn't mean anything to me. No matter where you are as a franchise or how long it's been since success, the end goal should always be Superbowl/perennial legitimate contender. That means having the right guy for that kind of goal. I don't think coaching to keep it close instead of winning is going to bring and keep this team at that level long-term. I'm not asking for this team to win this year, in fact I've said a million times that I don't care about the record at all this year. I'm just looking for progression in important areas. I don't see it with him. Yeah, this isn't a good offense. But Allen was good enough yesterday to give him more of a shot to close that game out. Instead, McDermott played for a field goal. It's not even like he coached for a field goal with 30 seconds left. There were over 2 minutes on the clock. And what about all the blunders with clock management he's had? That has nothing to do with the team's talent deficiencies, only his own.
  12. No, they don't. Not all coaches are inept with game and clock management. I'm not even saying we would have won the last 2 weeks with better decision-making, but we would have had a better shot, which is what your head coach should be giving you...the best possible shot to win. Things like giving away possessions at the end of the half is going to look just as bad if we become a good team as they do now. McDermott is still going to have to manage the game and clock if we become a better team next season. In fact, he's going to be in more close games and tight situations and have more decisions to make. What we're seeing now is a troubling indicator of what could come when he's faced with all that.
  13. If Allen is the real deal, we'll get to a big game. That's the magic of a franchise QB. The goal should be the Superbowl though. I know 9-7 with a one and done playoff year goes a long way here, but I don't really care about that. It's more big picture for me. That's a short-sighted way to look at it. Does that mean nothing needs improvement if you have a winning record? And yes, I would still have issues with the way he manages the game if we had won yesterday, because bad game management is still a negative over the long haul.
  14. It's tough to see that, for sure. Can you imagine him in a couple of the spots Pederson was in during the Superbowl? Probably takes a FG instead of Philly Philly, and punts at midfield at 4th on their last drive.
  15. I trust Foster more than I do Zay. I think he's at best a #3, a decent slot receiver. Not all throws are going to hit receivers in the numbers and yes every QB is going to have some drops from players, but when I watch other games, I see quality players including rookies and 2nd year players make catches that ours routinely can't, and that includes Zay.
  16. What does that have to do with his horrific game management skills? We've seen good, competitive teams get sunk by poor game management. I wouldn't have cared if we lost the last 2 weeks if McDermott had put this team in the best position to succeed. He didn't. We're not a playoff team either way, but it's still a problem going forward. That's something that can hurt you even if you have a good team.
  17. If Allen turns out to be the real deal, which it looks like he could...we will be soon enough. Anytime you have a legit franchise QB, you're going to win some games. I'm not sure the team will be put in the best position to win if it happens though.
  18. If your standard for a legitimate starting NFL WR is that they can't be expected to make plays that people on this forum can't...it's going to be incredibly easy for them to fill those spots. We won't win at all with guys like that, but they'll surely pass your test. Pretty low intellect stuff there.
  19. McDermott's game management is EXTREMELY conservative. He didn't want to go for it on the Jets 36 when we had an injured kicker and then we ran it twice on the 2nd to last drive in a tie game from the Jets 23 and gave Allen 1 play. He was coaching for a FG. And as others mentioned here, he was waving furiously at the refs to run the clock when the Jets were in our territory down 3 with 2 timeouts...we didn't need the clock to run there, we needed it to stop to have more time on our possession as the Jets were very likely to either tie or take the lead there. Everything he does in his game management is about just trying to keep the game close, he doesn't go for the throat to win the game.
  20. He knows what's being called, and if he doesn't...that's a problem in it of itself. Coordinators operate under the head coach's philosophy and influence, they are an extension of what the head coach wants.
  21. You would think...but the problem with that thinking is Allen was good enough to win that game yesterday, and we still saw the same McD. It looks like this is just who he is, and it's a problem.
  22. That's a pattern with McDermott. He's probably hoping for a missed FG there instead of thinking about the fact that the Jets are most likely to tie or take the lead, and that we're the ones who need the clock to stop for our last possession. He does that all the time, whether it's at the end of the first half or end of the game. Zero situational awareness whatsoever.
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