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Everything posted by BuffaloBillyG

  1. They have renamed the blue tent the "Colt Anderson Assessment Facility".
  2. Logan Thomas and Tolbert on the field on this important drive at the same time...great plan.
  3. One thing about the Jags...they NEVER fumble in the red zone...
  4. No. I want a win just as much as everyone, however step 1 is complete. The drought is over. Now onto bigger and better things. Just please don't get blown out and become a joke. Show they belong in the postseason.
  5. It's free agency. Someone will pay him way more than anyone thinks he's worth because that's what happens in free agency. Lots of teams need WR help and have dough to spend. He will get paid.
  6. Not all of the problem, but a sizeable portion of the problems in pass protection is that Taylor tends to hold the ball too long. Also not helping is when he starts to move in the pocket the lineman may not know where he is and can't effectively block defenders away. Get a guy that can get the ball out quick and the line is not as bad as people think.
  7. If you base everything on stats alone it truly explains why no one take you seriously. But at least we agree digging up stats would be a waste of time. Have a sweet night!
  8. Good input. Well thought out. Hope you didn't strain your brain LOL
  9. Not really. So basically we get White and a slight upgrade to the QB position for short term and the Chiefs potentially have a long term fix at QB plus whomever they manage to draft with their pick back. If we are going to move the KC pick then may as well bundle our 1st and slide up the draft....then wait and see if Smith gets released anyway. All in all, I believe we can hold onto both picks and see how the draft falls.
  10. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this board was used to share thoughts and opinions. And silly me, being fooled by the topic thought that the contract was part of the discussion. And again, you have no clue what I am talking about. Last response you bring up salary cap...now we are down to impact on field. Neither of which was what I was talking about. Next I suppose you will discuss how many hot dogs the vendors sell, or where parking attendants like to grab a beer after the game?
  11. Not referring anything about the cap. Talking simple economics about returns on an investment. That really is all coaches and players are...investments. Energy is awesome...for about the first 3 games. This world we live in has an attention span about as long as a tweet.
  12. https://www.duvalpride.com/showthread.php?tid=26424 Jagoff fans making Predictions for the divisional round Vs Steelers already.
  13. To be fair a lot of the women there are pretty manly.
  14. Jags will take a 3 point lead on their first possession after driving 76 yards. Buffalo defense will stiffen coming up with a sack by Yarborough on 3rd. Buffalo will get the kickoff and drive down ending with with a 2 yard Tolbert TD plunge.
  15. Not insinuating anything. Straight up saying it. You pay a coach 100 million dollars you better get some damn good results. 1 Super Bowl...not even close to a good return on the investment. Especially if he leaves the Raiders in the same situation the Bucs have been in for the last decade.
  16. What it's about is that Gruden took a team that was assembled by Tony Dungy, won a Super Bowl and over time left the Bucs in a tailspin that they haven't dug out of yet. Gruden is the most overhyped, over touted and soon to be over paid coach in the history of the NFL. Wait, can we sign Davis to anchor our run defense?
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