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Everything posted by CNYfan

  1. I think we are experiencing a mild slump. The Bills will be back at it, doing handsprings, in no time.
  2. I just think Bernard isn't that good. The middle eight here is rough. NJ gets ball out of the half
  3. If Bernard can blitz as advertised, it will be big as the report is that NJ's QB does not handle pressure well.
  4. I do not think that Milano was ever seen as slow. Certainly not as slow as Bernard appeared. I thought Dodson was the first man up, but Coach Frazier and Coach McDermott have earned my trust.
  5. I think the O-Line has to keep Josh as clean as possible. The OL's biggest test of the year so far. No turnover's, keep focused and take the W. Go Bills.
  6. Our Bills lost to the Dolphins with both Poyer and Hyde out. The defense is markedly weaker without JP. If Milano is also missing, it is going to increase the struggle against another Division Opponent.
  7. Those draft picks people are giving up are our OL and Safety candidates.
  8. Lions already picking top 3. They have the AL Jamison kid getting healthy, can draft a QB, then start building the D.
  9. I believe they are doing their best not to get embarrassed. So they are running clock and keeping the score down
  10. A wounded Rogers backed into a corner is a dangerous animal and our Bills cannot let their guard down. Tonight is a "take care of business" game. Can't let up or overlook other highly paid professionals. Get the work done, avoid mistakes and take care of business. Go Bills.
  11. I think that many think a healthy OBJ may very well be the key to the championship. As distasteful as that may be, there is some truth to the possible thinking of some teams.
  12. I agree with many of these points. Cover One has been preaching a 3 man rush against our brother Patrick since last year. The Bengals rushed 3 over 50% of the time in the AFC Championship last year, iirc. I agree about Miller's strengths also. In any event we love football and we love winning. Nice thoughts on the DProcess
  13. Not underrated to me. I was never a Star basher, but DJ is performing at a level or 2 above what Star gave us. I have been digging it and appreciative thereof.
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