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Peace Frog

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Everything posted by Peace Frog

  1. I was 26 and watching the game at my parent's house in West Seneca.
  2. Agreed. Not to make excuses for Josh, but our receivers were banged up before the game (Diggs-oblique, Beasley-broken fibula, Davis-ankle), were getting absolutely mugged during the game, and Josh was harassed most of the game because of the O-line's subpar pass protection, especially against DT Chris Jones.
  3. Maybe lose the TE position this year and go with our version of the run & shoot offense.
  4. They could've just found something a little closer to home, like Buffalo Distilling Company, makers of located in Buffalo.
  5. You get what you pay for. Try ponying up some coin once in a while as the articles you read about the Bills are researched and written by people who do that for a living.
  6. And to think, we traded Eric Moulds to the Houston Texans for a fifth round pick, which we used to draft Kyle Williams.
  7. "Somebody, I don't care who, give me a reason to clap."
  8. Thanks a lot, PFF. Now Josh is going to be Super Bowl MVP and command even more money. Oy!
  9. I'm guessing 6 year/250 million, give or take twenty dollars.
  10. When we lost to the Cowboys in Super Bowl XXVII, I couldn't wait until we played them in week 2 the following season to exact our revenge in their stadium (which we did, 13-10) and show the world that our previous loss to them was a fluke. That is precisely how I feel about playing the Chefs this season. We must defeat them.
  11. I will never have a problem with adding bigger and/or better grade beef to either line. If I've said it once, I've said it five or nine times: My wife was watching a game with me a few seasons ago (I think it was against the Colts) and she asked "Why does the other team's linemen look bigger than ours?". I asked her "Which linemen, the offensive or defensive ones?" She replied "Both lines." From the mouth of babes... Well, no more! We've got some beef now!
  12. Not until they start showing a little bit of leg. Amirite?
  13. I was being a bit facetious with my comment but in all truthfulness, he could possibly see the field as a tackle-eligible receiver. Dion Dawkins has a TD catch to his credit.
  14. Just to make it easier, here's the link to all of the drives in the AFCCG. Click on each individual drive and you will see that we could've used a little more running in that game, especially to help keep Mahomes on the sideline. I know it seems like 20/20 hindsight, but during the game, I felt like we didn't even try to ram it down their throat, considering that our WRs were banged up.
  15. KC exposed our play calling. We needed to mix run with the pass more, especially with the way our WRs were being mugged. I hope next season to see a little more R and a little less P during our RPO plays.
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