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Everything posted by McBean

  1. Stay at 12 and draft Edmunds then Rudolph at 22. OR Jackson at 12 and Vander Esch at 22. We aren’t moving to 2 because the Giants are taking a QB. The media is fake news. They know about as much as Dunkirk Dufus and just throw crap at the wall hoping some of it sticks. Let me ask you this, how many media members mocked Trubisky to Chicago last year? ZERO! I’ll tell you another thing as well. Not only are the Giants taking a QB, but the Broncos will as well. That’s my bold prediction. 4 QB’s go inside the top 5.
  2. We will see. I’m ALL IN on them taking a QB. However, I hope you’re right and they take Barkley.
  3. I’m also going on record for another bold prediction. The Browns pass on Barkley at 4 which is going to cause teams to scramble and try to get Saquon at 5 with Denver. Browns added Carlos Hyde this off season and already have a good back in Duke Johnson. It’s going to be wild. I can’t freakin wait man. Smoke smoke smoke.
  4. I’ve been saying it for months. The New York Giants aren’t trading out of #2 because they are taking a QB. It’s going to be a Bears Trubisky selection reaction on Thursday night when it happens. Gettlemen and Pat Shurmur aren’t that stupid. This is Shurmur’s second and most likely final shot at being a HC. He’s not going to go down with a 37 year old washed up Eli Manning.
  5. I’m a small business owner and told my assistant 2 weeks ago that Thursday the 26th I’m gone from my office at noon and won’t be back until Monday the 30th lol. I don’t know if I will start the grill at noon or not. Depends on the weather here in the South. I’m going to crack open a beer and listen to non stop radio on WGR while NFL Network is on the big screen. Love the atmosphere and excitement around draft day...especially this year with all the picks/unknown. What about you? Are you taking off Friday? Any special plans? Would love to hear from others. Man, I can’t WAIT until Thursday!!!! Go Bills
  6. I would love Mayfield and Price. Grand slam if that happens.
  7. Coming from the biggest Allen hater on here, for some weird reason I am too. I think this waiting game is driving me insane.
  8. Draft day prediction that will shake everything up. The New York Giants select a QB.
  9. If this happens Beane deserves a statue outside of the stadium.
  10. Man maybe that kids story has legs. Wouldnt that be insane if we took Darnold at 1?
  11. I'll say this... Give me Allen over Jackson. Just watch Lamar against Clemson this year. Throwing balls all over the place with no accuracy. I like Allen more because of his size and tools. I still think he will suck but give me him over the RB Jackson. For me, it's Darnold/Mayfield or bust.
  12. Watson should’ve been the pick. I’ll admit, I was down on him and didn’t want us to pick him. Shame on me.
  13. Yep. what makes me even more pissed is that imo we will have a top 5 pick next year in a QB class that is freakin awful. Go figure.
  14. Agreed. That’s why I’ve been so frustrated with people talking about trading to #2. It isn’t happening. Why? Because the Giants ARE taking a QB! Shurmur has already been fired once for not having a QB. He isn’t that stupid to hitch his wagon to a guy who will be hanging up his cleats in 2 years max. This is an incredible opportunity for them because the odds of the Giants ever being in the position again for the next 10+ years is slim. Unfortunately, it’s time to seriously debate if taking Jackson or Rudolph at 12 is worth it.
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