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Richard Noggin

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Everything posted by Richard Noggin

  1. I agree insofar as the defense needs to keep up with what they've been doing early in games, which is to hold the opponent's scoring down while the Bills offense sorts things out; then, in the second half, they need to tee off and get that ball. So, basically, what they've been up to the last month or so.
  2. NFL success involves too many variables to make sweeping judgments on just about anyone, especially coaches, with only 32 games to evaluate (15-17). I generally agree that CEO-type college taskmasters (is that an oxymoron?) don't necessarily translate well to the pros, but 2 years with one middling franchise fielding meh at the QB position isn't a definitive data set.
  3. You're zooming in on one little data point in a more qualitative discussion.
  4. I mostly agree with you. I was trying to summarize fan perception, and what my own stubborn BBFS whispers into my ears in moments of weakness. If an opponent can bottle up Buffalo's offense (good luck) AND sustain a productive ground game...that seems to be the recipe to beat the Bills. And the Ravens are built for that kind of game, theoretically.
  5. It's probably the very different ways the Bills and the Ravens defeat their opponents that has fans apprehensive. Bills are a finesse team (which I don't use as a pejorative, necessarily) and the Ravens are a physical team (which I don't use as a superlative, necessarily). The way the Bills defense opened against NE suggests they can still be gashed on the ground at times. Of course, the Bills offense has become the remedy for that ailment, scoring points in bunches and making their opponents one-dimensional.
  6. Come on, MAN. I read "Got 2 seats" and immediately my brain told me they were for sale. Choose your phrasing wisely. Or not, and get idiots like me all frothed up...
  7. Just going to leave this here: I am a very loud and useful fan. Excellent clapping skills. Responsible for countless opponents' false starts over the years. I can do the cheering of a hundred men. PICK ME!
  8. Look at this KLUTZ. j/k, of course. I've probably had several somewhat serious injuries over the years that went undiagnosed due to lack of health insurance. Just had to eat the pain and stop doing certain activities for months at a time. Human bodies, amiright? And you post in an alternate reality.
  9. Sure, that's possible, but there really isn't much to support this projection, IMHO. Brown is an outside guy, more so than any other WR on the Bills roster: https://www.rotowire.com/football/player.php?id=9684 (snap counts by alignment are down near the bottom of the page). This year's numbers could be skewed by sample size, but the evidence points to both Diggs and Davis being more likely options for increased snaps in the slot.
  10. Turns out you're correct. Still would love to see more support for that claim (I'm always fascinated by people who come off as arrogant know-it-alls AND by people who insecurely perceive others to be know-it-alls). I don't have any insight beyond some tweets shared on this forum (which I've always appreciated, even though by definition they're conjecture, at least in a mathematical sense). Podcasts are a dramatically different medium than social media snippets, so maybe the content creator in question doesn't translate well beyond the written word. Maybe I'll have the opportunity to catch his podcast. Which one is it, specifically? WHO is it? I watch some Cover-1 content.
  11. I'd love to see an example. I'm not super familiar with his work, although I know I've seen his observations before.
  12. You read that injury speculation as know-it-all? Reads like a smart, reasonable take to me.
  13. Interesting point. I remember watching pre-draft highlights of Milano at BC...and coming away underwhelmed. Especially with respect to "instincts." In contrast to his play in Buffalo, he seemed not to be around the ball much, or with effective aggression. So maybe Milano needed more time and NFL coaching to round into form, which I think was kinda your point? (This is like a three year-old take, mind you. So be gentle if I'm wrong. Or call me names. Either way.) I'm especially intrigued by this analysis.
  14. I'm definitely not convinced Edmunds is an excellent pass defender, and stats PROVE he hasn't made many splashy or impact plays. But it's possible that he's able to cover lots of ground when dropping into coverage, and that his length and general athleticism and smarts (which is different than instincts) assist the Bills in being consistently awesome defending the pass. I remember some noteworthy Tampa-2 LBs this millennium whose most important (and unsung) assignments involved repeatedly dropping to deter/defend the pass. Maybe Edmunds excels at this?
  15. Oh, and I think tonight even further emphasizes how effing important #75 Williams is to this offense's success. Going spread so often absolutely requires bookend tackles. Especially when our QB loves to roll out to the right.
  16. I'm going to agree that Edmunds had difficulty in the running game, and especially on that Newton TD run. Woof. However, the argument for overlooking the bad angles/reads/general lack of instincts/aggression is that Edmunds MUST be an effective zone defender against the pass. I've heard professional mention of him as an effective deterrent when he drops into zone responsibilities, which is something McD and Frazier value in their MLB. So the question becomes, is it actually okay for a modern MLB to be soft against the run if he's effective against the pass? (I don't like it, but it's possible, especially when the offense can force opponents to play from behind, that his limited skillset is still really valuable.) And all that being said, he's not nearly as good as Milano (when Milano is 100%).
  17. Totally unqualified agreement from me. That awkward, hard stomp on a bent/loaded knee could absolutely cause a "meniscus issue."
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