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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. Well, in football, players run plays and execute based on coaching. Diggs is doing things he never did in the past, his stutter routes for example. Bease and Diggs developed these in the past year. I wonder if..... wait, no.. coaching has nothing to do with it. Their mesh points, their break points, top of route releases, etc. That can all be natural but become better with good coaching. I don't think Diggs is saying he's the best coach he's ever had, just to say it. It's ok to give some positive comments on our coaching.
  2. Well DT's probably not. Essentially there, you want to run it at the 3 tech. So they ran to the 3 tech side, tackle came down to chip on 3 tech, moved up to LB. It's DE's job to slow play / take RB immediately and let the safety come down and / or the LB over lap to the QB. Putting that on the DT is tough. I think Addison played it too aggressively and made the decision for Kyler wayyyyy to easy
  3. Ahhhh so you must not remember the play where Gronk was on the field when Miami did laterals all the way down the field and scored on the last play. If there was a defender on the field, the Pats probably win that game. These things happen. If a team needs a final play of 50+ yards to beat us, i'll take our chances 9.8/10 times. It was a fluke and crazy plays happen.
  4. It absolutely was Addison. However, we also don't know how they are coached. Addisons responsibility could have been all game to take RB when those plays come and the LB should be over lapping and playing QB (typical way to defend). Ideally, you want the DE to slow play it and take the RB last second giving the LB time to come and play the QB. I'd like to see how abused Edmonds was on those plays.
  5. The thing that impresses me so much about him is his awareness and how "on the same page" he is with Josh. His routes are soo good but his ability to find the soft spots and sit in the zone is sooooo good. There was even a play where he caught like a 5 yard pass and he was back pedaling to get more into the window to be able to catch and run after. His awareness to minute details are incredible and he's a huge help to Josh Allen and this offense.
  6. Matt Rhule took this approach. Didn't like what the Jets offered... went back to college. Interviewed with the Panthers, realized Tepper is a good owner willing to help in anyway, and took the job.
  7. Yeah... I won’t let that take away from his game, either. You still have to put the ball there and the receivers still have to make the catches. There were a few times yesterday I was watching and I asked myself.. “is Quinton Dunbar even trying?” He looked clueless and completely over matched. Again, it’s on the QB to take advantage of that... and he did
  8. I heard Josh say, "Hey.. hey.. Gold Whip.. Gold Whip" (or something along those lines) ... I'd have to assume it was an audible or at least one of the two plays called in the huddle
  9. Yeah, same... He's not a superstar.... he's a good safety
  10. Surprised to see no one mentioned Bojo... he has realllly had a great year. and Beas is just.. soo reliable and a great comfort for Josh
  11. Got it, got it.. that makes sense.. I didn't see that anywhere. I was sooo high on him. I loved his game for how we run our defense.
  12. Same Also, I've wondered the same about Vosean Joseph getting cut and AJ Klein being on the team. Is there any way Vosean is worse than him? If he is.. couldn't he at least be developed into something more than AJ Klein?!
  13. Tyler Kroft is proving to be pretty effective as a run blocker. He looked great that game. Man, I don't know why Diggs got a bad rep in Minne but he seems like the ultimate team guy for us. He's blocking, getting hyped, making plays, etc. I love this signing more and more every game.
  14. But @High Football IQ said they just line up in vanilla formations and play defense......... Based on his post and football IQ... I'd have to say the film is wrong and Joe B is just spewing non-sense.
  15. No man. We didn't win by 20, Josh didn't throw for 300+. He's ineffective. Never mind the fact that Dabol himself said they practiced 2 passing plays on Friday.
  16. I played QB in college. QB-> center exchange is very important (like mentioned) more under center than shotgun. It's definitely a comfortability thing and knowing where the center like the snap the ball. A few inches off it could result in fumbles constantly. Some centers want your hands extremely far up, some want your hands further back. I don't recall a ton of under center when Mongo was in though.
  17. Yeah I agree. I do wish he would win at least 1 or 2 .. 1 on 1's himself.
  18. STRONNGGGG post : username ratio. This might be the third or fourth clueless post I've seen from you.
  19. Tre needs to be on DK the entire game and have Hyde shaded to his side. I'd be shocked if I saw anything different. I'd expect a lot of Man-2 this game, but we'll see. Hopefully Milano is finally on track to play 70+% of the snaps and we see more Siran.
  20. Not to mention, some of the balls he threw were actually great balls but it looked like the receivers were slow to turn and look for the ball or they just gave up on the play. Of course, some he over shot and threw a bad ball but some of those could have been caught with better receiver play.
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