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Everything posted by warrior9

  1. Played college QB for 3 years. Then coached high school for 6
  2. HAHA he really went with "first of all" and tried to play on technicalities. So if we're doing that, instead of talking about Feliciano and much worse he is than Morse. You also used the term usually. So usually, yes, the term "let walk" can and will be for not resigning someone. but the term "let walk" can apply to cutting, as well. Why not? If you cut someone, you are quite literally letting them go or some may say "letting walk."
  3. I've already tried this with him man. He just told me we had great running games and that even though Arizona didn't have their starting 2 IDL, we'd have to go back and see how Morse performed against back ups, etc. Then I tell him Seattle had a bad defense (second most points allowed) and was asked to prove my homework. He's combatting everyone's argument without coming out and saying what he thinks we should do and why. The thing is... I like Feliciano a LOT.. He's just simply not better at center than Morse and we are better off keeping Morse than Feliciano.
  4. I'm confused with your stance on this situation. You tell me X and then say this. So we should let Morse walk and keep a guy that wasn't as good as him and had bad snaps for a guy that has given up 2 sacks in 2 years? What is your stance on Morse and Feleciano or are you just going to combat everyone's stance without doing "homework" or whatever you said.
  5. He played 16 games 2 years ago and 14 last year. He's had 5 holding penalties in 2 years. He allowed 1 sack this year. I don't think his price tag is really that bad. If the FO sees fit, restructure. Again, I don't LOVE Morse but Feliciano is not a better option and Morse was not our issue last year. You don't get better by cutting a 28 year old who has allowed 2 sacks in 2 years.
  6. Google.com. “I’m not going to do your homework for you.” I know the answer Just to help a little, NYJ were allowing 35 ppg and Seattle 30.8 .. The second worst at the time.
  7. #1 Yes. #2. Go for it. If you don’t understand that what I’m saying is using those 2 teams as an assessment to say were better with Feliciano at center is absurd. Even the coaching staff saw something after Arizona and Seattle to say “Welp, we’re better with Morse.”
  8. Seattle had the worst defense in the league. Arizona was without their starting 2 IDL. Those are two awful arguments and I think you know that as did the coaching staff because they put Morse in the next game. if Morse isn’t in for LA Rams we probably get stomped. again, yes, rushing yards. Josh Allen is your QB, I’d rather have a better pass pro center.
  9. The underestimate that we were a MUCH better offense with Morse in games and it wasn't close. You protect the passer? Morse is exponentially better at pass blocking that Feliciano.
  10. Why would it happen? If it came down to it... I'm taking Morse at his current contract vs Feliciano at 8 mill. and its not even close. Next year, Morse dead cap is 2.7 mill... thats when they would likely cut him if they decide to do so.
  11. Exactly this but then people want to cut Morse and not resign Daryl Williams for Feliciano..... absolutely no thanks.
  12. I just dont get why people want to cut Morse. He clearly makes us much much better. We want to cut these vets on the team but sign people like Peterson, Geno Atkins, etc... it makes no sense. Morse has been very good for us.
  13. Chris Godwin - 2 catches 9 yards Mike Evans- 1 Catch 31 yards Antonio Brown- 5 catches 22 yards Gronk- 6 catches 67 yards - 2 TDs Fournette- 4 catches 46 yards Brate- 3 catches 26 yards No one throws to TE's and RB's like Tom Brady... so yes, a bunch of other QBs could have won the SB
  14. For me, it was in the 3rd quarter, Gronk jumps off sides, it's not called and he gets a massive 30ish yard play.
  15. I’d much rather take OJ Howard off their hands
  16. I mean, I don’t think that’s really that bad given Klein’s salary as a backup. He brings a ton of value. You keep guys like that on your roster. If anything , T. Jones goes. Not Matakevich
  17. Good things all teams don't have Frank Clark, Chris Jones, Honey Badger, AND aggressive corners can that beat the **** out of you at the line.
  18. I'm so confused by people that want to get older on an already aging D-Line and a secondary we need to upgrade. We need to get younger. Pass on Atkins, Watt and Sherman. So weird, these people want to bring in these older guys but cut Morse.
  19. I never put him on their level lol. I simply added him as a weapon. If you seriously don't think the bolded is "going off" in a play off game, you're silly. If Diggs did that, we'd be ecstatic. I'm not putting him on their level but denying him as a threat, and saying he put up good WR2 numbers when he put up Diggs numbers in the AFC Champ is silly. When he's healthy he's undeniably a threat.
  20. I mean, he has..... I can’t remember if it was this year or last year but he did. He went off in a playoff game last year. He also scored a huge TD in the super bowl. When he’s healthy he’s dangerous, of course, that’s always been his Achilles heel
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