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Everything posted by SCBills

  1. RFK was ready for that one
  2. I would love to live in the country you live in where they stay to themselves. I have an uncle who was gay, and I witnessed the most beautiful form of love when his husband stayed by his side as he slowly faded away, dying from cancer. I’ve supported Pride up until it no longer became about love and inclusivity. It is now a religion.. and plenty of LGB’s will agree with me on that. Stop calling people hateful because you apparently live in a part of the country that’s been preserved in time when it comes to leftist ideology.
  3. I’d agree with that 100% 1) People associate “lack of civility” with Republicans now noticing things and not reacting like ah, shuck, oh well Romney Republicans used to. 2) MAGA is a toxic movement capitalizing on the very real despair a certain segment of this country is feeling. 3) Intentional provocation. Stir the pot and then if the right reacts, it’s J6, it’s Christian Nationalists.. You WILL observe the state religion on your holy days, and if you push back, you’re a bigot and if you dare act on that.. look at J6, look at pro-life protesters… we control everything so try your luck.
  4. “All my hate” I noticed you attempted to engage with me on substance, realized you don’t have anything to retort with and then decided to go with character assassination. I get along just fine with plenty of Democrats in Georgia. We differ on plenty, but most have a common sense of good and evil, right and wrong. It’s about standing up for what you believe in. It’s why Buckhead had to threaten to secede from Atlanta until they dropped progressive policies they tried to implement. And I’m thankful that I live in an area that has some sense and wants to protect their citizens. I live in a Democrat city but at least we have normal Democrats and a conservative Governor. When I meet leftists who throw up ACAB, pro-Hamas, support Antifa … shocking… they are hardly ever from the South. How they ended up in Atlanta, I’ll never know .. but I’m hopeful Kemp will follow DeSantis lead and implement policies that send them to Portland.
  5. It only became “self segregation” when a state like Florida is doing it. New York has been openly hostile to conservatives. Causing so many to leave and the ones who have stayed behind, perpetually angry. Im from Long Island.. when I tell you the level of hate Irish and Italians on Long Island have for the Democrat politicians they live under.. they’ve done the best they can in electing Republicans in almost every LI jurisdiction until the Santos fiasco (which also includes Queens) but they still have to live under Dem rule due to NYC .. or leave .. and Kathy Hochul has basically told them to do as much. You misunderstand the south re: abortion. Kemp passed a heartbeat ban and won in a landslide. He now has a 70% approval rating in Georgia. Above water with every demo. When asked a singular question about abortion, you may get that response, but it’s likely way down the list on what they care about. As someone who’s lived up north and down south, the abortion debate is vastly different for that reason - energy.
  6. Do. Not. Care. I left NY and moved south a few years ago when I turned 30. Best decision I ever made. I don’t want to see it become NY. And you conflate politics with liberals (actually Leftists). This isn’t about politics.. this is about people who hate me and what I stand for. These are people who cheer the lighting of Niagara Falls trans colors on the holiest day of the Christian calendar. You know who that would also offend? Most Democrats in Atlanta. You think black people what to see the King & Queen building in Sandy Springs lit up trans colors on Easter.. mocking their religion. Nah. This isn’t politics. This is about rooting out people who want to destroy what makes growing southern areas so appealing to so many, R and D alike. Black people aren’t leaving Florida because they know the NAACP is lying to them. White liberals that want absolute filth in school libraries are the type that deems Florida uninhabitable now. Good.
  7. Trump is a sac-religious narcissist and I cringe whenever I see his pastors like Jeffries come on Fox promoting him as a leader for evangelicals. That being said.. stop asking Christians why they will vote for him over a man who makes a mockery of his faith by incessantly referencing said faith to absolve him of his progressive led assault on Christian values and what evangelicals hold sacred.
  8. This is the way. DeSantis may have some people who are mad at rising costs leaving Florida, but many are also liberals who no longer feel welcome in the state. He’s replacing them with conservatives and moderates from people leaving northern states. Good. More GOP Governors should follow the model. New York makes it very well known that they merely tolerate the conservatives/moderates on Long Island, Staten Island and Upstate/WNY. They do everything in their power to flaunt to you that you’re not really welcome in this state. As someone who moved south, I fully endorse McMaster & Kemp following suit. Hopefully Robinson in NC if he wins as well. People are moving to these states far in excess of those leaving every year. Send liberals packing back up north or to SoCal if they want nice weather. I cannot emphasize this enough - We don’t want them here. I wish we could live together in harmony, but we cannot. They are locusts that destroy everything.
  9. “Triggered”? It’s newsworthy. My post has zero editorial context aside from what was being reported.
  10. You sound mad that people are noticing things. Sorry that the Romney Republican you can push around is gone. Luckily for you, the party is fractured and MAGA has zero interest in winning elections, but conservatives can mobilize and boycott far more effectively than the left ever could. With the change on X and rise of alternative media/podcast, expect the “whining” to become louder and more often. Most just wanted to be left alone. Y’all won’t allow that to happen. So here we are.
  11. It’s not liberal, it’s leftist. And the goal is to tear down the existing power structure and replace it with a new, more “equitable” structure.
  12. Do you disagree with the content of what he says or do you have another random comment to deflect with?
  13. James Lindsey goes into detail about Saul Alinsky tactics, which involves intentional provocation. This would qualify under such.
  14. Trump struggling with moderate Republicans and down Evangelical Christians. Could lead to trouble in November if he doesn’t figure out a way to bring them home. Biden:
  15. You can say we’re snowflakes about this, and that’s fine .. im just glad this story has normies side-eyeing the Biden Admin. Biden does a whole bunch of weird nonsense on random days.. they don’t notice. Biden decides to blare this out via WH press release on Easter.. that makes non-online people question what is going on here.
  16. Yes, I believe forces that constantly attempt to attack Christian values to be demonic.
  17. Optics Matter, and no Republican or actual devout Catholic makes that WH press release when the day falls on Easter. ….especially a day after they announced no religious symbols would be allowed at the WH Easter egg hunt.
  18. Republicans need to chill tf out and compromise on a 15 week abortion ban with rational exceptions after that time period. Most women support a timeframe around that area and it’s what is typically the law in most of Europe. Abortion and J6 is really all it seems like Dems are currently running on. At the Presidential level, Trump coming out at 15 weeks .. especially if he has someone like Tulsi Gabbard as VP .. takes that issue off the table in a lot of areas. That doesn’t mean pro-lifers stop trying to win the battle on the merits .. but legality based off when a baby feels pain is something most of us should be able to agree on.
  19. What did I say that is in opposition to that? As someone who dislikes Trump, I’m stating that our only recourse is to vote for a very flawed candidate because the other side hates us .. and furthermore, will not leave us alone. It’s a constant antagonistic nature from them. I was someone who participated in Pride and supported LGBTQ groups 10 years ago. I rejected the idea that it was a slippery slope. I was wrong .. it’s relentless and it’s the new religion.
  20. POV: You’re a Bills fan and someone calls you draft night to tell you we’re taking Cooper DeJean at 28
  21. Would a Republican, or an actual devout Catholic, put out a WH press release for this in a year it falls on Easter? Nope. You can deflect all you want, but we have a President who has two consecutive days of news cycles where he: bans religious symbols from his Easter egg hunt and then marks observance of an ideology that many Christians view as complete opposition to their faith on the holiest day of their faith. Optics matter.
  22. I’m pretty sure both candidates are trying as hard as they can to lose the election. There is no other explanation for the things these two people do. As for Biden, he knows what he’s doing declaring this on the same day Easter falls this year. It’s clearly a message .. and one every Christian should rebuke. He already banned religious symbols and themes at the Easter egg hunt. If you have any semblance of Christian values or even moderate/conservative values, the people running this country hate you. They will not leave you, and what you hold sacred, alone. They will continue this constant affront until you relent and give up. So vote this demonic regime out. I’ve been hesitant to use that term, but that’s what we’re dealing with. Enough evidence is out there. These people hate Christianity and everything it stands for.
  23. Quite the “Catholic” we have in the White House. Obsessed with abortion, bans religious symbols at his Easter event and then declares the holiest day in the Christian calendar to be “Transgender Day of Visibility”. Just like Constantine replaced Pagan holidays with Christian ones .. he is now doing the same for their woke religion.
  24. It’s actually Transgender Day of Visibility
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