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Everything posted by SCBills

  1. Honestly.. great point. Our cap is in great shape '25 and beyond, so if we thought this was a possibility.. why not just take the full restructure? And one has to think we knew it could happen. Mixon's tweet about this being discussed a month ago. Schefter reported on ESPN yesterday that Houston getting a '25 RD2 pick from the Vikings was done with this trade in mind.
  2. Given we’ll actually have cap space next year, I could see Beane doing this.
  3. I won’t hate it if they do .. in fact I’ll probably geek out if I see it happen. However, I’m more open to multiple WR Green Bay method in a loaded draft class.
  4. We taking Brock Bowers with that? Hopefully things change, but it seems like most have the 3 QB’s and 3 WR’s going 1-6. Let’s all do our part and hype up JJ McCarthy. If we can’t get one of the big 3, I don’t have much of an appetite trading up for Brian Thomas .. just double up at WR early if we want to burn next year RD1.
  5. It took drops from Diggs & Sherfield, a miss from Bass and massive injuries all over the defense to keep Allen from beating the Super Bowl Champions. We’ve got to take some of the runs off his plate throughout the season and give him more easy buttons.. but make no mistake.. if we make it to the Playoffs I’m taking Allen with a new crew around him. Hit on WR in the Draft and I’m doubling down on that heavy.
  6. Gave it a B A '24 RD2 would've been an A, but having two RD2 picks likely allows us the freedom to package our RD1 pick next year in a deal this year.. should we choose to do so. I don't think he had a ton of leverage. Not much of a market for a 31 year old 18M WR coming off a meh end of season with questions about whether he's still a true WR1 or not. In fact, the only leverage he probably had was... ok, well, we'll just keep him this year then. Getting a 2, even if next year, is a solid deal.
  7. Agreed. And gone are Edmunds, Poyer, Hyde, White, Settle etc.. That doesn't absolve Diggs. He's a WR1 making big money. He hasn't stepped up when it matters.
  8. That's not at all what Brandt said. He's part of a team that didn't step up around JA when it mattered. ....and now a lot of them are gone. JA didn't have it against Cinci in the Hamlin aftermath, but for the most part he elevates his game when it matters. Diggs has not.
  9. Outside of the forced debate shows (this news broke during First Take)... quite a bit of the analysis of this move is some iteration of "The Bills did the right thing". Kyle Brandt linked above... Lombardi is talking about how the list wasn't that long to take on Diggs 18M and now let's see if he's happy being a 2nd or 3rd option on Houston.
  10. Would y'all rather trade up in a massive move for a Nabers, Harrison, Odunze then take another guy mid-rounds or use a pick next year to move up and double dip on say a Xavier Legette and AD Mitchell?
  11. Also, we free up a ton of money next year, no? Guys can be signed on minimal deals this year with void years or on 2-3 year deals with money backloaded into next year if that's a move. I'd be surprised if we trade for a guy, but not shocked... what I could see is a WR-centric early Draft with some moves made and then a WR that becomes available ala Hopkins last year, has our sights set on him post 6/1.
  12. Draft two guys early and then with Diggs, pretty much, off the books next year and 10M freed up on 6/1.. maybe we have another Hopkins-type watch this Summer.
  13. You don't waste a prime year of Josh Allen. I'm sorry, you just don't. And we're not. This is a gamble, but this move wasn't made in a vacuum.. Beane is still a top tier GM and I firmly believe this move has corresponding moves for this upcoming season.
  14. I mean.. Diggs isn't prime Tyreek. We're getting a '25 2nd Round pick, but it's the Vikings pick. Good chance that pick is in the top half of the 2nd Round next year. Clearly part of the calculus is using a high pick next year to move up this year.
  15. The RD2 pick we're getting next year is Minnesota's pick, correct? So.. it could be top end of the second round next year. Have to believe next years RD1 is firmly in play this year as part of a trade up, whether that's into the top 8 or two get two guys in the next tier.
  16. Also.. we all know Josh Allen signed off on this, right?
  17. With two 2nd's next year, a high pick from next year is being used this year... I believe that to be the calculus. We currently have Shakir and Samuel... We're getting two WR's in the Top 100 picks this year.
  18. I love it. For those worried about a 2nd Rounder next year... we now have serious ammo to trade up this year.
  19. Felt bad that Diggs didn't get the attention he wanted on X last night with the Taiwan earthquake and all that was going on.. but rest assured, our WR1 is back into his rightful spot of Top 10 trending topics across America this morning.
  20. He just called out his QB tonight. That’s how it reads to me.
  21. Wouldn’t expect Josh to say anything else publicly.
  22. If I’m Beane, Id honestly just ask Josh Allen what he feels comfortable doing. Not sure how their relationship is, but when Diggs says stuff like that.. I’m letting Josh determine his fate here. Hes not good enough when it matter for all this constant bs.
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