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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Vlad and Mills getting beat single handly. Vlad been way worse put Dawkins in Vlad spot. He been awful bad.
  2. O-Line really bad. Maybe worst ive seen in a long time. Worst gamer so far past in years.
  3. Bench him..... They are using best players for Jets and killing that side.
  4. Ever since signed that big contract Dareus signed he went very bad ......
  5. Yes get him. Fits the d really well plus injuries starting to come. Makes lots of sense
  6. At this point it is hard to say just of yet who is for real.... Waiting till after week 8 or 9 might get a better picture.
  7. Best info for Fitz can look like Tom Brady one week then weeks in a row JP Losman or Trent Edwards. He's wild inconsistent. Hoping we get the Bad Fitz next week If starts.
  8. We all know Fitz. One week look like Tom Brady next few weeks like JP Losman or Trent Edwards. If Fitz start week hoping to get the bad Fitz. He's soo inconsistent.
  9. I am hoping Bill's in bye week get rid lot of outside zone. Go more inside zone, power, iso and stuff. Make adjustments doing bye week.
  10. Shaw I think bills ran all types of run schemes. Islo, power, draw man, zone with Roman designs he is best creating run schemes. Plus Watkins helped out made d way loose then to stack the box. Gillisiee sorry phone makes it hard. Perfect combo to McCoy different style. I understand lots in off season these two moves are head scratches
  11. First one to say it (in past( Greg Roman has amazing run scheme designs. Best by far in league. Had a feeling a drop off but not this bad.
  12. Wow guy is wide open if go straight then left likely a score......................
  13. Good Hyder Poyer Oleary ST bad White Entire Bills offense lack of WRS Poor gameplan by Dennision
  14. We need WR the worst way it's gonna kill our season like Bengals game.
  15. I'd get Gerald Hodges again. Really concerned WR need to trade for a WR badly.
  16. White is a amazing player and soo proud Bill's to have him. Hyder and Poyer looks amazing as well.
  17. I loved the hire but happy Bills are doing well. Still concerned on offense side but credit is due for everyone.
  18. Ya coach is it a combo of things. When Kuechly calling out plays, Dennison predictable offense, no audible's, using players that not fit for offense, getting rid of our speed to spread out of D. Offense looks way bad now...... I hope it gets better but might look worse each week...
  19. I heard Luke Kuechly was calling out Bill's plays. Another reason audible s good and thats so bad on Dennison.
  20. Heard Luke Kuechly on a different website was calling out the Bill's plays in the game. WOW...................
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