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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Bosa might be pass rusher in league. Made Mills and Vlad look like high school players lol.
  2. I heard there is rumors that Kubiak might return to the Broncos I wonder if he wants to go back with him.. But who knows.
  3. Not shocked. Raiders D doing terrible this year and so long without an INT
  4. (6.) We just gotta keep learning (7). I trust you guys ( then proceeds to get rid of some workers or sends them to different places) (8). We just gotta evaluate (9) I'm not here to make excuses lol
  5. A bit shocked they haven't tried Vlad at QB. How much they love him. LOL
  6. Ya I remember this as well. The argument was Manning old then. But this show result how stubborn they are.
  7. Thanks everyone just wanted to know others thoughts just a idea to ask. lol
  8. I am sure Tom Brady would do bad with Dennison and O-Line. With this swiss D as well Yes it is that horrible.
  9. Gameplan for teams put Tyrod in the pocket. He's bad in the pocket. Put major pressure on Peterman gameplan for him. The Chargers might have one of best pass rush teams out there. Still Dennison, offense staff and O-Line is major problems Agree with this. Bill's have major problems Me too at this point!
  10. Benching Tyrod, trades, Vlad starting, poor defense and offense. Someone that can light a fire on there butts when doing bad.. Over see all football players as well with coach relationships, as well coach relationship with players. Not someone that's a Yes man to everything
  11. I think it is a must this year for off season. A guy higher to Beane and McDermott. No yes man. To keep these guys in check and get rid of coaches not doing there job.. Maybe the biggest need for off season. They report to him then to Pegula's. How I think should be after all of this. What you guys think?
  12. If the Bills get a high pick for QB. What worries me if have same people (FO and McD) get the 7th one cause what they like instead of the second one or so thats much better........
  13. On all running plays to the Chiefs lol. Never pass or punted as well lol (At this point lol)
  14. We need one more then ever. A football czar. How I feel.
  15. I was not for Marrone cause of offense but looks like right now be right choice. With way Jags are performing. But I love to be wrong and those to be successful.
  16. With how the ways choices (trades, buddy buddy players, getting rid of good players and stuff) are I am scared to think of off season and draft with this regime....
  17. I hated Dennison (as OC) since preseason saw trouble from then. Hoped it changed but nope. He got to go After all the off season trade. I saw it coming hoping it was all wrong during season.....
  18. Agree. 100 agree. Then did it again with Whaley who wanted Lynn to be HC. Whaley did horrible at draft but not selecting his coach screwed everything up. Pegula loved Ryan and McDermott. All this makes me kind of wished Bill Poilian when we had a chance when they wanted him.
  19. I don't think Bill's can beat anyone even Browns. They are bad really hoping for something to get better.
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