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Buffalo Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bills Fan

  1. Would not be surprised in they gave him 5 year extension 50 million lol. Did not see this just did lol
  2. Ya I root for all AFC teams to lose only Bills win as of right now lol. Let's go Packers!
  3. It was pretty good. I wonder McDermott has trust the process all over his place. His car, his visor, steering wheel or whatever lol. Clearly his favorite word lol
  4. Ya that game plan throw the Chiefs off guard. Every week bring something else. Plus Alexander is rush LB terrible in tackles or coverage.
  5. Talib looks like even Steve Smith mad. He has history making players mad.
  6. It looks like it started this year when Talib pulled his chain off his neck when they played them earlier in year.
  7. Who's worse? Bills swiss D? Or Vlad? I would equal at this point lol.
  8. I am really thinking he is Juan lover lol. Was with Juan with Ravens.
  9. They did not keep peddle to the metal. When letting up this happens...
  10. I think Bill's made a adjustment by not keeping Tyrod in pocket all time. I wish they know that few games ago.
  11. Greg Roman went cute... Greg hell of run design and call run plays. His passing and cuteness hurt the team in past.
  12. Bill's looking great so far. I think Bill's about time making adjustment not to keep Tyrod in pocket all time. They look good so far.
  13. As well as Bradley who has the D coaching great for Chargers.
  14. Expecting upgrades to LB, D-Line, O-Line, maybe few coaches, QB and back up RB biggest place need help at. Hopefully. For off season I expect whole sale changes to Lb- D-Line and O-Line/
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