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without a drought

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Everything posted by without a drought

  1. The Jets might consider, they only have 1 QB under contract and even more cap space than the Bills.
  2. Let's hope this isn't how they plan to fix the TE position.
  3. Yeah, I know a guy used to hang out with Frankie, they did some stuff back in the day.
  4. Maybe they should start with a playoff win, they haven't done that since 1995.
  5. I'd like to avoid it, but not this year. We'll be at a birthday/super bowl party, if it was just for the super bowl I wouldn't be going. I'll try and leave after halftime and probably won't watch the end.
  6. Buffalo News story at the time. https://buffalonews.com/1994/08/29/bills-cut-93-second-round-pick-parrella/
  7. What are you trying to say, he had 100 receptions for 1687 yards in his last season with the Eskimos and the came to the NFL and is averaging 23 yards a catch.
  8. He never played the Panthers in his 5 year career, not even in the preseason, so I couldn't get the connection till I learned he is Matthew Stafford's brother in law. He has played the Panthers, McBeane has to give it up already.
  9. I'll just keep posting the same thing over and over until it is the majority and you are a true believer. Now I just need an opinion on this.
  10. RIP Turk, way too soon. He was the Bills QB coach 2 different times before being promoted to OC his 2nd time here.
  11. Did they ask him if it was okay to use his mugshot in their media guide?
  12. There is always the chance that they will sign Jesse James and/or Maxx Williams to lessen the blow.
  13. Jax is the closest thing they have to a rivalry in the NFL, not saying it's much of one, but it's all they have.
  14. I'm hoping he's an innovative ST coach, the kind who would defer the punt back to the offense on 4th and short past the 50.
  15. Which one is startling 5.8% or 46.9%, maybe it was the $50mil, but we already knew that.
  16. According to an anonymous source on the Bills, he said it may take till your mid 30's.
  17. This would only lead to Josh crying when he broke a lace on his cleats.
  18. You should have stopped right there, the rest is just nonsense.
  19. I'm almost positive that there are more former Bills in the playoffs this year than there are current Bills.
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