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Everything posted by corta765

  1. Agreed. I could absolutely see he "sent friends over" to remove stuff from the house and then things got rough. One of those I didn't "authorize it" in anyway they just lost their control. Would be very hard to prove guilt and he probably would be suspended. But gotta see the facts.
  2. Remember at this point the friend is the accuser not the GF. When people split one person also can go nuts and will find any reason to go after the other. The whole thing is just going to need time to sort out involvement etc..
  3. I never doubted something happen I won't with DV until its absolutely proven false. Your right the big question is Shady's involvement. As shown with the Janoris Jakins thing it just takes a dumb*ss family member to create a stupid situation the player has no involvement with. It's not far to see Shady asked a buddy to take some of her stuff out of his house and instead the dude went ape. Also has to be questioned if Shady told the guy to?
  4. Oh I am in no way trying to discredit this is incredibly serious. Just saying that usually there are other leaks etc.. with it that is all and if he knew you'd think his behavior would be different.
  5. yea in no way do I want to discredit the victim. Someone had that happen and its god awful, but between no comments by the Bills, major media, or anything from Shady and his tweets its really really odd.
  6. The other thing is its only been reported in one place and you have to think the Bills would be aware already and made a statement. But either way super awful.
  7. Found it. This isn't going to go well even if he is cleared and its proven false, the picture is awful.
  8. Do you have a link or anything. This is a sizeable statement without anything to back it up
  9. The 56-10 game was a very cold but clear night no rain or snow. But very cold for November. The 2010 NE game was far worse snowed most of it, wind, etc.. We had a fire which I basically was standing in when we tailgated because it was so cold. Only colder game I can remember attending was the Steelers in 2016. Our beer for beer pong literally froze on top to the point the balls broke the ice and the cans were freezing. FUN TIMES haha
  10. OUCH That's pretty decent. My wife and I went on a 10 game winning streak from 2011-2015 where we didn't see them lose. Of course the game that killed that streak was NE in 2015 when we tried to break the sound barrier. The funny thing is there were a bunch of games I straight up expected them to lose during our streak including KC 2012, CAR/BAL 2013, GB 2014, and IND 2015 where heading into those game the Bills were underdogs.
  11. Thats the game I picked. We left late 3rd and on our way to the parking lot heard the FG go through. Shout song and all came on and literally you heard nothing from the stadium otherwise. Sooo bad.
  12. That may be the all time worse for me watching wise. I went into that day soo freaking excited to the point had Bills sock and matching blue and red tie for work plus brought my mini Bills helmet. Got to our local bar we go to for night games which was pretty packed everyone was excited they had a special on Bills shots. It would've been the first time in my adult life I remember the Bills being 6-2 and genuinely feeling like the playoffs weren't a lie. AND.... then the game started. I ended up Gronk spiking my Iphone in anger after Tyrod's fumble in the 3rd and we left after because I knew it was time for me to go home. I think I had a three day depression after because it just reconfirmed like 17 years of doubt and fear in literally 3 hours. I really give McD and the team credit for coming back after the 3 game skid because it was impossible to not view it as another tease. God I remember watching that game in college and you weren't as much angered as just so utterly shelled that they were so hopeless haha
  13. Anyone who attended this should be allowed paid therapy from the Bills for the pain they had to see
  14. I have a feeling many people will respond similar. Worst game I have ever seen was that New England SNF game in 2007 when we lost 52-13. The tailgate was fun, but it felt like a blink of an eye and the game was 35-7. Just never even felt close at any point. After that the 2010 season I saw the Bills get smoked by the Jets at home in the rain which was awful and the home finale against NE they lost 34-3 on a frigid like 10 degree day with snow. The lot we parked in literally consisted of are group and a few other groups while otherwise looking like the barren wastelands of Hoth haha. Probably the most boring game I have seen was the Bills Dolphins TNF game in 2014 it was 3-3 at halftime and neither team had any interest in scoring.
  15. Packers Texans with GB winning. Probably best Packer team on paper in a while as long as everyone is healthy. Defense added some nice pieces and Graham in the middle is a nightmare. Texans are the most talented team in the AFC on paper assuming they still injury free to their main guys and Watson stays at the pace he was.
  16. You'll be fine in Miami. About 1/3rd of the stadium is Bills fans and I've been there twice once at night once during the day. That tailgating scene isn't crazy but there is something neat about being outside with palmtrees tailgating. My interactions with their fans were great and if you bring up mutual hatrid of NE things get civil real quick anyway. The new roof they put on covers 90% of the stadium minus the vistor sideline, but the fans get covered by shade within the first 45 minutes so by early 2nd quarter we were fine. Just drink water incase. Food and drink prices weren't bad I thought. The stadium has good sight lines the first time we were up for the TNF game in 2014 in 315 40 yard line about 5-7 rows up. Great sightlines and the noise was good but at the time the roof wasn't on. The second time we sat section 107 about 23 rows up and the sight lines were good for the most part. Ironically we didn't see the Landry hit on A Williams because it was toward the other sideline but you can see pretty well anyway plus the video boards are nice. Safest place I thought overall it was pretty fair, but somehow Bills fans seem to congrate in the 100 level endzones areas pretty heavily from what I remember. You'll have a blast I just hope you have better luck win wise, both times I've been the Bills blew leads they shouldn't have. 2016 was especially bad considering we were up 10 pts in the 4th. So many of their fans are in the club areas. When we went to the 2014 night game the stadium was literally 60% full until Miami took the lead and then it was like mice coming out of the woodwork...which lasted until 5 minutes to go in the fourth and they all left again haha.
  17. Deflategate effectively gave NE fans a true reason to think the NFL and other Owners have it out for them given that just about everything the NFL said was wrong.
  18. Cowboy bias. Gil Brandt like many Cowboy people have some bias to GB given the Packers have had their way with Dallas. Staubach is appropriately placed but Aikman doesn't belong near this. He's a HOF but he isn't better then Rodgers or Dan Fouts who also is omitted.
  19. Their start with Fitz in 2011 made it so hard not to believe in them and even going into 2012 I was pretty bullish on him myself. Ugh
  20. Haha where to start: 2007- Went to the Patriots night game convinced we would upset them because of how well we played against Dallas and we were I believe 5-4 figured we would start a run. 2008- McKelvin pick thought he was gonna be an all pro 2009- Was not upset at the time that someone vandalized McKelvin's lawn because he blew the game. As an adult now obviously see it as wrong. 2010- Hated the CJ pick wanted a QB like Colt McCoy or someone else ...whoops 2011- Thought Fitz was the real did as did a lot of other people after the start they had 2012- Was convinced Dave W would unleash a furious defense and instead got a puppy 2013- I bought EJ Manuel as the guy hardcore from training camp right into the season. Bought his jersey week 4 before BAL game and thought he would tear up the 2014 season. Then the season started he looked shaky and then he was pick 6'd by Watt. Gave up on him that moment. He never looked the same after the Cleveland game when his knee got hit and the coaches never seem to let him run again either. 2014- After the Dolphins TNF disaster which I was at in person I wanted Art Brilles as head coach because the Bills offense was so pathetic and at the time Baylor was rolling up anyone..whoops 2015- Was in the lower 100s after the Colts game chanting we want Brady. Went the next week and no longer wanted Brady. Also gave up on Rex Ryan after the Jacksonville disaster. If the Bills in my eyes were a playoff team and he was a decent enough coach they would've beat a crappy Jacksonville team. They didn't and I took down all of my Bills outdoor house decorations the moment I got home, season was over for me at that point and I was just waiting then for Rex to be fired. 2017- Thought the team was 4-12 5-11 at best. Thought after the 3 game slide they would just continue like the other pretenders and McD would join a list of Bills coaches who couldn't hack it. Was thrilled to be as wrong as I was.
  21. Frankly I'd relish this. I wish they wore their AFL blue throwbacks like they use to those are the best unis they have period IMO.
  22. Can we just establish that the Colts game now is officially known as the "Hoth Game" as of today?
  23. Right that is why I have them at 5 games and could easily see them win around 7
  24. The numbers rebounded a bit after the 3 game sked but that also coincided with Milano returning to being a starter and a slightly easier stretch of games.
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