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Everything posted by Success

  1. Every team. Every team loses good players. Every year.
  2. 2nd player in 2 years? Do you watch what other teams do?
  3. They also lost much better players than mg. that's the nfl. It's only in buffalo that the angst meter goes off the charts for a backup.
  4. He's a backup. I don't want to pull out all the stops on every player because the pats might grab him. This thread is embarrassing.
  5. Because they have a great coach and qb. Not because they got a backup rb.
  6. This thread is crazy to read. It's what happens to a fanbase when a rival has their # for the better part of 2 decades, so I get it. But that doesn't make it rational.
  7. Let's be clear about this: the Pats lose guys like this all the time. It's why they always have so many draft picks. And, of course, it's genius when they do it. Everything they do is genius, because they have the greatest coach and qb in history. That's it. It covers up any mistake they make and makes everything look great.
  8. They may or may not have a plan. But losing a backup rb hardly indicates whether they do or not.
  9. The only really bad thing about this is the dozen fire Whaley threads that pop up as soon as he gets a 3 yard Td run on national tv.
  10. Either way. I wish it wasn't the pats, but it's nice to get the draft pick too.
  11. Hot take city. As others have said, he isn't near the top, but he is hardly the worst. This was a playoff team last year if Rex wasn't trying to save Rob's reputation.
  12. 2 1st round Qb's since Kelly. 17 year drought. And people would complain about this?
  13. If they decide to go QB in the 1st, how could anyone complain? Any one of the big 4 could pan out, and we haven't had a true franchise qb since Bledsoe. You have to keep trying.
  14. It would awful to see Sammy have a long, healthy career with another team. They have to keep a player like him, period. A true difference maker.
  15. The most surreal and never ending nightmare continues. Being a pats fan is like rooting for the house in blackjack.
  16. Pats fans think they won't miss a beat with Jimmy. They said the same about Mallett. And let's see if JG can stay on the field.
  17. The Bills always pass on good prospects because they have a guy who is good enough. That said, it all depends on how they view Trubisky. If they think he's a franchise guy, take him.
  18. I'm pretty excited. Sure, it could be another middlin' year - but I continue to feel good about McDermott. I think he's the X factor that gets us over the top.
  19. Didn't you know? (Insert gm or coach here) is that you? was retired from the Internet, along with starting any sentence with either "um" or a sarcastic "but...but...I thought".
  20. Why are we talking about Ragland as though he's a bust?
  21. We know Rex was bad, because he ruined a great D and what many thought was at least a WC caliber roster.
  22. Pats, and by a good margin at this point.
  23. Not an intellectually honest question. EJ is a bust, but I still don't fault the pick that much. We had to draft a qb, and it's not like anyone else from that draft was great.
  24. I think Seymour is a steal, and Washington played well last year. You can look at almost any draft pick for any team and find guys that were picked later who played better. Ragland probably should have gone in the 1st. If he's a dominant LB, we won't miss those picks.
  25. His drafts have been solid. I saw one article in a Dallas paper that ranked the last 3 drafts and had the Bills in the top 10. Every player from last year's draft is on the roster. Lawson, Ragland and Seymour will all start. Washington and Listenbee will be significant contributors. What more can you ask ?
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