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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Would it be one solid piece? Or we talking a glass of diarrhea? To either I say no.
  2. Yea I get all that. I'm just saying it "could" be the way they end up going, stay put at 21,22 and getting a QB that may fall to them if they are lucky and have them battle it out in camp. Will be interesting either way it goes. I personally would like to see Cousins in a Bills uni. But don't see that happening.....so I'm curious to see whaat route is taken.
  3. Understood. Just saying I think some will be surprised at how much more it "could" take to move up to a spot like the #5. By all means though if it did take what you're thinking, I'd be all for it. Especially if it's the QB they have high on their chart. Lol, well still have a chance at them starting Peterman for the upcoming season, depending on how everything plays out. I'm definitely interested to see how it all plays itself out.
  4. If you think that's all it would take to get to #5 then I have a feeling you will be disappointed. I believe it will take more than that to get to the #5 pick.
  5. I don't know. Either way at this time I consider all "reports" like this and everything pretty much all speculation anyways. Just something more to talk about really, but if this speculation actually becomes true and it actually happens, I for one would be stoked.
  6. Of course it's speculation. As of right now what else could it be?
  7. Really? Why? If he is healthy I would LOVE me some Luck
  8. That would be awesome. One would think he should be healthy enough to go for this upcoming season. If that's the case that would be great. You know Indy will want an arm and leg for him, so we will see. Going to be very interesting how the QB situation plays out this off season. Looking forward to it.
  9. I believe it will be the 1st one I'm not going to watch. Just don't really care.
  10. I saw that guy when he did it. It was around 9:45pm. It was dark and cold.
  11. I still think they will probably go with Peterman and a draft pick and have them battle it out. But there really is just no way to tell as of right now. I'm very anxious so see how all this unfolds.
  12. Say what you want, I have my own feelings towards this myself but no need to get into it, but I will say this much, I have a feeling this year's Superbowl ratings will end up being one of the worst if not the worst. I think a lot of "neutral" fans may skip this one. Mainly just Philly and Pats fans watching. I'm curious to see what the ratings will be for this one when it's all said and done.
  13. This. I have nothing more to say about this thread. Thank you and have a pleasant day.
  14. I'm unemployed too. I'm looking for a job where I have the least amount of responsibility as possible.
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