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Everything posted by Rochesterfan

  1. Don’t guess because that would be way wrong. Tom Brady has owned Baltimore with a 6-1 record in the regular season. Denver is the only team that has fared well at nearly 0.500 and then Miami. Baltimore has been more consistent, but they have also been in a division with Cleveland and not NE for the last 2 decades and that really impacts total wins and loses as much as anything.
  2. This 100% - I do not want the Jim Kelly - no huddle fast attack. That was great; but I do not need that pace all game long. Give me a huddle when you come out for a few plays and then after you get a first down or two and you have some D-line getting tired - pick up the pace and don’t let them substitute and let the offense dictate the tempo and plays. Use it especially on 3rd down and short - you have the entire playbook - from QB sneak to long pass available and you can get the defense in a pickle before you even snap the ball. It is a huge advantage for the offense and one very few teams take advantage of.
  3. You don’t think preparation for these things haven’t changed in the last 30 years. A 15/16 back 30 years ago meant very little because none of the Players went to draft prep classes that work specifically on the things they will get tested on in the draft. A 13 now equates to a 4 or a 5 back then because of the access to tests to prepare for this and tips on how to score better. It could very well be that Jackson did no prep work, but again that reflects on him. I do not care if he recognizes the changes to the offense or not - or can’t figure out where he is holding the ball and why it wobbles. I think he is just not a great player and like TT - will not be able to do enough to be a consistent winner once teams figure out the best way to defend him. I won’t question his athleticism, but there is no questioning his intelligence or lack there of. This is has been noted from his handling of questions, his wonderlic, his pre draft talks, everything has pointed to his subpar intelligence. It may or may not impact his play that will be determined.
  4. This X1000. I fully agree on Ike also. If he can pick up Center - he has flexibility and then has a chance to replace Bodine and can make the team. If he is strictly a guard - I think it becomes a numbers game and he is either PS or on another team.
  5. I believe the plan was for 2022 to be in LA. Same thing with a Super Bowl once the stadium is done.
  6. Must be NE since we are winning the AFC this year right and they accidentally have NE at the end. I bet that Beane fleeced NE to move from the 30’s to 7 by offering Frank Gore’s used Jock.
  7. Can I ask why you were discussing EJ Gaines on your Honeymoon - of course that was not a wise decision- LOL ?
  8. Actually there are are over 4 DE that are the same age or older making more than Hughes even with the new contract - some significantly more money. A guy like Cameron Hayward in Pittsburgh - same age getting 14+ million and similar numbers and still has term left after this year. You have others like JPP and Watt with injury history, but bigger totals - both pushing 20 million a season with term left. I think 11 million for a top rated rusher - especially with the contracts being given out now is a steal. Now he just has to play these years out just as he has this contract.
  9. Not sure I agree - currently he is the 20th paid DE in the NFL. We have this year and 2 additional years at about the same money. By next year and the year after he will be closer to 25 - 40 th in the market and the DE market has gone nuts with guys like Trey Flowers hitting 16 million next year and going to 23 million - he will look like a bargain. Heck DeMarcus Lawrence is already slated to make over 26 million when he is the same age as Hughes. I do not view this as overpaying at all - you signed a known entity at a premium position for significantly less than others have been signed recently and less than others of the same age.
  10. He is part art of a NASCAR team down south and wanted to spend more time with that organization. Kelso was a great guy - very intelligent and seemed to really do an excellent job with film study and knowledge.
  11. I think more than this year - I think for the foreseeable future they are going to struggle. That is a pretty good division (minus the Bengals) and they have bad facilities and an owner that is not a favorite of the players. They are a hard sell right now.
  12. The issue is now is in reality about the best time they can move him before 2020. If you play him this year (especially with that o-line and coach) there are 3 scenarios and really none lead to trades. 1. If he plays bad to mediocre (most likely scenario in my mind) - no one is going to want to part with anything of value because he looked bad and is super expensive. 2. If he plays great - just like with Pittsburgh- he will have shown value and the new FO won’t trade him (nor should they) - they just eat the contract because it is done. 3. He plays average - middle of the league - his contract next year is 15 million ( even factoring in the signing bonus - he will be one of the top paid backs coming off an average year - I do not think they get much in options, but maybe they can work a trade (huge dead money for them though) The way I see it for the Jets is they either trade him now before anyone knows what he is like as a player and eat the 12 million to get back salary cap for the future or he is a Jet through the 2020 where they can either cut him or maybe trade to get something small back. One year has very little chance of working unless they blow it up and try to restart.
  13. Actually - he now becomes affordable for the price most teams seemed to value him at. The Jets paid 12 million of the guaranteed money - that leaves essentially the 4 years and under 40 million or just under 10 million per season - I believe. It actually makes him much more trade-able because his annual cost is significantly lower - I can see a higher round pick (2nd/3rd) for him or maybe more for a team that thinks this moves them to late in the round.
  14. The issue is if Johnson didn’t want to do the work to search for a coach and a GM - why give the GM you want to fire a big say in hiring the HC. Additionally - why give that same GM the keys to the biggest FA haul in years for the Jets? If you think he is a bad GM - why let him spend and put you back into Salary Cap jail. If you are getting rid of the GM for doing a bad job - why do you let him run the final draft - to the point that the coach literally did not participate at all in the draft prep and running of the draft. Finally - if you were getting rid of the GM for performance- wouldn’t you have some legitimate people in mind and be moving on this process. The head coach just made a trade of a former 1st round pick and cut players to sign a punter. There is work and fires to be put out. In the end - you put together these 3 points and it is obvious they had no intention of getting rid of the GM, but the actions of the new coach forced their hand. Gase was not happy with the FA players signed - nor the money and it is obvious that he was not happy with the pre-draft and draft action. Someone had to go - so say bye bye to the GM. It may not be wrong based on the draft history, but I do not think it was part of a plan - it just needed to happen once you look closely at the 2 guys involved.
  15. Hate to see this for any player/team, but I just do not have much sympathy for this player - such a waste.
  16. I agree - similar to what we did with Lawson, but they had to make the decision on the 5th year option for L. Williams last year before 2018 played out. He was still a potential rising start and they hoped he would continue to develop - with some stability. If they had not made the decision on a 5th year - there is a good chance he would be playing elsewhere this year already. It is impossible to say what the Jets truly think of him because they signed off on the extension and obviously are now having 2nd and 3rd thoughts about that.
  17. Because the 5th year option already has him being paid as a top 10 DLineman at north of 14 million per year. L Williams is a good player, but he is not open of the top 5-10 players in the league and to extend him - they are going to need to give him a huge contract that they do not feel he is worth. It is very similar to the Shaq Lawson situation in Buffalo, but the Bills chose not to give the 5th year option that would overpay - allowing them time to negotiate a contract more in line with play. The Jets gave the 5th year option and now have a guy that they feel is overpayed and it will be harder to negotiate a new deal at significantly less than he is making this year. Therefore - they will let him go test FA and see what he is worth and they stand a big chance at losing him. This is a continuous challenge for teams that draft high year over year because the option is a big pick-up for guys that are average - therefore they lose these guys rather than resigning them. It happens at most positions when these teams struggle for extended periods.
  18. OR - it could be said they felt L. Williams was only there for 1 more year anyway and got his replacement- rather than a top quality DE like Allen. The issue is where BPA meets need - meets long term planning. The firing of the GM and the new coaching staff just changed the equation for the Jets.
  19. I think this is true until a few teams decide that maulers at OL and a heavy dose of the running game gets you some wins. We saw that last year with NE - late in the year and the playoffs it became a run first offense and guys like Aaron Donald were neutralized in the playoffs and Super Bowl. Teams could not stop the run and did not have sub packages that could stop the run - so they had to throw more and more guys at the line of scrimmage- giving Brady one on one looks on the outside and the slot for easy completions. In the past it was run stuffing defenses - with a sub package to go against the pass. Now it is a smaller/faster defense with an even smaller sub package because the pass is so important. Therefore there are very few big run stuffers left in the league- especially at LB and it is a trend that will lead back to more rushing by the trend setting teams.
  20. Maybe he can do Darnold to Tennessee for Tannehill- bring in a guy that knows his system ?
  21. Huge waste for the Jets and a nice pick-up for the Chiefs. I think it will end Ragland time between FA and this pick-up. Nice Job of Beane getting a 4th for Ragland.
  22. I disagree completely - He fits pretty much any 4-3 defense that has a good rush DE on the other side. He is not athletic enough to play OLB, but may be able to play some DE in 3-4, but I think his current role is the best fit he has. His job in this D is to keep plays (QB, RB, WR sweeps, etc) inside (setting the edge) and allowing the other guys to rush the passer. I think the Bills coaching staff likes his attitude and that he is working hard, but they recognize that he is not a 10-12 million a year DE - he is a 4-7 million DE. It would not shock me that if he starts the season off making making a few plays, but not a bunch of sacks - if the team begins talks on an extension in the proper pay slot. He has flexibility in playing DE and moving inside on passing downs giving more opportunity to speed DEs and he has taken the coaching to heart and worked to get better. In reality he has become exactly the player I think most of us expected when he was drafted. Even in college he did not show speed or power to get to the QB - he was always going to be a edge setting, run stuffing DE, but Rex just overvalued Clemson by a ton (much like the Raiders this year).
  23. I agree - it adds to the picture a whole new layer of dysfunction. To be totally fair though - Ed Reed was brought in to fix the communication and really give the defense a sense of what he saw as a player and how to translate that into proper defense in this scheme. If he was trying to do that, but the other coaches are not on the same page or are doing different things - then all he is doing is sowing more confusion. I remember being excited when I heard we brought him in because I thought Rex was a total joke and thought maybe this could bring some credibility and stability to the team. Then they had Ed running a bunch of drills with tennis balls and players talking about him m telling stories about his plays and I thought this does not seem like it is doing anything other than adding to the problem. Now you read this and it seems worse - the players got nothing from Rex and some coaches were literally part of player meetings that may have added to the dysfunction. Just Great!
  24. I agree with this fully - I also believe - as I stated earlier in this thread that Zay actually has the most flexibility as he has already played all the other positions in this system last year. Early - with KB here - Zay was playing a lot of the outside speed (Foster) position. Later - with Foster emerging- he shifted to both the outside route guy and a slot guy depending upon need. I think Beasley is strictly a slot guy in this system. Both Brown and Foster can play outside roles, but Zay I think allows for the flexibility to fit in at any of the spots as needed. You just can not expect him to be the number 1 guy getting all the #1 CB coverage - he is not beating that, but let him flex in and get a miss match like he was getting versus Miami and he can give you average numbers. Where everything changes is if Duke or Sills (or even McKenzie) suddenly brings something new to the party and make it difficult to get rid of or try to PS them - then someone like Zay or Brown, or even Foster could find their way out the door.
  25. I understand what you are saying and thanks for the earlier work - although it shows a bit more than a couple of good games and the games got better as Josh Allen returned and started to get better. As to the statement above - there are many cases of that not being true and our own Sammy Watkins is the poster child of a number 2 that has 0 catch games and other games with 1-3 catches for less than 30 yards - even in high pass percentage attacks. Others that have had similar games, Adam Thielen, Robert Woods, Brandon Cooks, etc. I agree Zay disappears to much, but the numbers support him being a 2-3 in the league - he is not alone in disappearing.
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