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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. An appropriate song for many especially with the backdrop of this video
  2. At my office later in the week we do the usual grab bag gifts with the staff. Except we are able to steal the gifts up to three times if somebody winds up with something they don't want. In my family my uncle usually puts together Christmas themed games to try and make things more festive. Like for example write down everything you can think of related to Christmas in 5 minutes... the winner gets a prize. If you are forced to participate in these, do you: A) Find yourself very competitive B) Care a little but don't get stressed over it C) Absolutely just flat out could care less or detest it with every fiber of your being and cant wait to be done I kind of start out close to choice C but I do manage to have some fun with it as it goes along. But don't get worked up. Some of my co-workers/family members really do!
  3. I agree. Also add to the fact the Colts fired Reich a few weeks before. Not gonna lie I thought the whole thing was annoying. Plus as well there were no 2 point conversations in 1992. Just hearing about that actually gave me bad vibes the Bills would lose last night.
  4. Well in Yellowstone Park there this sign is common. Another connection in ref to Wyo-Buffalo 😄
  5. My Dad and I drove the 8 hours from where we live to Buffalo twice. Made a long weekend out of it besides the game. It’s an underrated city we both like for things besides Niagara Falls. But I’m sure 8 hours pales in comparison to many fans on the site. I’m partially inspired to start the thread by that one fan who said they travel from Hawaii to see the Bills
  6. I hadn’t been there in over 10 years but Donavans Pub in Woodside, Queens. Was once recognized as best burger in NYC. Not sure is still is
  7. Well especially this time of year? While not a perfect performance yesterdays game reminded me a little of watching early 90s home games as a kid. I’d have to look it up but I thought the team was 8-0 at home most of the Super Bowl years. Opponents have to face the cold and possibly rainy weather without sunlight like yesterday, the loud fanbase, and a real nasty defense. Btw I thought all the hits on White were clean. While still knowing they’ll have to play their A game to have a chance to win. Even from a non homer perspective now I wouldn’t want any part of playing in Buffalo as an opponent. While my thread was based off nostalgia for watching childhood games…. it shows as well though how important having the number 1 seed would be
  8. Most these pitchers mentioned and players I don't either. Outside of the Mets there's only a few teams I know a little about. My reaction is actually sort of like when the Bills drafted Josh: Time will tell if this is the right move or not. Now the Bills brass really did their due diligence scouting Josh because that was the right move (or they got really lucky). So all I could hope for is the Mets due their due diligence as well. Certainly beyond what these guys stats are and think they are they the right fight for the club. Especially come September/October. Because the Scherzer outing against the Padres still boils my blood and feel he should be docked some of his pay.
  9. Kind of figured that was a typo even before I opened the thread. If it was a real deal it'd have at least 2 pages of replies by now and be a "Hot Thread"
  10. I liked the sentiments the OP was trying to convey... but I think in reality this is why Joe and the team are trying and putting in more work this week.
  11. One friend I know went there in 2016 to rep the Browns and had a Jersey on. He got some dirty looks and comments initially but decided to buy the guy next to him a beer to show no hard feelings. Idk if that was really necessary but this guy is very social/talkative/loves people and scenes so maybe he was protecting himself! Sounded like he made it out in one piece Best advise I would say I’d start an account on Eagles forum and see what feedback/pushback you get if you’re really considering it
  12. What could be more important than Buffalo football in our lives with our Lord and savior JA#17? 😉 Now that the Bills are back in the news…. Some of which for the teams play and some of which for the snowstorm, I try and tell people fandom just runs DEEPER with this fanbase then other teams. To which if you’re not from or familiar with WNY or Buffalo it still don’t register with a lot of people.
  13. Yeah not familiar at all with Texas Rangers baseball and looked them up. They were 68-94 last season, not exactly setting the league on fire. My point is yeah parts of me wonder now if he didn't really like playing for the Mets/New York or what not. Maybe he wouldn't have gotten that much money from the Mets but he's still playing on a team now that will likely be in contention or at least for an owner that seems to want to win. It's like when Strawberry was telling Judge to re-sign with the Yankees.... all other cities even LA or pretty boring to play in next to New York. Honestly, it reminds me of Mike Hampton signing with the Rockies a little. But he was a great pitcher here and one of the few Mets down the stretch last year I was satisfied with. I'm just a little perplexed what he was thinking. Whatever
  14. While the Bills aren’t perfect it’s a game I’m comfortable they should be able to win push comes to shove. I think I have to go back to the 1990s to have that feeling against the Pats
  15. Reading through this thread I’ll just leave it as social media is the downfall of a lot things today and we’d all be better off without it imo
  16. Yep. But in a what have you do for me lately world they still seem to always help the Bills. Oh yeah they beat the Jets as well this year too
  17. The Bengals always seem to help the Bills: they beat the Dolphins earlier in the year and the Titans today
  18. He’s like the Charlie Brown of the NFL. He has he even ever won a start? I’ll say I find it admirable he doesn’t quit
  19. I'm not old to remember it but I watched that game on Youtube being a nostalgia fan. What I found enraging was it sounded like there were Giant fans cheering that day when he went down. Giant fans always point to Eagles fans as being degenerates for booing Michael Irvin when they had to cart him off the field but they are no better. I mean at least on that day.
  20. There might be some big Bills fans out there due to their family dynamics are in households where they can’t watch todays game and missed the Cowboy one a few years ago They might have a word with you 😂😆
  21. Browns vs Bills in 2009. Roscoe Parish fumbles the punt with I want to say less than a minute left. Which sets the Browns up to kick the winning field goal. Browns win 6-3 where Derek Anderson goes 2 for 17 passing for 23 yards
  22. I have a memory of a fan putting a taser light on Carpenter during the game. Is an underrated Bills classic game imo
  23. You pretty much said it all. Only thing I would stress is if they go after high priced free agents make sure they can handle the playoffs. I mean to me Scherzer was an epic fail and that’s inexcusable when you pay someone over 40 million a year. More of high priced flops like that the Mets will really be the joke of the league. I mean just throwing it out there
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