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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. Maybe slightly odd but I never disliked the Phillies growing up even as a Mets fan. Growing up and even now it’s a more convenient trip if I wanna see the Mets. So I’m pulling for them too. But I think it’s gonna be Houston in 6
  2. Where I work there’s only a few sport fans. There’s one guy that’s a Patriot fan but I’ll just get annoyed if I talk football with him, so I don’t even go there with him One guy likes the Yankees here. They’re not my team but since I like him sometimes I’d ask about Judge. Ditto for a co worker here about the Eagles. Sometimes I’ll just ask how they did on Sunday. A team I’m pretty neutral about. So yeah sports talk comes up occasionally with me but it’s not common.
  3. Kind of a generic answer but imo you can't go wrong with Wegmans. The last Bills game my dad and I went to years ago we split a 14 inch sub in the parking lots. I only say that as depending where you live now there might not be one near you. DiBella's is pretty good as well. I think they are in the Buffalo area.
  4. I'm not sure if this relates to what the OP was talking about but I recall a punt, pass, and kick contest sponsored regularly by the NFL. I'm going to say it was during the 90's? Or at least the height of its exposure. Seemed pretty cool then to be able to participate in it.
  5. Good win. DeGrom wasn't perfect but did what he had too. Buck has been great but some of his logic last night made me shake my head: Why is Canha bating ahead of McNeil? I know they got bailed out but it seemed he wanted Diaz to do a 3 inning save?
  6. I'm not one for booing athletes but if I was at the game Mad Max would of heard some from me. For $43 million a year that was pathetic. If he actually was pitching hurt shame on him for still going out there and not thinking of the team first. While yeah Max frustrated me, Escobar has been the only offense. Lindor is another player whose not looking too good now
  7. I just saw this morning he died from prostate cancer at 64😢 https://nypost.com/2022/10/06/wabc-radio-host-bernard-mcguirk-dies-at-64/amp/ I do recall listening to him a fair amount growing up…. enough I would start a thread on him. Was on the Imus show. Did some funny impersonations. I just recall him and Sid Rosenberg always talking trash to each other. Enough so they had an actual boxing match. Had no idea they both had their own talk show on am. I lost track of him over time. But yeah my dad recently got diagnosed with prostate cancer but thankfully early enough to treat. It’s important to get checked
  8. Older I get I take more of a what's done is done approach to life. But damn couldn't just get 1 W this weekend! Ah well, moving on the Phillies woulda been the better match up imo than SD but team should be ready for the weekend at least.
  9. It shows you how much I’ve paid attention to the playoffs in baseball the last few years. Is this new three wild card teams? I just thought it was Mets vs padres and whoever wins moves on
  10. All I wanted was 1 win in Atlanta. Uggh that series brought back flashbacks of 2001 with Brian Jordan hitting 9th inning HRs. Pitching wasn't that good but neither was the offense. I like Canha but he's had a rough couple weeks. Personally I think Cohen should reimburse the Mets fans that made the trip down. I was watching that chop when Bassitt got pulled with the lights off even at home and was disgusted. Sitting in that stadium would have been worse than going to a Patriots bar in Brady/Belichick's heyday
  11. I think most missed the OP's point in this thread. It's like when Andre Reed made the hall of fame back in 2013/2014 ish that I think that recharged the fanbase to a certain degree for a while seeing him being honored like that. Versus today say Steve Tasker finally gets let in the Hall of Fame, it'd be like all right cool but it's not something the fanbase would dwell on
  12. For me between 2000-2015 is when I was really nostalgic on those 90s teams. 2000 was a couple years removed from the Super bowl years and then by 2015 it felt kinda tired at that point still reliving things from over 20 years ago. I'd add it was during the drought so them years it felt nice remembering the team was solid at one point. I will say though the team imo would really be under a tremendous amount of pressure if it makes back to the Super Bowl. Through no fault of their own. The 90s Super Bowl years I think will resurface but not in a nostalgic way to Bills fans with how I think the media will run with it. More like the teams history is it never gets it done when it makes it this far, it's up to this group to re-write history. So I would say until the team wins the Super Bowl I still see the 90's teams as the guerrilla in the room. That's not to diminish the 90s teams, I'm just sayin'
  13. My 1st job I had when I finished college in my early 20s was as an office manager for an HVAC company. It started out full-time in an office but it shifted to part-time at the owners home... which was part of an animal farm. This was around 2008ish when Wall Street collapsed and it effected the business and my boss could no longer afford the mortgage on the farm so he moved all the offices there. In the meantime my boss just got married so he lived with his new wife at her place. He rented out his house to his cousin and her son. Her son was a juvenile delinquent. So yeah in the meantime, I had these new tasks assigned to me: Take care of and feed his dog Feed the cat... who one day just disappeared Feed his fish Take care of his sheep if need be. Which leads to a story of chasing after a few of the them one day when his fence broke and some were threatening to escape All the while sharing the "office/house" with a juvenile delinquent. The first time we got introduced he showed me a warrant for his arrest. Lots of his colorful friends came through 'the office". As did some interesting chicks he chased to say the least. But we got along. We even shot games of pool in my lunch hour and when the owner wasn't looking lol. Sometimes for money. I'd add his "office/home" didn't have heat in the winter. It was on a hill too and more than once I fell walking to the mailbox. I got stuck driving my car on his driveway more than once as it was a sheet of ice. All in all it was actually a fun job though. But it became a part time so I couldn't sustain myself on it
  14. I still have confidence in the team and thinking they can win the division. Thing is the Braves are just a very good team as well. Defending World Series champs. I have a feeling that final Sunday game against the Phillies will pay dividends when they came back in extra innings and won. I looked it up and the 1999 and 2006 Mets won 97 games. This team has won 97 games already
  15. Naahh. You've had a very sheltered work career if you've never been exposed to a co worker/manager acting like this. It's not like he directed his anger at another person either If it's a recurring weekly theme with him then I might start to question a little though
  16. I saw your thread title and thought this was where you were going with it before I opened
  17. I might be in the minority but I liked the OP post. I think if you always feel like and underdog and see the sports teams you root for as an extension of your personality.... it can be easier to relate to the drought Bills versus the dominant Bills. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying My suggestion is to root for the Sabres this year. 11 years without the playoffs but signs of hope there
  18. https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Neurotypical_syndrome Everyone should accommodate to us lol
  19. As I said in the OP kids or really anyone having knowledge of this stuff is a good thing. Despite imo still very sadly the stigma it may carry. Like today at work I got talked too about how to handle a social situation at work better. Prior that could even have got me in crisis mode where I’ve punched myself repeatedly in the chest at times among other issues like that. But with the knowledge it’s something for me to size up and see what I could do better. And be heard as well to express my point of view 1st athlete I am aware of to be open about his experiences https://www.fox26houston.com/news/former-nfl-player-joe-barksdale-autism-diagnosis.amp
  20. So that's what I get for saying last week here I have full confidence in this team 😅. Not the end of the world for the team imo. I'll chalk the poor weekend up to a combination of these three things: -Baseball is designed so good teams win 2 out of 3 games and bad teams win 1 out of 3 games. Doing the math it would probably compute the Nationals would win 1 out of 3 games. -A natural letdown/taking the foot of the pedal after the impressive series with the Dodgers -I haven't followed the Nationals this year but it's obvious based on their record it's been a long year for them. So I'll say they tried extra hard this weekend. It was their World Series That being said I still do have full confidence in the team. However, this is an important week ahead for the team. The Pirates and Marlins are teams they should beat. Anything 3-3 or less in these games and it won't be a joking matter anymore
  21. I thought his quote was meant to be humorous. But yes in general it does truly suck big donkey balls to not feel heard/understood
  22. I started watching the series Community and it's implied the one character has Asperger's. I forgot his name. The ass burger gag came up in it in the 1st episode
  23. Interesting, years back I got the social anxiety diagnosis as well when I first saw a doctor. It wasn't until I was advised to have a thorough screening done for autism is when it was picked up. I had to get interviewed as well as my parents. I had to fill out multiple questionnaires as well. The whole thing was unpleasant but necessary. That's why I indicated it's better to have a through check done at a specialist in the original post
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