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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. You are correct. Rich Kotite won a playoff game in 92 with them. Ironically that day they won in Jan 93 was later on that day after The Comeback. Obviously wasn’t as big a comeback but I know they were down at that game at halftime. Golden days of sports
  2. 1991 Eagles deserve mention https://theeagleswire.usatoday.com/2017/06/20/philadelphia-eagles-1991-defense-named-the-greatest-since-1987/ Who similarly to the 85 Bears papa Ryan was the brains behind it
  3. I agree with your takes especially the bolden sentence. It seems nothing is ever Josh's bad, it must be the result of a bad offensive line, bad play calling, etc.... However, he's not a one man island and definitely can't do it alone. But to insinuate there still aren't ways he can't improve is just foolish. When Allen first came in the league I watched one of Kurt's reviews of his game plans and thought he was unnecessarily harsh on him and got turned off from watching his game reviews after that. But this one imo was very fair. He even complimented him at the beginning and several times during the video. Seeing the field better for the short throws is something he can work on.
  4. I agree with your takes. Matt Milano is my favorite player on the team. He presently to me more than any other Bill including Josh exemplifies the "Buffalo work ethic" if you will. He works and plays very hard. Yet all the hits he gives on opponents are clean. He also goes about his business quietly. I don't have the exact quote after the Bengal game but I know he said something along the lines of the team didn't have much heart and came out flat. Being he's a quiet guy in general that says a lot.
  5. I pay ZERO attention to these stats and don’t even know what WAR is in baseball but he is the 9th best 3rd baseman all time apparently https://www.cooperstowncred.com/scott-rolens-hall-of-fame-case-a-matter-of-war/ just saying. I think stuff like that plays a role
  6. I’d hope for less hype in the offseason. It seemed the team burnt out at this point. I think do to too much adrenaline early on. For example The Von Miller hype video Josh celebrity golf tournament The pics on social media with Jim Kelly pretty much anointing him. Fitz as well loving him Granted I don’t really follow the Bengals that closely but Joe Burrow seems to more quietly do his thing…. and he outplayed Allen
  7. Cinci though is the 3rd biggest in Ohio. Plenty other cities bigger than Plainfield in Jersey
  8. Went I went Cincinnati for the 1st time I became aware the city is nicknamed the Queen City. So similar to Buffalo in that regard. I'm not sure the history of the reasoning but there you have it. Playoff battle of the Queen cities. Kind of makes wonder how common that nickname is for cities. Near where I used to live and where I drove through work everyday for a while..... Plainfield, New Jersey has that nickname as well. And the city has a Bills tie in.... Donald Jones is from there and went to high school there. I think he actually still lives there. I'm sure I can google this or whatever but thought this might be an interesting thread.
  9. Peyton's biggest weakness as a player actually imo was he didnt fare well with adjustments. I think he may very well have been the most detail oriented QB in the history of the league so as to avoid dealing with adjustments. I thought I recall a story the dude had like a good amount of his home set up to study game film. Case in point that one superbowl against the Seahawks in New Jersey. The first play of the game was a safety against the Broncos. And after that that day he was shot. Forget it. It was over at that point and he couldn't adjust. So I totally respect the dudes accomplishments but this sounds like a case he's projecting
  10. Yeah I still remember the last Bills home game in 2011 was against Denver. Like at the height of Tebow mania. Tim played awful and the Bills won like 41-17 or something along those lines. Which was kind of a surprise at the time. But anyway many Tebow Sucks chants were heard in the crowd. There were some fans on the old BBMB that thought that was way out of line being him such a devout young man. But yeah I think the conclusion was more they were mocking what they thought was the overhyped product on the field. Nothing to do with his faith. Good times
  11. 2020 or even last year this question would have made more sense. Not that I watch Super Bowl coverage but the only thing I can say a little to defend the OP is it would get real real annoying fast the national media clamoring over how many wins Brady has in his career against Buffalo.
  12. Well you lived up to your username then 😅 To be honest I don't know what you said but this shows underneath the type of person you are.... a good one Words are words
  13. Not sure. I read the Mets were actually frustrated with Carlos. Like take a dump or get off the pot. So what would become of Lindor in the field if they do sign him?
  14. Guy really knew how to draw genuine heat from people as well. I loved as well he worked as a busboy when he was still famous and lived rather modestly
  15. It goes against me being a Mets fan to enjoy this one as much as I do. But it's one of the last teams imo before sports seemed to get more heavily corporate/analytic influenced/no players with any personality.
  16. Even me a big fan didn’t realize that “rivalry” went on for years. I thought when he came out of the mummy’s uniform was absolutely hilarious. Actually this whole clip/documentary is gold
  17. I’m not sure He seemed to get more popular after he died. One of the big things Man On The Moon got wrong was the timing of the Carnegie Hall Concert where he took the crowd out for milk and cookies. At that stage in his career he couldn’t have booked Carnegie Hall. Taxi was cancelled, a movie Heartbeeps he made bombed, he was voted off SNL, and a broadway play about wrestling he was involved with closed after only a few showings. So yeah at that point people were just tired of him. Nonetheless he is an inspiration to me to keep pushing
  18. Bill Zehme wrote a bio on him which I read when I was younger and bought and started to re read recently. Despite him being before my time, I loved the guy. Latka, Elvis impersonations before they became more famous, the wrestling, and his performances were all a hoot imo. Was inspiring to me as well transcendental meditation brought him out of shyness and anxiety. Anyone else like? Or he just wasn’t your cup of tea at all
  19. Could be. there’s reasons why Livs mom wanted her daughter to have nothing to do with him https://news.amomama.com/268193-todd-rundgren-was-liv-tylers-only-father.html
  20. My closest friend from elementary school? No I think it was in the 2nd grade we were I the same class where we met. Enough to talk on the phone, shoot hoops, play one on one, trade sports cards, and watch TV shows. Pretty much all the standard stuff boys do at the age before they discover the opposite sex. Though I was never a video gamer. When it was time to go to middle school he and his mother felt pretty strongly a local Catholic school here would provide a better education that the local public middle school. As it turns out we both go to Catholic school for 6th grade and we both wind up hating it. Except at the start of the 7th grade year he and his family moved. Seeing me hate that school as much as I do (it was mainly kids there at the time) my parents let me switch to another school. We talked a little more that year but that was like it. Never heard from him again. Last I searched his name some years ago he was an attorney. Moral of the story to me is not to be joined at the hip with a person and to make up your own mind. I'm actually glad to have learned that message at that age versus now.
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