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Another Fan

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Everything posted by Another Fan

  1. I can’t attest to this but many say Buffalo is a hockey town at its core. Nobody will deny the support and love people have for the Bills around town… but yeah a Stanley Cup may just be as important if not more than a Lombardi to fans here?
  2. I follow the Bills more than the Sabres but I’ve kept abreast on the Sabres this past year. Kinda disappointing most stories involving them just lead with it being 12 years since the playoffs now. Guess that’s what sells stories versus more talking about an upcoming team. Anyway I don’t care what team it is playing 3 good teams in 4 days is tough
  3. Just saying’ Prevents the person you say that too wanting to strangle you when you tell someone what they don’t want to hear. Happens a bit in my day to day life
  4. I would like to believe the Bengals playoff loss will prove to be the best thing that happened. I know it was a roller coaster year but I think part of the burnout 2nd half of the year was them believing their own hype
  5. One of the few times the Bills got a blown call that went in their favor….. thought that was a Broncos incomplete pass after the onside kick
  6. I hear what you’re saying. Fans I thoughts in general were too harsh on him. People in general judged him more for his personality or lack there of Yeah that was just it with his teams. They weren’t terrible but left you with a certain amount of hope only to disappoint
  7. Misery 2 of the scariest scenes I've seen in my life: When Paul is rushing back to his bed after wandering in Annie's area when he can hear her driving home The scene where he awakes tied to the bed staring at Annie
  8. Last week the dental hygienist I saw was left handed. She was telling how much of a pain was how her work area was. It’s not something I gave much thought too before. Just recall Ned Flanders opening a Left handed store on The Simpsons when that show was good. If you are left handed is it a pain?
  9. The whole album is great. The line accusing men who are not guilty seems to be the only crime stands out to me
  10. How about a one-run loss after being outscored 19-0 in the 1st two games of a series? If you were able to watch it on TV I have a feeling your remote might have taken a beating 😟
  11. Fair take but they have put in rules to speed the game up this year
  12. Imo the Giants defense that year was just as impressive as the Bills offense. Both teams were 13-3. The one time they played in the regular season the Bills won but it was pretty close. That all works to their advantage they had better coaching.
  13. The 1990 NY Giants were just as good as the 1990 Bills all things considered. The Bills didn’t play their best game that Super Bowl but they should have never been favored by 7.5 points. Giants had Super Bowl experience as well from a few years prior. The Bills didn’t
  14. That joke don’t hold up well imo…. I wanna say the Mets have an outstanding opening day record. It’s after that when it usually goes to 💩
  15. I mean there was always these kind of risks with his age unfortunately. Is that like a Metsy thing to do as well going back to at least George Foster signing guys like that on the down side of their career?
  16. I cut the chord with cable lately for a number of reasons. The only down side to that is missing Mets games if I feel like watching some of them at night. I seem to check the scores more than anything though. At $150/year do you find it worth it if you do? Sometimes I’ll feel like watching an out of network game ty
  17. Is this a shifter car? I cannot drive a shifter car Bronx Tale
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