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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. Hotter than the richest stick figure on the planet?!! How could that be?!
  2. I had hoped his vision would improve. Now he has to sign? Crap. Sorry...dad joke...
  3. If we don't like having first round picks in the next three drafts, we have a chance.
  4. I actually think Foster is more than a dark horse roster candidate. He was getting burn with the ones at minicamp. Hopefully he turns out to be one of the great finds of the '18 draft.
  5. I trust this regime in their defensive signings. I hope to soon say the same about those on the other side of the ball.
  6. As beach bodies go, mine definitely trumps his. As bodies of work go....different story.
  7. I think you are onto something in terms of the sports bars in that city. The sports bars in Bellingham are more populous and more informed than those in Seattle itself. But, when it comes to food, activities, sites and great neighbourhoods to walk, Seattle really is a great city. It's the one that I've been to the most games in aside from Buffalo, so I may be a little bit biased.
  8. I really don't understand why anyone would ever go to the football stadium to watch a football game and then sit in a restaurant and watch it on TV at the stadium. People are really strange.
  9. But, does that make it a bad city to visit? I've come to think that the best cities to visit for games are those with good food, unique and interesting sites, and greet tailgates. Based on those criteria, Atlanta isn't really that bad
  10. 63000 people out of a population of close to 38 million!! We ARE flocking. Hilarious. Admittedly, I was born liberal and I've never understood the mindset of a conservative or Republican. I believe that healthcare for all is something that should be written into the Constitution and I'm fortunate enough to live in a country that shares that belief. Seeing people suffer because they cannot afford medical care is appalling. I understand that a lot of people do not want to pay to help others when they're in need.Nobody should try to help their fellow man! And that Is a country that has openly stated they are built on Christian principals. Ridiculous. Canada is a democracy and is not socialist despite so many peoples accusations of such. We do care about our fellow Canadians and we do want the best for all. We have our issues, of course. We are a group of humans every group of humans has its issues. But, we live incredible lives in beautiful places. A previous poster stated that Canada would be a (sic) crap-hole if we didn't have Toronto. As someone who grew up in Toronto, I would argue that it may be one of the crappiest parts of the country. From the East Coast to West Coast to North Coast, this is a country with astounding physical beauty, much like that of theUnited States. Insinuating that our country is that much lesser than yours is ridiculous. If you cannot appreciate other places, your closed mindset is a part of the problem and not the solution. I appreciate that Americans are patriotic. I appreciate that Americans are proud Of the beauty of their country and of the foundations that the country was built upon. These are fantastic things. What I don't appreciate is people that feel they are so superior to others and cannot see past their nose to see that other places are just as good in many ways and in some ways better. The United States has incredible things going for it. It is a great country. This is not a Canadian telling you that Canada is the greatest country on the planet this is a Canadian telling you that things can always be improved upon and approaching challenges with an open mind and a willingness to change for the better is a great first step. I'm not going to change the world with my statements. I doubt I even change anybody's mind, but I do feel that it's fine to speak mine. People citing false statistics or even pointless or baseless ones have been putting me down in this forum. It doesn't affect my day-to-day life. This will be my final post here in PPP. It's ridiculous to continue this conversation. It's going nowhere. Keep being bills fans and I hope to one day enjoy a beer and some good football conversation In Hammer's Lot with each of you. In a place where politics doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is the unification of people behind the greatest football team on the planet, the Buffalo Bills.
  11. I'm really not sure where you got that from. Like so many people, you take things and apply your own context. People like you are a reason these conversations go nowhere He's one of them and I work with multiple doctors that would never even consider moving to the United States. Definitely not your bro, as I use actual facts not those cited by studies that are completely biased towards your mindset. Doctors are not leaving at historical rates in fact today, specialists in Canada or making an equal or greater amount in there American counterparts. My stepfather He's one of them and I work with multiple doctors that would never even consider moving to the United States.
  12. There have been some fair points in regards to one city in Canada and it's sizeable amount of shootings in the year 2018. That's city has an immense issue right now in illegal handguns. If you examine the vast majority of Canada, you will see that that number is not even close, even by a per capita basis, to the shootings in the US. When was the last time that you heard about a school being shot up in Canada? You didn't. Why are these kids getting access to guns in the way that they are? Toronto's main issue to date has been associated with gang violence. This is a gang member on gang member and drug affiliated individuals shooting each other. Well that is not a defensible, but it is a difference between young children shooting up the school and thugs killing other thugs. As for DC Tom's statement regarding that being FBI statistics, I'm not really sure what that actually means. I do know that there have been mass shootings in the news far too many times and something has to happen. The United States is the only nation that currently has this level of mass shooting issue. It is also the only country that has the laws in place that give every citizen the right to carry a firearm. Coincidence? I think not. You are clueless. You are reiterating false hoods brought about by Republican blowhards. I have dealt personally with illnesses throughout my life that have been more than adequately handled by our Canadian healthcare system. Nobody is flocking to United States. If we need an MRI, then there are multiple places to go there and some take advantage of the shorter wait times. The Mayo clinic probably sees some wealthy Canadians due to it's excellent work in multiple fields, but I know absolutely nobody that has ever looked at going to United States for treatment. Our healthcare system is quite all right thank you.
  13. One mass shooting vs 154. C'mon, try and at least follow along.
  14. I'll fade away. Hope you enjoy life as the actual smug one. You're not interested in fact that disputes what you watch on Fox News. Disappointed to share this fine forum with a low-life such as yourself. You like getting personal, that's as low as I'll stoop. I'll go back to my good life here on the West Coast. You enjoy sleepless nights in your one room basement suite.
  15. Your president has been proven time and time again to be a blatant liar and changes "fact" to suit his agenda. What is this "new hope " you speak of? I have a legitimate question for you. Are you a) a caucasian male who is worried that a hard-working non-US born individual may take your job, b) an extremely wealthy person , c) loyal to the Republican Party regardless of their direction or plan or d) pro life. These are the only people I see supporting or, in the case of option b and d, benefitting from the current regime. You say the economy is doing well, and you are correct from the standpoint of Wall Street. However, is the middle class growing or is the middle class, as we have long known it, shrinking and the wage of those below the top 2% actually shrinking relative to the rate of inflation? Does the average hard-working American have a better life today than they did in November 2016 or is it just the CEO and shareholders of their company. I may not intimately know your laws, but I do know proven statistics and facts. Running a country like a business is idiotic. I own a business. My employees are very important to me, but I also am aware that they are only as important as their performance dictates when it comes to my bottom line. I can , and will both disipline and remove them as it suits my business. They become statistics when it really comes down to it. If you like being a statistic, you are certainly in the minority.
  16. Second amendment rights over the lives of children? I know that a lot of Americans are single-minded when it comes to their right to bear arms. It has to be the single most frustrating thing to watch from the perspective of an outsider. The biggest problem that I have with it is that it is a "right ". Owning something that is designed with the sole purpose of killing another human is so far from a right. It is a privilege. Allowing it to be a right has allowed true pieces of garbage and people who have no business owning a weapon to, as of the end of June, commit 154 multiple person homicides in the US since January 1st. Why the hell would you not see the examples set by other countries, such as Australia who previously held similar beliefs and gun laws, who have set structer gun control laws with immense success? I have had multiple people try and explain it to me and I cannot for a second adjust my thoughts on the subject. Chavez and Castro were not lauded worldwide and I never saw them as heroes. You are correct in that much of this world owes the US a debt of gratitude for its role in peace keeping. However, if you read what I have been stating, my focus has been greatly on the current regime, one that is very much trying to move away from the peace keeping role and has not denied its intent to run the country like a business. Also, as I assume you are literate as you respond to an online forum, you should have read that I have applauded much of what your country stands for on a historical basis but am disgusted by its current division that is only enforced by the twitter-troll commander-in-chief.
  17. I actually applaud that mindset in its basic sense. Patriotism is an absolutely beautiful part of the American mindset. As a Canadian, I very much feel the same way about my country. I never assumed, nor did I insinuate, that I know more about American laws than you do. In fact, intelligent posters such as DC Tom have posed their replies in such a way as to educate me further on some of these laws and the ways in which they are being upheld and their effect on the American public. I applaud this as it a true form of debate. In your retorts, you have done nothing to educate me nor to offer an intelligent point that msy sway me, or a like-minded individual, to your side. Who's smug now? Point taken. JT has had his failures and is doing his party no favours when it comes to the next election. However, Justin has not negatively impacted the perception of his country on the world stage and has been known by his counterparts across the globe as an intelligent, thoughtful and strong leader. By counterparts I do not mean dictators, who are the only world leaders to say such things about Trump. I'd take JT over Donald any and every day.
  18. It's funny that this thread title denoted me as someone who smugly thanks I'm better than Americans when you just talked about American exceptionalism. What in Gods name is that? Sounds like a situation in which that person thinks that Americans are actually the best and superior to others.Sounds like a situation in which that person thinks that Americans are actually the best and superior to others. So, you find it acceptable to applaud the politics of Vladimir Putin and Duterte while diminishing those of forward thinking, traditionally aligned and intelligent nations such as Germany and Canada? If you like being a slave to your master, then you will really enjoy the future of politics if he takes it the way those two took their countries
  19. I will leave it alone, I was just replying to a comment. However, the discussion at PPP is actually just me being attacked. Yeah, I am a liberal, but it's just ridiculous conservatives that have turned the word liberal, which just means open minded and forward thinking, into a bad word.
  20. We definitely take a good amount ( see: Syria and Somalia)but we are not bordering any country other than you. I understand that the crack down must occur, I just 100% disagree with the tactic of separating families. That Is inhumane.
  21. I do want to state unequivocally that I never said Canada is better than the United States. What I did say, and this is fact, is that the world is right now judging America based on Donald Trump's politics. If your political views align with his, good for you and enjoy living in that world. However, I am neither a socialist Nor a communist. I just do not believe that the elitism that is being pushed by Donald Trump is Acceptable in the least.
  22. Thankful for being credited and to your quotes. If you are too blind to see the way that the world currently views US politics, then I don't know what to tell you. This is not my isolated opinion. This is one that I share with many many people all around the world. This is not a slight against the 59% of the country that does not support your president. This is an absolute slight against those that do. It is in comprehensible how anyone in their right mind could follow such an absolute moron
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