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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. Thankfully, the clutch performance from Zappe might save us today. Nice to see some of the young players stepping up
  2. I feel like there is a new Mahomes/Reid/Kelce commercial every week. Maybe if they focused on the game more, they wouldn't be backing into the playoffs.
  3. Miami and Indy up early too. Everything is going wrong so far.
  4. Meanwhile, Darnold completed 67% of his passes going 2 for 3 in San Fran yesterday. Cleared we drafted the wrong guy.
  5. The offense's performance under Brady and their previous performance under Daboll is not exactly a ringing endorsement for Dorsey at his next job interview.
  6. He was always in position to get the interception in Buffalo, he just couldn't ever actually hang on to the ball.
  7. Pick six for Tremaine Edmunds. You know that you are in a parallel universe when.....
  8. I would say to move on. The three or four big games a year are not enough to offset the other games where he is a complete non-factor. He is going to look for starting WR money, and the Bills are going to be in cap trouble. With the way that Davis is playing, production from a young player like Shakir or a veteran on a small contract would most likely be better or equal at worse. I have nothing against Gabe. He had a great start to his career and showed enough for Buffalo to give him a look at a #2 option. He was not quite at that level and it didn't work out. If he doesn't get hurt, he still has a few years ahead of him as a #3 or #4 option with potential for a handful of big plays a year. Not a bad career for a 4th round pick.
  9. Up until recently, I would have given her a pass saying that it wasn't her fault that the NFL is over-hyping her. However, her dismissive "dads, brads and chads" comment only makes her look just as entitled and arrogant as Mahomes and Reid did after this past game. I've never seen a franchise do much to make themselves public enemy #1 to the rest of the NFL as quickly as the Chiefs have over the last couple weeks.
  10. I completely agree with this. My worry is that the Chiefs (who have been the biggest benefactors of shady officiating over the past three years) are going to make it all about them and use that as the poster child for the officiating issue when there are about 50 better examples to use this year.
  11. Say what you want about McDermott or Allen, but I have never seen them play the full blown victim card and blame the refs in the same way that Mahomes and Reid have over the past 24 hours. I didn't see Mahomes or Reid complaining after the Jets and Vikings games. Even Brady and Belichick knew better than to bite the hand that feeds them in the few cases where a ref call didn't go their way.
  12. I agree about the over-officating, but in this case, it was the right call. Toney was lined up almost parallel to Von Miller before that play.
  13. I must say, I was extremely pessimistic for most of the game, I even stopped watching the second half. Too much heartbreak this year. I expected them so fail, but I stand corrected. Great job Buffalo for hanging on and being on the right side of one of those games.
  14. This might be the worst that I have seen the WR's do since we had Zay Jones, a bunch of practice squad caliber JAG's and a 380 pound Kelvin Benjamin as our WR unit.
  15. It's 17-14, but does anyone actually think that McDermott will lead this team to victory? It is so demoralizing to watch this week in and week out.
  16. I know we are winning, but the last two minutes is yet another McDermott, mismangement special. Any other playoff contender manages at least three there.
  17. The last three minutes of game time has had over 30 minutes of commercials.
  18. I think that fans need to be more unified when this happens. Looking at various sites and social media sites this week, I noticed that too many Eagles fans this week were dismissive "Your just sad that you lost", "refs did great" even though they were robbed during the Super Bowl and should have been able to relate as much as anyone. This is not about just the "Bills being screwed" We need to be as vocal when games like the Jets/Chiefs and 49ers/Browns happen or even when others perceive that Buffalo was handed a win in the Giants game. This is about the big picture and the integrity of the game. Players and fans deserve better than what the officials are giving us.
  19. It's not just questioning whether games are fixed, it is bad calling altogether. There are some games where it feels like there is a flag every other play. I dislike the Jets, but I had sympathy for their fans when they were blatantly robbed in the Chiefs game/Taylor Swift cross promotion earlier this year. I know a few non Bills fans who felt that the officiating in Sundays game was an embarrassment. I propose a system similar to a PFF rating for players based on call consistency, bad calls and non calls where an independent party reviews each performance after a game. If a ref is above a set high number, they get the bigger games, if they fall below a set low number, they are fired, suspended or "benched". Whatever they decide, something needs to be done.
  20. If the allegation is true, it is Ironically the first time this year that Miller has hit anyone.
  21. When asked about the horse collar Hochuli responded saying ""We felt that the force from the front of the collar and what pulled him down was not from the back," referee Shawn Hochuli told a pool reporter after the game. "So, that’s pretty much it. We felt he was pulled down from the front of the jersey and collar."" That's pretty much it? Not only does he refuse to take ownership of a mistake that the rest of the world saw, but he doubles down on it in one of the most arrogant d-bag ways possible. I hope that he get fired or least suspended and fined.
  22. I do not think that it is fixed, but that the officiating is more involved in the games than needed. It isn't impossible for the other team to win when this happens, but I think that for example, when you play the Chiefs in a prime time game, you have to play well enough to win by 10 in order to offset the calls that they will get. My opinion is that some refs are just incompetent, but others like Shawn Hochuli have an extended history of favoringthe larger team and need to be investigated.
  23. McDermott may have been better at building a team than the drought era coaches, but his game management is worse than anyone besides maybe Jauron. I truly think that you hand this roster to Doug Marrone, Rex Ryan or Chan Gailey before the season starts that each of them bring this team to eight or nine wins at this point of the season. The game management on the two minute drill is off the charts record level poor under McDermott.
  24. The only two wins that I can think of were the Giants and Bucs this year and that took a PI non call and a missed hail mary that was a foot away from being caught. There never seems to be a three and out, shut the opposing drive down before it starts, victory formation, game over scenario.
  25. It's at a point where I want to turn the channel after a Josh Allen drive for the lead with under two minutes. Yesterday, I looked at every one in the room with no excitement after Allen took the lead late in the 4th and just said "I know what happens from here". It should not have to be that way.
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