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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. I am happy to be 5-3 and to win after the low point of last Sunday. Both units vastly improved, but McDermott did an awful job in the 4th and the team gave Tampa way too many opportunities to hang in there. That effort yesterday does not get us a win next week against Cincinnati or later in the year against the Chiefs or Eagles. There is still work to be done. We just have to take it one game at a time and hope for continued improvement in ten days.
  2. Agreed, the first penalty was ticky tack and that Phillips face mask doesn't happen if the refs blow the play dead five seconds earlier like they were supposed to. It's fair to say that nearly every single football game that I have watched no matter who is playing has had some type of issues with the officials this year. It is a real problem and the NFL needs to address it. For what it's worth, the point spread yesterday was 9.5. In the slightly possible but unlikely event that Buffalo had not run out the clock and kicked a field goal to make it a two score game, the final score would have been 27-18. I hope everybody enjoyed the NFL sponsored by Draft Kings last night.
  3. Great turnaround by Allen. The offensive line was good and the receivers outside of Diggs finally stepped up. All of this against a decent Bucs D. Defense was better, but they caught an offense with a bottom three running game in a major slump. My biggest concern after today was the coaching and management at the end, it almost felt like we were daring the Bucs to make a comeback. I feel a lot better than I did Sunday, but also think that Buffalo will lose to KC, Philly and Cincinnati if the play like they did today. Five and Three is not bad considering everything they have been through and this is something to build off of.
  4. A Receiver, Corner or DT would all be helpful, but a linebacker is a must. Dorian Williams is not ready and Dodson is a modern day Keith Ellison. We were pushed around by New England last Sunday.
  5. Allen is having his worst year since his rookie year, but not all of it is his fault. There is no one to throw to outside of Diggs. Knox is having a down year(and is now hurt) and Kincaid shows flashes but is still very green. We tried Davis at #2 and he is not only under-producing but regressing. Sherfield and Harty have added absolutely nothing to the team and Shakir is nothing more that a backup at this time. You could literally grab four wide receivers from practice squads and get equal or better production than our current #2-5 options. Despite all of that, Allen at least did enough to give the team the lead back, it was the defense that let us down this time.
  6. It is clear that Gabe Davis is not a #2 and is better suited as a #3 or #4 deep option, but no one on the team right now is good enough to replace him. What has Shakir done outside of preseason that made you saw "wow, he is going to be a starter for years"? It's the same trap that we fell into during the drought era, if someone does anything in a position with no production we overrate that and imagine them as better than they end up being. There is a difference between better than other bad players and good. Even marginal players like Deonte Thompson and David Nelson can have 40-60 catches a season if in a scheme with no one to throw to. If someone wants to argue that Shakir should get reps over Sherfield and Harty, I am 100% on board. As a steady #2 receiver or over Davis, I am not there yet. I would rather have Buffalo trade for a veteran receiver if they want to try and be a serious playoff contender. I would even take back Beasley Or Brown as they are today at this point over Davis, Harty and Sherfield. Of course if Buffalo does fall out of contention, then things change and I agree with Seeing what Shakir and Shorter can do so that we can see if they add value to the team long term.
  7. 1) Defense is riddled with injuries: White and Milano are out for the year and Miller is practically a non factor. Our linebackers are inexperienced and smaller than some safeties, the remaining defensive lineman are average starters and rotational and there is no true #1 corner. Out of everyone remaining, only Hyde, Poyer and maybe Floyd or Bernard would start for other teams. 2) We have nothing outside of Diggs at WR: Our options are Davis- Two or three drops for every big play Harty- A lesser version of McKenzie Sherfield- Completely invisible I think that I have heard his name once this season. Shakir-I had a little hope, but he seems to be interchangable with any backup WR in the league 3) Josh Allen is not himself: We can only speculate on whether or not it is physical or mental, but it is not just the play, he is completley checked out every time that you see him on the sideline. 4) Schedule: We were one ref call away from being 0-3 in what was supposed to be the soft spot of the schedule. The remaining schedule is Bucs, Bengals, Jets, Broncos, Eagles, Chiefs, Cowboys, Chargers, Pats, Dolphins. We are 4-3 and ten wins is probably needed for the playoffs. Who do we beat? Do you see six wins happening there? I don't. Sorry to sound so pessimistic. If might be time to accept that we may need a mini rebuild this year and next year. Retool the team and start fresh with an offensive mindset. I would rather have two mediocre years and a chance again later in Allen's career than 7 straight years of 9-11 win wild card disappointment.
  8. I know that there are depth issues, but the missed tackles all day are inexcusable. The last drive started with Stephenson busting through multiple tackles for 30 yards on the very first play. It also doesn't help that our linebackers are the size of defensive backs and where the hell was Von Miller on that last drive? I don't care if he has one leg, when you are paying a guy that much, he needs to be out there in the last two minutes going after Mac Jones. Mac Jones could have sat down and had a quick bite to eat on every play of that drive with the lack of pressure on him. I do not know why we keep insisting on investing two thirds of our cap and draft picks on a bend but don't break cover two defense when we have a QB who is top three on upside in the NFL that we should be building around.
  9. I will always acknowledge and be forever grateful for how McDermott turned around the culture of the team from drought to playoff team. Unfortunately that can only take you so far. McDermott is the Buck Showalter of the NFL. Great at rebuilding a young team into a playoff contender, but unable to get them to that next level or adjust to keep them good. I hate to fire a coach because I remember what it was like to have a new regime every three years, but for the first time, I think that it is something that we need to evaluate doing.
  10. This team needs to stop with the defensive minded approach when we have a QB with enough upside to be a top three quarterback. How can we defensive minded if we do not have a defense that can carry a game? Allen has been far from perfect this year, but I can think of at least three games off of the top of my head in his career(13 seconds, Hail Murray and today) where he did enough to bring the team back and our alleged bread and butter of the team defense costs us the game in an epic way. This is not working. I don't care if we shut out the Commanders and Texans once or twice a year and pad our stats in those games, this defense fails in big games each and every time. I do not know if firing McDermott is the answer, only because we don't know if the next coach would be worse, but Buffalo needs to stop wasting our draft picks and cap space on building a "deep" defense of 22 average to slightly above average players while leaving the cupboard bare on offense and expect an Allen, Diggs, 9 JAG unit to keep scoring 30+ a game. Stop building a team like we are playing with a game manager QB, Give Allen some weapons and let the defense compliment that.
  11. This is 100% on the defense. I do not care if they were injured, Allen overcame an awful game to put us in a position to win and they just crumbled, could not even hold them to a field goal. This is not a playoff team. Good teams find ways to win those games.
  12. Between Buffalo's record level of underachieving, the slow pace of every NFL game, injuries on every team, terrible all around officiating, and the cross promotions with DraftKings and Taylor Swift, this has been by far the least that I have enjoyed watching the NFL in my entire life.
  13. Time for Buffalo to blow it up, keep their 10-12 best players, bring in new coaches and build an offensive minded team around Allen before it is too late.
  14. Looks like another too little too late rally so that we can all look at the box score on Wednesday and forget exactly how bad the loss was.
  15. Buffalo sucks, no excuses, but the NFL needs to take a long hard look at how games are being officiated this year and make an overhaul next season. It's not just the bills game, it is every game that I have watched.
  16. I think the question of what we do if this team does not make the playoffs is a real conversation that needs to be had.
  17. Illegal contact, on a corner in a play that was a fumble behind the line of scrimmage to give a team the ball back? F you NFL.
  18. This season is more frustrating to me than most of the drought years. At least those teams tried, this team is loaded with talent but has no sense or urgency and seems to be going through the motions.
  19. I was ten years old, barely understood football and still realized how ugly of a game that it was. The scenario was a picket line crossing Lawrence Taylor against an offense full of taxi-drivers, car salesman and gym teachers yet somehow we won because the Giants were even more inept in offense. One of the very few games in the modern era where a 0-0 game was a real possibility.
  20. You posted this yesterday, so why did you feel the need to post this again? People have a right to their beliefs. McDermott has a right to be a Christian, you have a right to be an Atheist. That is exactly where the conversation about religion should end and steer back to football. Take your agenda elsewhere. I reported you yesterday and I will report you again. Seek help for your hatred.
  21. One of the only positives is that Buffalo may have gotten a win out of what will hopefully be their worst game of the year. Also a decent turnaround by Allen after an awful first half. Kelly, Elway and Favre also had a lot of clunkers where they got it together at the end. Terrible overall game to watch, not just because of the Bills performance, but the officials were flag happy and had no control of the game. There were stoppages every two or three plays. Never thought that I would see the day where a baseball game would be a quicker pace than a football game.
  22. This guy was done three years ago to the extent that he was infamously posterized by Derrick Henry. Do they really think it would be any better in 2023? I don't get the veteran mentorship angle either. We have Poyer and Hyde, along with Taron Johnson, Dane Jackson, Siran Neal, and Cam Lewis, who have also been with the team for a few years. I know that the pickings are slim, but there has to be a late rd pick/UDFA who is used to the defensive scheme on a practice squad somewhere who could do better than Norman would if we needed him.
  23. Even if someone wants to look past the Bills game yesterday in order to avoid looking like we are blaming the refs for the loss, the Chiefs/Vikings game gave us all a more blatant example to reference. The non PI call was on the border, but more than what Bradberry got called for in the super bowl. Too subjective at best, corrupt at worst. Then there is ignoring the helmet penalty which there is no excuse for. The Bills game is not as blatant, but at the very least you can say that there was over-calling of penalties and that the calling back the first TD to Davis made the refs look incompetent in the way that they handled it. Whether or not the corruption is true, the perception is there more than ever. This is something the that NFL needs to acknowledge and address.
  24. The loss itself was a fluky set of bad circumstances, but the injuries concern me a lot more. Losing Milano for the year is going to be painful. The only consolation is that it looks like Bernard and Espeneza may be ready to help fill that void a little bit.
  25. Honestly, not very many people are going to quit watching right now, but the direction the game is going in a way that many people don't like. Me personally, I've enjoyed watching the Bills in the Josh Allen era, but it is very hard for me to sit through a football game if the Bills aren't playing. In the past, I used to watch all of the NFL football that I could. Even if it was something like a meaningless preseason game between the Cardinals and Buccaneers, I would take the time to watch it. Now the games are painfully slow, bad officiating, obnoxious announcers, more commercials than ever, non football related tangents etc. Goodell is slowly destroying the product. To be quite honest if the Bills fell out of contention at any point this year, I could see myself not watching any game for a few weeks for the first time in my life.
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