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Everything posted by dgrochester55

  1. At this point, they should just change the name of the NFL to the "Roger Goodell Football Entertainment show presented by DraftKings."
  2. Lets see who the refs want to win tonight, my guess will be San Fran.
  3. That was worse than nything this morning or even last Sunday's Chiefs Jets game. The intergity of the league is on the line. One of the players or coaches has to speak up and call the refs straight out for this. Hell, I'll start the go fund me to cover the fine for them if that happens.
  4. Officials are at it again in the Chiefs game. They are shamelessly blatant. Just arbitrarily deciding not to call pass interference? When will they be held accountable?
  5. Goodell's experiments more often than not leave the Bills on the short end. Is the God awful officiating of this morning and last sunday night an experiment too? was the cross promotion with Taylor Swift last Sunday an experiment. Goodell needs to go, he is ruining the NFL just a little more every season.
  6. Look on the bright side Bills fans, at least we aren't New England.
  7. Crackdown on inconsistent officiating. Makes the rules less subjective. Audit from an independent third party on each official throughout the season. This isn't "boo hoo the Bills lost" to me. This is more of officiating is getting worse every year and it is getting out of hand.
  8. I am not going to blame this on the officials, because Buffalo played too poorly to justify deserving to win. However, the officiating was atrocious today. Between this, last Sundays Jets/Chiefs game and the call at the end of the Super Bowl, there needs to be some type of accountability on refs. It is now at a point where it is starting to ruin the watching experience and hurt the credibility of the NFL. Too many people are speculating on whether the games are fixed. Even if they are not, that is not what the NFL wants. Regardless of whether or not that is true, we can all agree that there are too many subjective calls and flag happy refs. The example that stands out to me today the most was when Buffalo scored and mysteriously had to line up again. Fortunately they scored again, and a replay showed a holding on Knox, but they way that it was handled with no announcement from the ref and the broadcasters having no idea what happened is a bad look. It seems to be getting worse every year and I hope that Goodell starts to realize this.
  9. Ref was just telling Pederson "dont worry, we will throw a flag if they stop you.
  10. Defense actually held up pretty well considering the situation. The offense has been the bigger worry, but they got it together in the last drive.
  11. Same here, I am also grumpier than normal. No worries and no hard feelings. Go Bills.
  12. Glad to be this close after all of that. Hoping we turn things around. Go Bills!
  13. If that is what you got out of my statement, your reading comprehension is as good as your posting.
  14. Never said that the Bills are playing good. The Bills are playing bad, and refs are atrocious, both are accurate. Look, if you get enjoyment out of playing the Devil's advocate troll and rubbing salt in the wounds of everyone when the Bills are off, go ahead. We are done talking, have a good day.
  15. Despite everything, if Buffalo can manage a score before the half, this may be salvageable.
  16. Trent Edwards would be proud. What the hell was that?
  17. Buffalo is playing bad, but NFL officiating is wildly inconsistent at best and slanted towards a narrative at worst. Look no further than last weeks chiefs and Jets game for that. For example, if Buffalo is going to come back today, they will need to play well enough to outscore the jags by 21 instead of a 11, because those few calls will come in at key times.
  18. With this NFL narrative officating, Buffalo is going to need to play like they are down by 21 instead of 11 to come back.
  19. Buffalo is playing like Dino Babers took over the coaching today.
  20. Refs really want attention here. Had the call ready in case that wasn't a catch.
  21. To me, yesterday was a three hour ad for Taylor Swift with a game mixed in. The league only wanted that to go one way. I won't go as far as saying that it is rigged, but I think it is fair to say that to beat the Chiefs (and the Patriots with Brady), you have to play well enough to win by 10. If you play equally or even just well enough to beat them, that timely call or two will give them the edge. When I look at the hold yesterday and PI in the Superbowl, yes, those qualify as penalties, but you could find something on that in almost every play. The refs are choosing not to call those most of the time, but chose to call them at that point. Makes me wonder why they dont call that every time or why they choose to call it then. Make me also wonder why they ignore more blatant calls at the same time. If Mahomes and Brady are the GOAT's. why do they need that? It hurts the credibility of the league. Let them win on their merit.
  22. If Mahomes and Brady before him are really the GOATS, why do they need the refs giving them breaks on every game? Let them earn it. I am not a Jets fan by any means, but they were robbed of a chance to come back.
  23. Bjian Robinson on these Falcons reminds of of when Marshawn Lynch was on those Losman/Edwards Bills teams. Great player, but defenses know that their only viable offensive option.
  24. The process was good for overhauling a team in an almost 20 year drought, finding a franchise qb and becoming a playoff team again. The process currently is not good for maintaining that talent, developing your franchise QB and getting to the level of Super Bowl team. It is time for McDermott and Beane to rethink how things are being approached so that they can win the close games against contenders and get to the next level to being a top tier team. If they cannot do it this year, then it is time to consider a few changes.
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