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Everything posted by JimKellyTryouts

  1. Defense isn't really quitting, just out of gas as usual when #5 can't sustain a drive with his arm to save his life.
  2. Our newest coaching staff and FO can't (attempt to) build Rome in a day, let alone one season.
  3. Raiders probably have the worst HC/OC/DC combo - friends of mine that are fans are wanting Del Rio fired, and have preached it for months. I was thinking the difference between him in winning in Oakland and bottoming out in Jacksonville was the presence of a franchise QB, but Carr just looks like one of the most overpaid players in the league right now. They let a successful Bill Musgrave go because they thought our ol' QB coach Todd Downing was a rising OC candidate, so they promoted him and it looks like a total failure. As for defense, it's inexplicably sucked for the past several years even though Ken Norton was a very good on-paper hire from Seattle years ago. It's been a weird tenure for Reggie McKenzie - he's definitely hit on several draft picks, but Dennis Allen and Del Rio were both very bad hires. Yet another high draft pick to go with the QB, pro-bowl filled OL, passing weapons, and a defense that can be righted by proper coaching should keep them in good shape though.
  4. Joe Buscaglia is one of the few guys that doesn't sound generic and recycling what most Bills fans can already know
  5. This year is essentially a wash - Fox and Loggains will not be around for his sophomore year
  6. Wood getting extended (Har Har) just throws a wrench in these plans. I just don't get why we don't - at least - rotate Groy with Ducasse if Miller really is that bad now.
  7. Neuroscience student - this is what you call a fencing response that's an easy way to localize damage into the brainstem It's an ominous sign that is received after a concussion. Once the brainstem gets damage, your extensor muscles are contract because of a lack of input into the flexors. Worst of all, this is an UNCONSCIOUS response. The league deserves all sorts of negative publicity for this and its discontinued partnership with CTE research - far more than the **** show officiating and (imo) relatively-irrelevant anthem protests fueled by our assclown of a president.
  8. Wentz that happened, it seemed their SB chances decreased drastically.
  9. Little Joe: Cap. Hit. You would think after all the Dareus dialogue such a simple concept could be retained
  10. Marcus Peters made a complete ass of himself today. After tossing the flag, he wasn't even ejected but walked off the field with a stupid smirk on his face, then came back without socks? Such a diva that couldn't care less about his team
  11. But since Wentz is on a rookie contract, they can afford to give lots of talented players 2-4 year contracts before breaking the bank for him - no guarantee the drafted WR can be a plug-and-play talent on Jeffery's level Jordan Matthews Stats Does not compute
  12. He didn't refuse to play, he aggravated his injury when he caught the TD pass against Cincinatti the previous week. Like Week 2 against the jets the following year, he tried pushing through his injuries when he shouldn't have.
  13. SaviorPeterman's photo uses the exact same format as that one, and he posts in a similar manner. I'm all but convinced it's the same guy.
  14. White pants would look so much better than the monochrome dance costumes - and we should and could totally do it since it's not on Thursday
  15. I wasn't thinking of Pearl Jam, I immediately thought of the new, hip Nintendo console.
  16. For a younger fan, can someone explain why you guys/the team disliked Flutie? I'm a little pressed on time to listen to Thurman's audio. I've only heard positive things, and how everyone is in unison that he never should have been benched for MCM.
  17. The pace of the game and commercial breaks have been frustrating - right before the end of Q1, the 2 minute warning, this punt just now...meh
  18. The loss wasn't his fault at all - inability to run and stop the run and Adam's untimely fumble did them in. He shredded us all day.
  19. Should the hold have been called on Wood? Didn't see Dion do anything wrong
  20. Fixed the line for you He was previewing the upcoming TNF matchup with Carolina and Philly
  21. Cincy's defense doesn't look impressive at all; keep feeding 25 and we should be fine
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