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Everything posted by Buffarukus

  1. i love everything about this thread. its a perfect encapsulation of modern liberals and how they think. first the celebration of diversity. this is because they look only at skin color. "whites" are a single entity. there is no diversity or difference between polish, italian, irish, ect ect. zero cultural or historical differences. hate to break it to you all but diversity exists outside of skin color. america has always been diverse 🤯 second we have this gem. what does this mean? is this some kind of victory? you realize most our food and energy come from rural areas. i know living in cubicles stacked on top of one another is a preferred way of life for some but we need rural america. here's a good visual representation of a urban liberal. casually getting all his needs met and having no clue,or care, of how it happens. i like the halo around his head. to me that represents the virtue signal he loves to bask in all day. thats just my artistic interpretation 😉
  2. i like it. at the end of the day its a reminder that whatever your politics, we at least have our team in common. screw biden..go bills!!! 😉
  3. ha yeah i went off on a tangent again didnt i? i agree 100% with your assement on the moderate liberals needing to step up big time against the far lefts more radical agenda. unfortunatly they are the only ones left to do it. the right is seen as the enemy and the media and corporate america have fully embraced there ideas. it will require the moderates alone to reign that segment in or i predict a slaughter at midterm elections. i dont think it will happen as the moderates see the far left as opposition to conservatives. any enemy to my enemy is a friend deal. one can only hope that if the republicans do get major control, they dont advocate using it to solidify their own power the same way i see dems currently advocating. super packing the supreme court lol nice to know that there are still objective people on the interwebz. we as a society need to get back to that as holding people in (power) accountable should always be the objective regardless of the letter in front of their name. the ratings crash of the major media gives me hope that the propaganda from both sides is being questioned and tuned out. 👍
  4. what do you think of the millions of open jobs that are now offering a min of $15 a hour with signing bonuses. my place has been looking for employees for years, well before/ during/ and presently in the pandemic, essential through it all. union benefits. well over min wage. easy access to a bus route with nothing stopping anyone besides basic reading writing and standard drug test, that doesnt care about marijuana anymore as well. when your in a industry seeing that hire sign everyday. that simply cant find stable employees. while also being a person who worked 50-60 hour weeks for just enough to get by while going to college fulltime. this was years and years after most of my inner city education so i again had to work hard just to competently get in starting at community and then bachelors. has this effort corrupted my view on whats going on in this country? was that experience what made me more conservative? personally i think its because the left has shifted the overton window waay off, most of my liberal beliefs are still intact. but knowing that i climbed the hurdles that others complain can not be reached is pretty irritating. the fact race is used when i applied for the same low income loans offered to ANYONE but was EXCLUDED from many of the GRANTS that were based on race, tells me they are wrong. you seem logical, which is why im asking. how is it people look at the situation in this country and especially at PARENTS who should be willing to die to provide in a attempt to give them a better life and not lose empathy for the incredibly contradictory way that opportunity is at a all time peak yet there are still those who are making excuses for others not fighting there azz off to grab it right now. in this moment and time as long as good jobs are available i have to think its changing alot of peoples minds on why MANY, not ALL but many are "struggling" as every story i see has me asking. WHY ARENT YOU WORKING?!! your kids are counting on you! maybe thats wrong, but its honest. how are you justifying it? has your outlook changed due to the circumstances? if you read all that. lol
  5. i watched the whole interview and obviously the hypocracy is unbelievable. as a family of a victim watching her statement of how important she is must be gut wrenching for them. i think there was a more obvious issue that is overlooked. the flat out lie. she claims she had death threats from active police. when the journalist press her on it..which i think surprised her as its rare. look at her reaction. she switches it to the past. when they again ask her if she has gotten them as a gov official she says yes. but then scapegoats the topic and not giving any details is very odd. not to go into detail and present proof to get this/these officers immediately terminated and arrested for threatening a sitting member of congress? i have no doubts she's been threatened I'm certain both sides get their share of psychos but that interview is just something else moderates will hopefully see for what it is. justification through race baiting propaganda. the continuous go to for the left.
  6. did you put up a link just to do it? one paragraph from cnn where they include the source....cnn lol. seriously man that is the weakest article ive ever seen. were you hoping noone would click it? were the "increased calls to take action" three guys in the room at cnn while this paragraph was written? they took a poll and its gone up 75% 😄. hey FOX say there are screams from EVERYWHERE biden is a communist..source fox. man you hear that? everywhere is a pretty big place. then you add. send the vax swat to kick in doors or no fema for you? its called individual freedom my man. the census uptick in fl population and down in cal/ny says theres "growing calls" to allow it.
  7. i think the point your missing, or conviently ignoring, is the mandate that forced covid+ patients into nursing home...forced, as in you MUST admit these highly contagious people into a enclosed area with people, that to every human being with a working braincell are the most likely to die if it is spread. even though there was the javid and a ship was sent that was virtually empty. i know Michigan's gov did the same. cooking the books is a fraction of the story. we should not mitigate either side but the news found +15,000 people died due to this specific order. mass murder. any R gov comparable to that?
  8. i could care less about that. imo i think the dems are trying to get their guy to take the easy route so "justice" is served. aka a nice beachfront property. he disappears and this whole mass murder thing goes away. i dont need to investigate him. many news organizations have done it but if the mainstream media doesnt latch on then it quickly goes out of the publics short attention span. not mine. so no he didnt try to have sex with me but anyone who bought his bs and defends him today took it from him...ill stop there.
  9. its hilarious how the narrative so easily moved. poof doj drops investigation of how he order people with covid into nursing homes. why did he do that? why did he also enact ruling that the loved ones of said patients who contracted and died of covid could not sue the nursing homes for malpractice and neglect. why did he not use the javit center? politics, thats why. thats what he did. is intentional murder enough? and yes it was intentional. a three year old is taught to stay away from their grandparents if they are ill as ANY illness is dangerous let alone a global pandemic. options were available. numbers were skewed. not only did he do this he sold books on "leadership" that made him millions, made jokes with his brother, pulled back police on the riots destroying his city. thats what he did and is doing again to small buisnesses about vaccines. all while a segment of society gargled it down while the media passed him a emmy. so he also harrassed women and this is the nail in the coffin? he shouldnt "step down"? he shouldn't disappear onto a nice resort in a early retirement? your right cause that pos should be in a dark cell.
  10. this is why i pray to all that is holy trump does not run again. there is a 4 year narrative on him that lets be honest, he did not help himself to shake. 1/6 should put the nail in the coffin as that will be drummed into the public for 4 years. the dems seem scared to death of him regardless. the whole impeachment 2.0 with days left was meant to make them feel warm and toasty that they would not have that looming threat on a ticket. the anyone but trump crowd has softened but there is a long time to fortify again. if the Rs can start fresh and be very careful about being active against any of the previous media claims to not stick to the canidates then i think its a easy win as dems are locked into...kamala 😅😆😂. i seriously think they will primary her if/when joes icecream melts. but then again im asking trump to put his ego aside for the future of the nation, no money on that bet. regardless of what happens biden is toast with any southern states as he has flooded them with immigrants. all gun owners..thats alot of people. defund the police will be reminded in every ad for 4 years. even the way he immediately cancelled keystone. true or not people see gas prices crushing working americans and i think the overwhelming union backing he got is seriously regretting the fact jobs cant seen to hire people to pay the dues! one big caveat is how much more free money is he planning on passing out. he can definitely buy back some votes but it won't matter if inflation goes nuts at the same time. rent moratorium has ended. school loans are about to start and we are back to talking about lockdowns. yikes! i truley think people in the middle are sick of all this polarization. question is just how many are there. all we can see on large scales are internet forums which makes it seem like common sense is in short supply..but i dont see it in real life and guessing neither do you. if somehow we can rise up and demand these media companies give just a bit of time to a third party or someone with ALOT of money actually has morals i think we can finally have a shot at a third party candidate. thats the only hope of legitamatly turning this boat away from the iceburg and avoiding some type of civil war. we currently have our "leaders" abandoning there duties and issuing fines and warrants for each other all while our enemies watch. scary stuff.
  11. lol what? a nerve? i just briefly forgot that there is no discussion to be had with certain people on this board. i think its cause you changed your avatar. like i said you can save your meme, hopefully its a fresh one, for someone who hadn't gone through the bills..timewaste before. that statement you made was for calling out the other side..thats all. because thats the main point of everything you put on this board regardless of the topic. i really think this place would be better if people would just not engage with those that aren't interested in honest debate. it derails threads and nothing is gained. i apologize for breaking my own rule. like i said it won't happen again.
  12. your right. i almost engaged in a discussion with you forgetting who im talking to. i deleted it. put the trump meme you just copied and pasted away. we both know that was going to be your response regardless what i say. wont happen again.
  13. you saying "mens union" means there was a collective bargaining agreement. this means that all negotiations were represented and voted on. im not sure how on earth people who VOTE on the terms of agreements "were not given a choice" or what your talking about with the mens union? as i said, im interested in objective information that contradicts the info i given. maybe im in a biased bubble on this one. so what is it? the video states that the women declined the mens structure? so that's a lie? it states with how they made more certain years? lie? the benefits they get that the men dont was a equalizer which i doubt is a lie, since it was a factor that made their case get tossed out of court. court, that reviews evidence that me or you have prob not seen, in a liberal state. the issue is the claims all seem to suggest at most, these were buisness decisions about contracts. so the womens league should be bringing any grievance about said contracts to the union reps who negotiated but more important THE WOMEN in their union that voted on them. instead its made out to be some social justice message about gender equality and leftists just blindly agree with it as with all "causes" where "claims" are made....which is why there have been so many that have been completely debunked repeatedly. if that video is true, there will be no retraction from the mainstream narrative. there will be no apology. leftists will still use rapinoe as some face of the evil inequality women must face regardless if this was all just a self serving grift. a golden opportunity to put pressure to renegotiate a contract they want more from based soley on the political climate.
  14. the womens team are in the fifa collective bargaining agreement. heres a video that states they have CHOOSEN a different pay structure. they have been given more benifits for child care ect ect. they already went to court and lost. this case was in california, one of the most liberal states in our nation and lost. this is a obvious right leaning channel but more then happy to hear any logical counterpoints that are being overlooked on the topic. if not, this is just another left talking point that falls apart when critical thinking people scratch the surface of what is really going on..yet leftist will use it with no regard to the facts, which happens repeatedly as mainstream will never investigate the actual evidence..so one HAS to use "right wing" sources which again can be dismissed as RIGHT WING propaganda and of coarse advocated to be censored just on that label alone. its a real problem.
  15. anything on % are asymptomatic or have already had the virus? i know this country seems in short supply but there are critically thinking humans here. both vax and not want firm backed up answers to these questions and the graphs are always just yes or no. as if every case is the exact same! if people who got the virus have the same or BETTER results then the vax then you literally have possible 100,000 of thousands if not millions extra in the "vax" catagory. not talking about your data specifically just the topic of non vaxers legit reasoning and strange behavior of how info is constantly presented. i guarantee you alot of people who caught it are not going to get vaccinated and depending on the studies i fully agree with them. is there even a situation where the human body fights off and developed immunity and that was worse then a lab made one? but they arent making any studies well known regardless. why would you take a risk regardless how small when you already have immunity and why is this information not asked/updated repeatedly by our "leaders"? makes zero sense unless there is in fact a agenda to either push drug companies or keep people in a false state of fear. can anyone tell me what it is they are gaining besides skepticism by censoring so much? they have no problem talking about the rare side effect cases, so it isnt about creating hesitancy among the plebs but it is cteating alot of useful idiots (not you) screaming this is all your fault at others and NOT THEM which is a recurring theme of many narratives pushed today.
  16. im from the future and can tell you that yes indeed is what happened. i know that makes you happy but unfortunatly in 2024 the delta- omega-deceptocon strain is now out here. self nominated secretary of strains AOC said this one is resistant to vaccine #21 on instagram. she confirmed that "she sciences good" so hope is bleak. voting is the least of our concerns because what's left of the QOP fools keep leaving the 4 inch plexiglass structures graciously set up to encase us. come on man! get in the freedom pods! just another 22 weeks to stop the spread!
  17. well seeing as they had somone secretly embedded in at least one of the groups of 1/6. were working with the leader of the proudboys and MOST of the whitmer plot suspects were undercover or working with them they certainly seem to be heavily involved in alot of things going on in this country behind the scenes. undercover covert operations definatly seems to be the way they operate. cia i think is more covert ops outside the country boarders but cia, home land security, fbi..we got so many groups involved in "covert" who even knows who is tasked with what. hang on, a couple of guys in black suits just pulled up to my house. ill be right ba
  18. for a group that is supposedly covert they sure seem to routinely be finding their way into the spotlight. cant stop a simple a improper relationship? lol cant stop a insurrection whos groups were posting violent intentions all over social media. but to be fair they did stop their own plot they devised and funded to kidnap whitmer pretty quickly. 🤔
  19. vaccine passport? why hasnt he done it? kind of hard when this is going on under your watch. no?
  20. hmmm remove the "you cannot sue the drug companies for anything negative that results" since there is total trust in the vaccine saftey...right? release studies on compatible immunity between those that have had the virus and the vaccine. do people who had it even belong concidered in the group that should be vaccinated? would 1 shot suffice for them? if true how many children are already "vaccinated" since they rarely get negative effects? anyone!!!? yes? no? fact and science right? the fact simple discussion about other treatments and until recently, a major look into its origins THAT STILL HAS YET TO BE INVESTIGATED was covered up tossed as conspiracy. the face of this is a Dr. who was majorly involved with both gain of function and the lab it may have originated from. want answers on his role? the flip flopping lies through this pandemic and the arbitrary reaction by government, politicizing of EVERYTHING having to do with it while overtly censoring any topic not approved. but everyone has full trust in these institutions? yeah ok. im for vaccinating and get it over with. but the people who put blame on others for being apprehensive during this s/show are not the enemy. the fact noone feels like they can get a honest straight answer or even raise logical questions... a total lack of trust that was created by the government, media, and big tech in their actions is the reason. some people cheered it on,some still do, that's not healthy. while we are forcing people to get vaccinated can we also force officials to answer some questions a year and half later under oath or is it going to forever be tagged as propagating dangerous information? seems like a compromise to me.
  21. i agree with some of this. there will always be paid instigators that can derail good intentions to propagate a negative narrative. the issue is its always going to be hard to determine whether this is true or are activists just saying this is the case to overlook that they truly are providing cover for them. if the saboteurs aren't immediately being called out by those who are providing cover then they are doing exactly that..providing cover. so i don't see the difference with those two groups because they constantly give bs excuses for efforts that destroy the original messege as much as anyone who opposes it could, but under the cover of being on the activist side which is far worse. whites interrupting a peaceful gathering of black people to talk about the violence they face is sickening. period! which ever side your on. as for liberal arts. people need to recognize college is a buisness like any other. they hold no responsibility to anyone that they are actually offering something of worth and will create any and all disciplines from thin air to accomplish more tuition. 18 year old kids will take the path of least resistance. if i can be "guaranteed" a good living while also being able to virtue signal I'm a good person, take my money. its time the colleges degrees are looked at what for what is the actual worth of the crap they offer. that should be represented fully before those loans are taken. because yes alot of anger and frustration will result when at the end of 4 years you are holding a paper in debt with no logical use for the skill you were promised was a correct path.
  22. if theres one topic that made me turn my back on the democratic party its the way they have unapologetically supported identity politics to push their agenda. ive come on here to specifically fight against it. why? because i feel i have a somewhat unique experience of a white man who grew up in a predominantly black community. who had black neighbors, class mates, teachers, principals, bosses...all my life. ive gone to the inner city schools that have "no hope for success". ive been a minority in many situations. i came out the other side with life long friendships. with families that break bread together. people, not BLACK people that ive known since childhood. we celebrate each others accomplishments and support each other in failures. i also learned early bigotry exists in every society..regardless of skin. whether you believe me or not im telling all the unapologetic liberals out there you are on the wrong side of history. i have tried debating these issues logically and critically with a open mind. check my post history and tell me where you disagree. i stand on my words, as sloppy as they are. but every time met with, whataboutism, goal post shifting, or plain and simple avoiding the subjects. stop promoting this bullshi++. call it out for what it is..division and segragation! lets get on the same page so we can demand these teachers that have time for this use it on positivity. lets hold those in power accountable to do things that will actually make a difference in ALL young people who need help, economically or in families. why so much focus on negatives..to children no less. THIS is why there is so much pushback. communities can unite for positives, instead of bitchin on keyboards. maybe thats too idealistic. positivity? unity? foundations like trade intros to see what direction they may take. alot of money and alot of need for little or no cost. playing games with old plcs to build their own makeshift robots. thats my specialty and could easily design a class for kids to get fundamentals started. everyone gets a chance at being the boss and eveyone KEEPS the money they can earn with games where they sell cookies or crafts and have games to manage money/employee roles ect ect. no no much more important to talk about brutal history and roadblocks that will stand in the way because of other children skin. more important in this polarized climate then building skillsets and occupying time. talk about woke? no its time to wake the f up!! you keep your children learning about structures. ill take mine out and have him and all his classmates participate in building them for something like a playground they can use to make friendships on. see which lesson gets these kids a head start on being prepared in this world to change there outcome. see you at the next board meeting! 😉
  23. i think thats the point. erode immigration laws to provide corporate donors cheap labor that has no protections of a legal residents and fight against voter id laws so you can gain more power. both have been supported by one another. all wrapped up in a nice package called empathy to get the publics support. win win for all involved. people should ask themselves. trump wanted to stop illegal immigration but what did he or his party stand to gain from that stance other then being relentlessly attacked as a racist? keep in mind every single american president in our history also stressed boarder security until now.
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