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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. Whaaaaaaat?!?! Dude, QBs audible from shotgun all the freaking time! Just watch them running up to the line from shotgun screaming things out at the line and at the WRs and that's when they are audibling. Brady does it all the time. Plenty of other QBs do it all the time. Very common.
  2. Yeah, I know, that's what they said during the year. What about the end of the year? Does anyone really expect every QB to get free range playcalling and audibling from the very beginning in a brand new system? So 66% designed runs to a RB. Still way too much.
  3. http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/20796234/nfl-owners-respond-president-trump-player-protest-comments Why?
  4. Is it written in their contract that part of their job involves standing for the national anthem?
  5. Not before taking away your own rights. Plus, he can always pardon himself to make sure he's not prosecuted.
  6. Yes. Players aren't people like us and certainly aren't Americans like us. They are required to eat, sleep, ****, breathe and drink football. When making babies, they also better be thinking football. When visiting sick family members = football. Etc.
  7. Oooooohhhhh... that comment. Now I see. Completely understandable why players would get so upset.
  8. Can someone please tell me which contemptible comment the team is so upset about?
  9. Did you just say and do you actually believe the president of the US can't take away anyone's rights? I don't even know which comments they are meeting over, but he's the president of our country. Most powerful man in the world. He has the power to do just about anything. He might not get away with everything. But I don't think anyone's going to stop them from actually doing just about anything.
  10. Pretty much sums up bills games for the last 17 years, doesn't it?
  11. This. Exactly this! To be fair, are those all designed runs? Or any of them scrambles by Taylor? Those would be designed past players.
  12. Do you know that Taylor didn't have full freedom to change plays at the end of last season? Or even 2015? This is an honest question because I don't know if I've ever seen a quote from the end of the season regarding that issue. Notice what he says: It's a work in progress. Taylor does have the ability to audible in certain packages. He said that flatly. I read a poster this week who actually said that Taylor has zero say at the line of scrimmage and that he does nothing. Well, I guess we see what we want to see even when it's not the truth.
  13. And I think the counterpoint is that a lot of people here seem to be saying Peterman is clearly the better option than Taylor. If he is and gives the team the better chance to win, why isn't he starting?
  14. Umm, no. Taylor has a good season and the Bills are likely to keep him while still drafting a QB.
  15. If you have the public platform and a good cause to talk about that doesn't distract you from your own game (make your damn kicks Steven!), then there's no problem with it.
  16. So you already know what's going to happen in the upcoming games, then? Might as well not play the games And 100DollarBills spoke, thus it must be so!
  17. So we see one game where the team gains 400+ yards on offense and probably could have put 30+ points on the board if not for a couple bad bounces and one game where our offense was pitiful but our D was fantastic and you think the season's over? Pump the brakes people. It's a long NFL season and the narrative changes every single week. Another underestimated factor here is that the Broncos/Cowboys game last week was a 5+ hour game because of the weather delay. I just think there are a lot of factors at play here for Denver that are, at the very least, going to make this a MUCH closer game than most expect.
  18. Has anyone ever said Sammy isn't an Elite talent? Really? Have they? Some guys are just snakebit by the injury bug and Sammy looks like one of those guys. And while I would have liked us to keep him, I also totally understand trading him for (what looks to be) a solid starting CB and a 2nd round pick. I'm happy for Sammy and Woods and Robey-Coleman and Goodwin... they all had good games yesterday and I didn't dislike any of them in the same way I did McGahee when he left Buffalo. However, is it untrue that Sammy was injured yesterday?
  19. Problem has been how slow they are to adapt. But I'm hoping they learned a lesson from last week and expect them to come out throwing it around a bit in the beginning of the game. Just gotta hope Dawkins is at least equal to even a hobbled Glenn.
  20. Nope, i'm good. Maybe a healthy Dawkins is an upgrade over a hobbled Glenn. But bring in your friends!
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