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Everything posted by Bills4everNY

  1. And I predict that after the sucky halftime, the broadcaster will say: Wow, that was incredible!
  2. Carrots, unless they are in a carrot cake, then I love them.
  3. I love the Buffalo Blue Cheese pretzel Combos. I always get a bag when I watch a Bills game at home. I buy mine at Walgreen's. They always have the Buffalo Blue.
  4. Better titles: The Deflate Gatsby Catch 22 Deflated Balls
  5. My #2 pick - The Marx Brother's "Horse Feathers."
  6. If you think I look miserable now, wait until week 8 of the season.
  7. Pope said: Kiss my ring. Jones replied: Kiss MY rings!
  8. I bought a Lawn Boy, 21" deck, self-propelled with ready start for $300 at Home Depot 3 years ago. It mulches but also comes with a bag. Always works great. Never a problem with it.
  9. I had to work at a U2 concert many years ago. I was an usher and the band insisted that ushers, not security guards, guarded the stage so absolutely nobody in the audience jumped the stage. Every usher was being as polite and gentle as they could with the people who tried to get on stage. Near the end of the concert, some girl got halfway on stage and two ushers were trying to hold her back. Bono stopped the show, ran over and started punching the ushers. They let go and Bono brought the girl onstage. Then he said: There's a bunch of security guards roughing up our fans who want to get close to us. Security guards get the **** away from my stage.
  10. Same here. I don't do Netflix. Redbox is convenient and cheap, but I miss the old video stores.
  11. I'd bet it tastes really baaaaaad.
  12. Al Bundy because even though his family didn't respect him, he still tried his hardest for them.
  13. Beautiful comeback for the Mets tonight against the Marlins. Down 7-1, win it 8-7. Great job by the bullpen too. Let's Go Mets!!!!
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