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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. Been there many times. I see and hear fans bitching about ticket prices, elected officials saying they have given enough to pro sports etc. Maybe they can, I just hope the average fan in WNY can afford the additional taxes levied on them, PSL's, and higher parking, concession and ticket prices. If they can, kick ass! Personally I say put more money into the current stadium and tell the NFL and their money making machine to go pound sand. Or if the NFL wants it so bad, then let them fund the damn thing. But that is just me.
  2. Maybe so, again I apologize. I like the Pegulas, but unfortunately money talks, and I don't see Buffalo / WNY being able to afford a new stadium and the prices / Taxes that go with it.
  3. Guys I wasn't trying to cause issues, but this is a board for ALL Opinions. It is still my opinion, thats all it is, that until there is an actual stadium in place the Bills can move. I still don't like the fact the NFL is ok with the Bills holding off on building or making plans to build, after a multi year hard press including last year. Again, not being a jerk or trying to be, its just as I see it right now and I honest to God hope I am completely wrong. I apologize if this post, or my opinion, caused unneeded stress or angst.
  4. I would be impressed if we could just do those trades. Not taking a QB in 3rd or 4th is my only argument
  5. Unfortunately in this day and time you just don't know. He could have done it, or she is a gold digger looking for 15 min fame and some cash. Sometimes reality is in the middle somewhere.
  6. He is spot on. I have said this for years, the way to beat Brady has been shown to us. FAST LINEBACKERS! Our DL is strong, but Kyles replacement needs to be found sooner than later. McDermott's system is proven to be a damn good one, Let him fill the roster as he sees fit.
  7. That would be awesome if we could get him in the 2nd
  8. Realist. I am actually not pissed at all, in a pretty good mood today actually. It just is what it is.
  9. I don't give a damn what Terry and Kim say. I guess some of you still believe the media and in Santa and the easter bunny. Buffalo aka WNY, can NOT afford a new stadium, sorry no. Fans in WNY can't afford PSL's and jacked up ticket prices, parking prices etc. Now all of a sudden the NFL dude says its right for the Pegulas to back off working on a new stadium for awhile? Sorry folks am an old realist and right now, in light of THREE Teams moving, I say the plan is to move to Toronto. The NFL wants a team there badly, they can support the new stadium, will pay to get the Bills there and it makes the NFL more money. If you buy this Bull crap of "oh they have the greatest fans, they have history there blah blah blah" I don't know what to tell you. The NFL does not give one S#@! about us the fans, they don't care about the history of Buffalo. They care about money, and if they get a new stadium in a big new market by moving the Bills, the Bills are gonna move no matter what the Pegulas say publicly. No go ahead and rant and whatnot on this thread, it won't matter in the long run if you do or don't. I am just looking at a financial reality with the NFL, and the WNY market.
  10. Here is how you improve public image...GET A FREAKING FRANCHISE QB! Terry and Kim, fire the guy, ill send you my bill.
  11. What part of WNY and the fans cant afford a new stadium is still being missed? How many Bills fans can afford a PSL and odds are a 25% increase in tickets and parking? What companies are going to pay more for suites?
  12. Sure it does, since Polian left the front office sucks at evaluating QB's. This really isn't that hard to figure out
  13. As a backup on a low salary why not. But Draft TT's replacement
  14. Bottom line Jerry is right. Whaley sucks and isn't a Good GM. Enough is enough, they should have fired him this offseason
  15. I would agree, its best for him to retire. Young enough to still walk away, made more than enough money, but will get paid well to be in the booth.
  16. Say what you want about the guy in the video, but tough SOB, no quit, and could make any throw, from any angle, footwork, no footwork and I think Mahomes is the next Favre.
  17. How? We again won't be close enough to get any of them without trading 3 #1's. We should have cut Taylor and a couple others and started a rebuild process
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