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Everything posted by KellyToughII

  1. Agreed he is hilarious, I hate he plays for the Pats, but like the kid
  2. They are all bad asses until they get to prison
  3. He will go in the 2nd to someone potentially needing a starter in the 2nd
  4. Bills fans can't handle the Browns have done it right. Started with over 100 mil in cap room, they own the next two drafts, they are way ahead of us. Too bad the Pegulas weren't willing to clean house and start over, instead we keep trying to use Tylenol to cure cancer essentially.
  5. 54 damn pages over a backup RB? Come on folks, I know its a week before the draft but damn...
  6. At least its still not whining over Fred Jackson. Remember him? We were never going to be in the top 30 in rushing ever again once he left...
  7. At some point fans have to quit looking at what NE does. No way we can control that. Build our own bad ass team and play ball.
  8. Right? 28 pages and counting. Somewhere I forgot our Backup RB was going to guarantee the playoffs and superbowl and we have now blown that chance
  9. You do realize he was a 5th round draft pick and there are maybe 20 or more really good RB's in the draft right?
  10. It cracks me up how a backup RB can have a thread over 20 pages long
  11. Sweet Jesus, I thought I escaped this coming from BBMB, but with his post count I can see its someone who came over also
  12. That would be insane. No backup RB is worth 4 mill this year
  13. He is by far the worst, and I have no idea how this guy keeps his job.
  14. And tried. Funny Donahoe was considered really good until he went to work here... hummm....
  15. Yep. I would bet right after the draft we hear he is gone
  16. LMAO Because look at the success rate of 1st round QB's vs lower round QB's. You have to keep trying
  17. No pick is a sure thing, but you must try for a QB and keep trying.
  18. Take the QB at 10 if he is there or trade up if McDermott and Dennison feel he can be our Franchise QB. If not, Ill take any of your trade down scenarios
  19. Umm kinda like.. OH MY GOD YES!!! MEH OMG I Hate the Bills front office, typically they !@#$ every first round pick up! Im gonna jump off a bridge / Slit my wrists /Not buy season tickets / never follow the NFL Ever again /Drink the poison koolaid Or any combo there of. Kinda in that range
  20. Yep, Guilt by association. Rate the guy, now how someone from the same system did last year. I can't argue with that. Remember we are going to a WCO you don't need the biggest gun in the NFL. Peyton Manning, Brady both had "weak Arms" coming out of college.
  21. So again the Bills pass on the most important position in all of football, That would be typical. Where did the mantra at OBD come from to push backups at best out as starters and hope we make the playoffs? I mean God knows we will never make or win a superbowl with TT at the helm. Oh wait, lets wait until next year for the 21st time, oh but with TT we went 7-9 so we are out of reach for a top QB AGAIN. And the wheel keeps on turning... What is the definition of insanity again? Because that has gotten us to the playoffs so many years since our last appearance right? We have fielded TEAMS that should have been in the playoffs and more, but no QB....just like now
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