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Everything posted by GETTOTHE50

  1. they probably have the best defense in the AFC playoffs. they have a solid running game. you got to worry about ivory and yeldon too.
  2. the article is out. it does connect some dots, but it still feels like there is some speculation. the guerrero dude is very sketchy. letting that guy in seems to have been belicheats greatest mistake.
  3. keep the picks, get kirk cousins then next draft go crazy for the qb
  4. he reffed the home game against the giants in 2015 I believe. Did a crap job. also, chris carter on first things first this morning, said that according to his source, it seems like shady wont be playing at all.
  5. its going to come down to Tyrod not making mistakes and making consistent plays. i just hope clay doesnt drop the ball this game (knock on wood)
  6. They gotta sign someone. cant go into this game with 1.5 running backs. tolbert is a fullback, and McCoy is injured. Need one more person in case Murphy goes down.
  7. !@#$ the packers and the colts. two luckiest organizations in all of sports. to move on from two franchise qbs (favre, manning) to another two (rodgers, luck)? !@#$ off. i hate both teams equally
  8. Correction: the bills are a PLAYOFF team. but I agree, jax is the best team to face at the start. their home field is weak.
  9. wheres that piece of **** saviorpeterman? !@#$ that asshat
  10. The reason it's easy to blame him is because he has more opportunities to make plays than anyone else. He touches the ball virtually every offensive play, asides from stupid wildcats.
  11. I fell in love with Benjamin during the snow game. dude has guts, glad he's a bill. We stole him imo
  12. Refs are the main reason. Two huge calls on the field get overturned. One would give points to the bills, the other would take points away from the patriots (turnover on downs) it was absolutely !@#$ed and rigged
  13. thanks refs. you really had to make this game heavily favored for the patriots
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