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Everything posted by Governor

  1. Our OL dominates about 3 games a season. 6 years in and Beane hasn’t built a playoff worthy line. Dawkins is the most overrated player on our team. I can’t even blame a rookie. He shouldn’t even be out there.
  2. This team has sucked since he got back into the lineup.
  3. It isn’t uppers. It just appears that way because he has severe adhd and anxiety. If you gave him uppers, it would knock him out and he’d go to sleep.
  4. Brady really has been awful and now our defense is shot. We’re about to get steamrolled by a bunch of backups.
  5. “Is Josh a choker or a champion?” We might have our answer.
  6. He can’t see the easy throws. His field vision is awful.
  7. By a lot too. They’re clicking on all cylinders.
  8. Most of our fan base was delusional about this game. Sad!
  9. How about if he aggravates it early and goes to the tent? Sit him then?
  10. I would park Josh until next season. Use these playoffs to get the young guys some reps. TRusT thE pROcEsS!
  11. He’s been re-aggravating it every week. He will probably get a dozen snaps.
  12. You don’t need an elite QB, but you do need your QB, however good he is, to have an elite playoff run or season. Hurts, a pretty crappy QB, had an elite season and almost won. In a way, he did choke that game away at the end. Eagles offense got stuffed, KC got the punt return, game was over. Brad Johnson, another crappy QB, had an excellent post season and blew out the Raiders in the SB. Didn’t choke. Marino always choked. He was usually the reason why his team lost. Moon and Kelly same thing. All choked at crucial moments. With how well he’s playing, Flacco could definitely get to and win another SB this year. He was at one time viewed as elite. Didn’t choke in his game. Doesn’t have the choke gene. One question left to be answered. Is Josh a choker or a champion? Does he have the gene? McD is obviously a choker but sometimes a team is good enough to overcome a choking coach. Andy Reid and Wade Philips, two of the biggest chokers of all time, finally had a good enough team to overcome. It is possible. But don’t be mistaken, the gene is still inside of them. There’s no doubt in my mind that Reid would blow it again if you put the game in his hands late. You can’t suppress the gene forever and it always shows itself at the worst times. You can see it on his face. FEAR
  13. Brady killed our passing game for good so we go as far as our OL can take us. They will need to dominate from here on out.
  14. The Jags could choke but the Steelers will crush the Ravens. Our eyes should be on the Jax game and hope Touchdown Jesus can’t play for some reason.
  15. We aren’t very good. Bills: 20 Dolphins: 34
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